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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight70,061 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15,743 BTS
Cashback/vesting90d - 36.4 / 439 BTS
0.000139 GDEX.EOS
0.0063 USD
0.000001 GDEX.ETH
0.00000108 GDEX.BTC
0.0053 GDEX.USDT
0.00118 XBTSX.LTC
0.01182 XBTSX.DOGE
0.000675 XBTSX.HIVE


Asset Balance Orders Collateral
BTS 8.69 1 70,000
USD 0.0001 0.1 -1,300
OPEN.LTC 0.00000257 0 0
RUBLE 0.00005 0 0
QUINT 0.1158 0 0
BRIDGE.SMART 0.00002 0 0
ZALUPA 0.038 0 0
ELECTRON 0.082 0 0
MONOCOIN 0.003 0 0
ROYAL 0.066 0 0
QVANTUM 0.15 0 0
FRESHCOIN 0.02 0 0
NEXTCOIN.X 0.0001 0 0
TERRACOIN 0.003 0 0
SWIFTCOIN 0.001 0 0
QUBIT 0.0007 0 0
UTOKEN 0.3 0 0
NICKEL 0.00003 0 0
EBAYCOM 0.00002 0 0
CROKS 0.019 0 0
TRONTRX 0.12 0 0
LIQPAY 0.031 0 0
MICROSOFTCOM 0.00001 0 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0 0
CISCOCOM 0.00002 0 0
HYPERCASH 0.004 0 0
MCDONALDSCOM 0.00002 0 0
MAESTROCASH 0.0003 0 0
XBTSX.STH 0.000009 0 0
XBTSX.XSPEC 0.00000004 1.285 0
NIKKEIINDEX 0.00001 0 0
BEOS 0.00002 0 0
READMEMO 0.1 0 0
BRENT 0.0001 0 0
CREOS 0.00000036 0 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.01 0 0
BTCLITE 0.05 0 0
XBTSX.EXR 1,000 0 0
OPTIONS.J19CALL 0.01 0 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0 0
OPTIONS.20JAGB3P 0.01 0 0
OPTIONS.20JAGU5C 0.00036 0 0
OPTIONS.20JACN3C 0.00518 0 0
OPTIONS.21JA1USD 0.01 0 0
OPTIONS.20NO2EUR 0.01 0 0
HONEST.MONEY 0.1096 0 0
HONEST.M2XBSTH 4,172 0 0
HONEST.M2XBTUSC 12,224 0 0
BENCHX 100,000 0 0
XBTSX.XBB 0 0.000025 0
EUR 0 0 -235.3
virtual sent 0.0000487 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 74,282 XBTSX.TUSC from vesting
virtual withdraw 0.00000015 XBTSX.BTC from vesting
virtual withdraw 1.002 XBTSX.USDT from vesting
virtual withdraw 41.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 32.6 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 63.6 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 31.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 28.46 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 84.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 80.9 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 41.7 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 183.4 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000996 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 0.0001992 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 5,000 BTS to
virtual sent 0.000332 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 0.0000665 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 0.0001995 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 4,000 BTS to
virtual sent 1,000 BTS to
virtual sent 10,000 BTS to
virtual withdraw 33.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 38.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 78 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 47 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 15.1 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0001052 HONEST.BTC to
virtual withdraw 230.6 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 27,000 BTS to
virtual sent 50,000 BTS to
virtual sent 30,000 BTS to
virtual withdraw 908 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 93.3 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 725 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000207 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual sent 0.0001499 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual wants 0.00015 XBTSX.BTC for 493 BTS
virtual paid 493 BTS for 0.00015 XBTSX.BTC
virtual withdraw 184 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 122.1 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 102.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 121.8 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 345 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 138 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 227.7 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 414 BTS from vesting
virtual paid 6.67 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual paid 6.33 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual paid 8.67 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual paid 8.33 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual paid 7.67 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual paid 7.33 BTS for 1,000 HONEST.MONEY
virtual withdraw 93 BTS from vesting
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 6 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 6.33 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 6.67 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 7 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 7.33 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 7.67 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 8 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 8.33 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 8.67 BTS
virtual wants 1,000 HONEST.MONEY for 9 BTS
virtual withdraw 364 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 201.3 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 216.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 57.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 17.5 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000686 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 167 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 232.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 140.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 241 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 61.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 186 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 74 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 66.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 71 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 78.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 82.1 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 68.8 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000839 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 125 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 78.7 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 62 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 37.6 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 121.3 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 87.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 372 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 95 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 82 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.000049 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 104.5 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000455 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 99.7 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000402 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 90.7 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000193 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 46.1 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 72.3 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 69.4 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 95.8 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 111.8 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0001532 HONEST.BTC to
virtual withdraw 15.27 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 68.8 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 51.2 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 54.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 101.3 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 80.6 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 167.4 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000818 HONEST.BTC to
virtual withdraw 28.05 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 40.1 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 121 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 80.7 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 27.73 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 229.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 51.9 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 30.14 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 95.2 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.0000587 HONEST.BTC to
virtual withdraw 98.2 BTS from vesting
virtual sent 0.00001228 XBTSX.BTC to
virtual withdraw 32.5 BTS from vesting
virtual withdraw 97.2 BTS from vesting