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BitShares Block Explorer


Committee Member

Votes8,072,727 BTS


Votes72,000,000 BTS
Missed1347 blocks

Voting Slate

Voting weight0 BTS
Proxy followers0

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Lifetime fees paid26,100 BTS
Cashback/vesting24.56 BTS
13,587 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 210
PROTON 0.0019
XBTSX.EOS 0.01071
CRUDE.LVRG 979,702
CRUDE.LPT 400,545
virtual sent 14,000 BTS to
virtual withdraw 13,475 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 16,001 BTS to
virtual withdraw 0.01071 XBTSX.EOS from vesting
virtual withdraw 2.657 XBTSX.DOGE from vesting
virtual withdraw 8.91 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 16,600 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 31.8 XBTSX.TUSC from vesting
virtual sent 15,000 BTS to
virtual withdraw 36.8 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 14,542 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 30,000 BTS to
virtual withdraw 43.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 29,960 BTS from vesting
926e377d sent 19,000 BTS to
5a624066 wants 12.06 BTS for 2.073 XBTSX.DOGE
virtual paid 2.073 XBTSX.DOGE for 12.06 BTS
1eb9f384 withdraw 42.2 BTS from vesting
bb1b466f withdraw 14,415 BTS from vesting
143e83be sent 103.6 IOB.XRP to
0ab7d05c sent 20 IOB.XRP to
d765b5f2 sent 10 IOB.XRP to
38d5f2dc sent 3,000 IOB.XRP to
da113f61 wants 446 IOB.XRP for 10,259 BTS
virtual paid 10,259 BTS for 446 IOB.XRP
b7da71bb wants 2,712 IOB.XRP for 62,384 BTS
virtual paid 62,384 BTS for 2,712 IOB.XRP
91565a9a wants 444 BTS for 23.55 HONEST.USD
virtual paid 23.55 HONEST.USD for 444 BTS
7b674b79 cancel order
a4c31214 paid 252 BTS for 12.26 HONEST.USD
0e0d57b1 wants 3,765 HONEST.USD for 77,384 BTS
virtual paid 232.5 BTS for 11.31 HONEST.USD
cf3a6291 withdraw 2.08 XBTSX.DOGE from vesting
5c138252 withdraw 53,674 BTS from vesting
0df40a52 withdraw 1,811 BTS from vesting
c785cd20 sent 100 BTS to
c994834b cancel order
885c731d wants 181.2 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
99df4301 cancel order
372fb0f2 wants 0.00001 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
3548fea5 cancel order
768a9ff1 wants 181.2 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
fdadc479 cancel orders (2)
ad477c9c wants 181.2 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
b8680092 wants 0.00001 BTS for 0.0019 PROTON
79f75800 wants 0.0005 BTS for 1 PROTON
virtual paid 0.998 PROTON for 0.0005 BTS
virtual cancel order
8e5caad4 sent 1,200 BTS to
a16d63eb cancel order
a69bee8b wants 181.2 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
ae3aae15 cancel order
dcfdb1a7 wants 181.3 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
dd9ebf9e cancel order
ae87f6a0 wants 181.2 BTS for 5 TATCHCOIN
446c34db withdraw 207.5 BTS from vesting
bbf7b603 sent 5,000 BTS to
6d719783 withdraw 1,447 BTS from vesting
346b51b6 sent 2 BTS to
441f26cc sent 99,800 IOB.XRP to
3f296f84 sent 200 IOB.XRP to
0f098ce8 sent 100 BTS to
0f799cd8 sent 60 BTS to
7e5d5320 withdraw 4.56 BTS from vesting
7f7ef422 sent 4,000 BTS to
784d2f4b withdraw 3,337 BTS from vesting
0f26560f update account/votes
c6c9fd9e withdraw 1,542 BTS from vesting
74fb9c82 sent 77,058 BTS to
fcae1d54 sent 34,000 BTS to
ac0a472d issue 100,000 IOB.XRP to
74d5717b update asset IOB.XRP
cba189bb create asset IOB.XRP
39ced6cf update account/votes
add2c540 withdraw 60.5 BTS from vesting
5c8f2caf withdraw 41.2 BTS from vesting
fb4ae9c9 sent 3,050 BTS to
1cfed828 withdraw 8,933 BTS from vesting
3f7d9ca2 update account/votes
cdf15a14 update account/votes
3f8721cb paid 0.0001 OPEN.XRP for 0.00055 BTS
3843560c paid 7,461 OPEN.XRP for 41,127 BTS
6d568816 paid 100 OPEN.XRP for 551 BTS
25a40008 wants 41,863 BTS for 7,595 OPEN.XRP
virtual paid 33.5 OPEN.XRP for 184.7 BTS
f6efb34d withdraw 8,053 BTS from vesting
53ed1339 update account/votes
49677534 update account/votes
e4cbb493 withdraw 373 BTS from vesting
7a3d6e87 withdraw 636 BTS from vesting
84f919c2 sent 0.0001 BTS to
b0d7002f update account/votes
0b510b87 create committee member
15ec2e4c withdraw 792 BTS from vesting
6dc91d2d withdraw 386 BTS from vesting
7fc186e4 paid 420 OPEN.XRP for 2,633 BTS
ffc13f72 paid 3,192 OPEN.XRP for 20,000 BTS
f734a3f4 paid 0.0162 OPEN.XRP for 0.1015 BTS
ef91a2e4 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
44af0cd4 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
bd96ae10 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
be1f69bc paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
fa56b3d8 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
