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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid40.4 BTS
Whitelisting accounts


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 2.058 19.38
BPSCX 0 2.303
ddc999cc sent 1,000 COMPUMATRIX.USD to
54587e2c sent 3 BTS to
1730bded sent 1,000 COMPUMATRIX.USD to
f82dfd9d sent 75.6 BTS to
df36bf6f sent 622 TRUMPTWEET to
178c43e9 sent 0.00338 OPEN.BTC to
e9a3d5d7 sent 0.021 ASHION to
750a71b0 sent 15 ETHERIA to
33e8fbda sent 0.1 DEEX to
f437c831 sent 910 VERVE to
dbe19437 sent 33.3 CRYPTOCEEDS to
83dc6808 sent 209,345,542 COMPUCEEDS to
a349db6b sent 50 BTCPLUS to
975920b4 sent 0.00613 BTCCX to
b86589e4 sent 150 BTCCASH to
2a542807 sent 1,051 BTCCORE to
985d21d5 sent 25,731 BPSCX to
0c10caa6 sent 100 BTCGOLD to
ed72e1c0 sent 4,908 ECASH to
d8ad3dc0 sent 92 ECASH to
04632da4 sent 93 VERVE to
2591ca7c sent 94 BPSCX to
7a06e770 sent 96.7 BTCCORE to
f69d35b2 sent 5 BLINC to
579ae0dd sent 98.5 BPSCX to
6cefcfb6 sent 2 ELOAD to
virtual cancel order
ca805484 wants 1,049,950 BTS for 50 BTCPLUS
virtual cancel orders (2)
5567ab05 update account/votes
ed16e18e paid 19.38 BTS for 0.0001 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
675c2f86 paid 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 4.48 BPSCX
168e729e paid 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3.72 BPSCX
9491c280 paid 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 2.956 BPSCX
aa267494 settle 0.01 OPTIONS.19AU025P
15e9dfd6 wants 0.0000079 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 2 BTS
virtual paid 0.00252 BTS for 0.00000001 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual paid 1.997 BTS for 0.00000789 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
30efe0da wants 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
422e7754 wants 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
ca17ad46 wants 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001196 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
adf85168 wants 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
b3da03ae wants 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
05081553 wants 0.00001596 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 0.00001596 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
6f53760d wants 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 0.00001197 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
0d616263 sent 5 BTS to
4da8f0ae sent 5 BTS to
0aa9a742 sent 5 BTS to
650aa451 sent 5 BTS to
56681e47 wants 0.0001 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 19.38 BTS
cd305554 wants 2.956 BPSCX for 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
cd305554 wants 3.72 BPSCX for 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
cd305554 wants 4.48 BPSCX for 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
c3b51bdf wants 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 0.561 BPSCX
c3b51bdf wants 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 1.74 BPSCX
c3b51bdf wants 0.000033 COMPUMATRIX.BTC for 2.92 BPSCX
virtual paid 2.92 BPSCX for 0.0000333 COMPUMATRIX.BTC
virtual cancel order
52be0cb0 sent 5 BTS to
ea6436a7 sent 192.5 BTS to
8eaf7327 sent 5 BTS to
70d9701e sent 5 BTS to
0788873a sent 5 BTS to
84aaaad0 sent 5 BTS to
99d30481 sent 175.2 BTS to
d2dcd1ee sent 175.2 BTS to
adeb541b sent 0.0032 OPEN.BTC to
785fae66 sent 0.0032 OPEN.BTC to
d7c389fa sent 2 BTS to
c5e8211e sent 0.00318 OPEN.BTC to
4f0bbaf7 sent 0.00294 OPEN.BTC to
ce798744 cancel order
95f44565 wants 2,900 BPSCX for 29 BTS
8a847b34 wants 1 COMPUMATRIX for 87 BTS
virtual paid 87 BTS for 1 COMPUMATRIX
44eaf549 sent 5.56 BTS to
54eddcad sent 0.5 BTCCORE to
11fa2c7f sent 209,345,542 COMPUCEEDS to