立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight3.4 BTS
Lifetime fees paid266.3 BTS
Cashback/vesting0 BRIDGE.BCO
3.91 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 30.2 0
BRIDGE.BCO 1,043 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0002755 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.FOR 0.000072 0
BRIDGE.KLK 0.0767 0
BRIDGE.WSP 0.000001 0
BRIDGE.SHND 4,465 4,465
BRIDGE.SMART 0.00923 0
BRIDGE.MAG 0.000002 0
BRIDGE.ARTX 0.02196 0
BRIDGE.DSR 0.00287 0
BRIDGE.JOY 0.00012 0
BRIDGE.CMOS 0.0539 0
BRIDGE.SZC 0.054 0
BRIDGE.RNS 0.00069 0
BRIDGE.STAK 0.00194 0
BRIDGE.LPA 0.0517 0
BRIDGE.DYN 0.001014 0
BRIDGE.SEQ 0.000605 0
BRIDGE.TOA 0.1858 0
BRIDGE.ZOI 0.000234 0
BRIDGE.TIN 0.001583 0
BRIDGE.RAP 0.0086 0
BRIDGE.DGF 0.00652 0
BRIDGE.END 0.02016 0
BRIDGE.SEND 0.00502 0
BRIDGE.XMCC 0.001166 0
BRIDGE.SCORE 0.000474 0
BRIDGE.SUPPO 0.00621 0
BRIDGE.XAR 0.1102 0
BRIDGE.MUN 0.000203 0
BRIDGE.EXUS 0.00842 0
BRIDGE.ICH 0.0000003 0
BRIDGE.ERZ 0.00276 0
UTOKEN 0.3 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.CTF 0.00741 0
BRIDGE.BHD 0.01054 0
BRIDGE.GNR 0.002996 0
BRIDGE.RVR 0.000923 0
BRIDGE.ADV 0.000306 0
BRIDGE.VIVO 0.0000111 0
BRIDGE.PURE 0.0000003 0
BRIDGE.TGAO 0.002644 0
BRIDGE.FRM 0.00213 0
BRIDGE.AGN 0.001415 0
BRIDGE.ZEX 0.0000021 0
BRIDGE.KNG 0.000034 0
BRIDGE.NYX 0.0000086 0
BRIDGE.ROE 0.0000389 0
BRIDGE.GRLC 0.00011 0
RUDEX.SCR 0.0000001 0
FORDCOM 0.00001 0
LITT 1,011,336 0
XBTSX.STH 0.00929 0
RUDEX.WLS 199 199
BRIDGE.ETH 0.000245 0
XBTSX.EXR 1,000 0
virtual cancel order
d0c80c00 sent 800 BTS to
8f332081 wants 174.2 BTS for 6.08 USD
virtual paid 6.08 USD for 174.2 BTS
036a2041 wants 625 BTS for 62.5 RUDEX.STEEM
virtual paid 0.004 RUDEX.STEEM for 0.0458 BTS
virtual paid 0.893 RUDEX.STEEM for 10.11 BTS
virtual paid 0.895 RUDEX.STEEM for 10.01 BTS
virtual paid 0.895 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.91 BTS
virtual paid 0.895 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.81 BTS
virtual paid 0.894 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.72 BTS
virtual paid 0.895 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.62 BTS
virtual paid 0.894 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.52 BTS
virtual paid 0.938 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.9 BTS
virtual paid 0.939 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.939 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.939 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.61 BTS
virtual paid 0.938 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.52 BTS
virtual paid 0.939 RUDEX.STEEM for 9.42 BTS
virtual paid 50.6 RUDEX.STEEM for 506 BTS
dd847676 withdraw 25.1 BTS from vesting
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
21cdcbf7 sent 0.001646 BRIDGE.BTC to
f5ce0fc2 wants 0.001307 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.SMART
virtual paid 1,500 BRIDGE.SMART for 0.001307 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6ba04bf5 sent 0.0527 BRIDGE.ETH to
024ec33a wants 0.052 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.001632 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001632 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.052 BRIDGE.ETH
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
634d09ca wants 10 BUILDTEAM for 75 BTS
virtual paid 75 BTS for 10 BUILDTEAM
abc5f4ec sent 420 BTS to
11d2d093 wants 426 BTS for 307.7 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 7 RUDEX.WLS for 9.73 BTS
virtual paid 7.5 RUDEX.WLS for 10.44 BTS
virtual paid 286 RUDEX.WLS for 398 BTS
virtual paid 7.19 RUDEX.WLS for 9.98 BTS
05b2e221 wants 57.1 BTS for 0.00069 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00069 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.5 BTS
cedce23e cancel order
23f42b35 wants 57.7 BTS for 0.00069 BRIDGE.BTC
28fd4626 cancel order
31a7ed40 wants 57.7 BTS for 0.00069 BRIDGE.BTC
2440088a sent 400 BTS to
09da11fe wants 392 BTS for 0.00428 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.00185 BTS
virtual paid 0.00021 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.37 BTS