3f1d011e paid 0.0398 OPEN.XRP for 0.2494 BTS
c7a585a5 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
aa9967f1 paid 0.9 OPEN.XRP for 5.64 BTS
38881a7c paid 0.9 OPEN.XRP for 5.64 BTS
4e1ce7fb paid 0.112 OPEN.XRP for 0.701 BTS
14a5a54a paid 1.8 OPEN.XRP for 11.28 BTS
aff309a2 paid 0.0559 OPEN.XRP for 0.35 BTS
e87d8f63 paid 0.0558 OPEN.XRP for 0.35 BTS
4b87a92b paid 0.447 OPEN.XRP for 2.8 BTS
91360582 paid 0.1957 OPEN.XRP for 1.226 BTS
8d53d2e8 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
2881283e paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
52b59569 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
ea2f4b07 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
1e97245e paid 0.0563 OPEN.XRP for 0.353 BTS
ebf329e9 paid 2.255 OPEN.XRP for 14.12 BTS
7fe0d5e8 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
9a4610b3 paid 0.596 OPEN.XRP for 3.73 BTS
1afeac7c paid 0.0563 OPEN.XRP for 0.353 BTS
290e5fa6 paid 0.2254 OPEN.XRP for 1.412 BTS
555f99a6 paid 0.54 OPEN.XRP for 3.38 BTS
f1331cfd paid 0.314 OPEN.XRP for 1.97 BTS
98993b73 paid 0.451 OPEN.XRP for 2.825 BTS
bcd4cfc1 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
bd8da1b2 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
0c249d10 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
e61a1e69 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
2a314222 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
a91bcfa0 paid 0.0571 OPEN.XRP for 0.358 BTS
886478ad paid 1.315 OPEN.XRP for 8.24 BTS
42742768 paid 1.315 OPEN.XRP for 8.24 BTS
552bb294 paid 0.329 OPEN.XRP for 2.06 BTS
df61af9a paid 0.274 OPEN.XRP for 1.717 BTS
301adab3 paid 0.057 OPEN.XRP for 0.357 BTS
2a3353ec paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
404a787c paid 0.2274 OPEN.XRP for 1.425 BTS
9fa8b2fb paid 0.9 OPEN.XRP for 5.64 BTS
79f60732 paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
d66d4315 paid 3.37 OPEN.XRP for 21.1 BTS
5dcfe0bf paid 0.9 OPEN.XRP for 5.64 BTS
65673ac2 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
f238a67d paid 0.2373 OPEN.XRP for 1.487 BTS
018caabf paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
096cf91a paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
1dd91f52 paid 7.77 OPEN.XRP for 48.7 BTS
c2e074e7 paid 0.782 OPEN.XRP for 4.9 BTS
65cee002 paid 0.1162 OPEN.XRP for 0.728 BTS
a3a26a22 paid 0.2183 OPEN.XRP for 1.368 BTS
404023d6 paid 0.1154 OPEN.XRP for 0.723 BTS
71018869 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
da8f9fdb paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
5ac44e01 paid 0.0584 OPEN.XRP for 0.366 BTS
4d7be441 paid 7.66 OPEN.XRP for 48 BTS
9d7491e7 paid 0.466 OPEN.XRP for 2.92 BTS
b40f11d1 paid 0.233 OPEN.XRP for 1.46 BTS
2766ff7c paid 0.1165 OPEN.XRP for 0.73 BTS
4708fd6d paid 0.0582 OPEN.XRP for 0.365 BTS
d89b009d paid 0.0582 OPEN.XRP for 0.365 BTS
fb255624 paid 0.233 OPEN.XRP for 1.46 BTS
c7490b4d paid 0.1165 OPEN.XRP for 0.73 BTS
4608a014 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
f0907a95 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
a06bb6df paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
0ae8479f paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
9b34f565 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
dd6dfb8c paid 7.73 OPEN.XRP for 48.4 BTS
a048f461 paid 0.385 OPEN.XRP for 2.414 BTS
c548e44d paid 0.9 OPEN.XRP for 5.64 BTS
0ce4069e paid 429 OPEN.XRP for 2,686 BTS
b21edf4e paid 0.867 OPEN.XRP for 5.43 BTS
893497f4 paid 9.01 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
58fc7505 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
922c91f1 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
6ccb78d2 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
acbc4129 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
ca1d47b7 paid 0.066 OPEN.XRP for 0.413 BTS
f7adf9ae paid 0.92 OPEN.XRP for 5.76 BTS
2638a086 paid 4.51 OPEN.XRP for 28.25 BTS
8fefccd0 paid 0.921 OPEN.XRP for 5.77 BTS
722e3571 paid 2.255 OPEN.XRP for 14.12 BTS
9939a05c paid 0.343 OPEN.XRP for 2.147 BTS
8029600a paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
e20447be paid 9 OPEN.XRP for 56.4 BTS
8fc63a4c paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
f5d40fbc paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
1ca961c5 paid 9.02 OPEN.XRP for 56.5 BTS
1c68d582 paid 11 OPEN.XRP for 68.9 BTS
f8614acb paid 0.0494 OPEN.XRP for 0.3095 BTS
c455c588 paid 5.29 OPEN.XRP for 33.1 BTS
0f62b06c paid 0.0672 OPEN.XRP for 0.421 BTS
f0a74399 paid 0.205 OPEN.XRP for 1.284 BTS
1fc9249d paid 0.0673 OPEN.XRP for 0.422 BTS
613eaf58 paid 0.535 OPEN.XRP for 3.35 BTS
eff9cdf6 paid 0.0669 OPEN.XRP for 0.419 BTS