virtual paid 0.000543 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.000543 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.000543 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.001012 BRIDGE.BTC for 93.2 BTS
virtual paid 0.000543 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.000544 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.000346 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.8 BTS
e90de955 cancel order
48b2c142 wants 399 BTS for 0.00428 BRIDGE.BTC
f3fd4ffc withdraw 1,045 BRIDGE.BCO from vesting
61fa0d44 sent 550 BTS to
69ec5d43 wants 518 BTS for 343 RUDEX.SCR
virtual paid 343 RUDEX.SCR for 518 BTS
virtual cancel order
27cc29a8 sent 700 BTS to
2c9cb955 wants 688 BTS for 900 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 232 RUDEX.WLS for 177.4 BTS
virtual paid 668 RUDEX.WLS for 510 BTS
3fd130b0 cancel order
ec7b0a82 wants 765 BTS for 900 RUDEX.WLS
e3d0e54b withdraw 65.3 BTS from vesting
9363f905 wants 500 BTS for 100 RUDEX.WLS
5548999e sent 450 BTS to
a40195eb sent 49 BTS to
b8d9f48c cancel order
fe43b1c2 paid 100 RUDEX.WLS for 500 BTS
49928178 wants 500 BTS for 100 RUDEX.WLS
851763fa paid 0.001794 BRIDGE.WSP for 0.00043 BTS
virtual cancel order
14a35962 sent 570 BTS to
27b5bc75 wants 65.3 BTS for 0.001018 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000479 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.74 BTS
virtual paid 0.000539 BRIDGE.BTC for 34.6 BTS
597e5bdc paid 100 RUDEX.WLS for 500 BTS
0537ebf8 wants 500 BTS for 100 RUDEX.WLS
e668e050 paid 0.847 RUDEX.WLS for 8.47 BTS
84dee5fe wants 1,000 BTS for 100 RUDEX.WLS
0e840b54 sent 0.001188 BRIDGE.BTC to
e820486b sent 0.00345 BRIDGE.BTC to
4d1182a4 paid 0.0195 BRIDGE.MOUSE for 0.00001 BTS
cfdea68a sent 50 LITT to
c8b2f8a8 sent 10 LITT to
d795c361 sent 10 LITT to
ec73c552 sent 10,000 LITT to
88a030fb sent 1,000 LITT to
a8b89569 sent 100 LITT to
1e5cdd60 sent 10 LITT to
c8cb9eb9 sent 10 LITT to
d6ecb033 sent 10 LITT to
7d73af91 update account/votes
2ccda345 sent 50 LITT to
b6c17d99 sent 10 LITT to
e55ef254 sent 10 LITT to
fc4c4cff sent 50 LITT to
da05fbc4 sent 10 LITT to
991b5b51 sent 0.000917 BRIDGE.BTC to
759b5ee2 sent 10 LITT to
384e46ee paid 0.000193 BRIDGE.MAG for 0.00007 BTS
virtual cancel order
6da14cbb sent 10 LITT to
240caf06 sent 100 LITT to
1a6c3e1b sent 10 LITT to
9abc7da5 sent 100 LITT to
a71bbfa3 sent 10 LITT to
8e92e428 sent 100 LITT to
0a28de81 sent 10 LITT to
312379fc sent 10 LITT to
accb4875 sent 5 LITT to
dfdd6ecd sent 5 LITT to
a127c633 sent 5 LITT to
db22b03b sent 5 LITT to
f65301f0 sent 5 LITT to
f710206d sent 5 LITT to
48dab0db sent 5 LITT to
340c5564 sent 5 LITT to
be51b73e sent 5 LITT to
9aa30def sent 5 LITT to
4e8ba187 sent 69 LITT to
ef156b7a sent 10 LITT to
aee4a4ba sent 50 LITT to
d866c787 sent 0.001038 BRIDGE.BTC to
aa0e943a sent 50 LITT to
33025e49 sent 50 LITT to
8a2dc6cc sent 50 LITT to
c2f33967 sent 50 LITT to
8e84a16a sent 100 LITT to
a36765a6 sent 10 LITT to
317b24fb sent 1,330 BRIDGE.SMART to
1b27e65d wants 1,332 BRIDGE.SMART for 0.01592 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01592 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,332 BRIDGE.SMART
61908f44 sent 50 LITT to
5a2055c5 sent 100 LITT to
ced3ce6b sent 0.001098 BRIDGE.BTC to
dc375396 sent 100 LITT to
8cc860e8 paid 0.00151 BRIDGE.BBK for 0.00001 BTS
c0c8af42 sent 50 LITT to
1321c830 sent 50 LITT to
4a6ea3d0 sent 100 LITT to
53a2c066 paid 0.0008 BRIDGE.LUCKY for 0.00001 BTS
f4735b7e sent 100 LITT to
aaa1ff70 sent 100 LITT to
75afd87e sent 100 LITT to
a3faedbb sent 100 LITT to
cb7d3110 sent 100 LITT to
65afa6e8 sent 50 LITT to
f619dfe9 sent 50 LITT to
f1dbdadd sent 5 LITT to
f2f510d8 sent 5 LITT to
59411fc7 sent 5 LITT to
448562f7 sent 69 LITT to
7311df5e sent 69 LITT to
c9a2fda7 sent 0.69 LITT to
558d6171 sent 100 LITT to
a51241ea sent 100 LITT to
78da6673 sent 5 LITT to
76c3de26 sent 0.2 BTS to
08034f1f sent 100 LITT to
cb986538 sent 100 LITT to
9a5946fd sent 0.001404 BRIDGE.BTC to
138140dd sent 100 LITT to
da454445 sent 100 LITT to
f9f2eae5 sent 100 LITT to
f9b39699 paid 5 LITT for 5 USD
aac37504 sent 5 LITT to
37010760 paid 1.08 LITT for 1.086 USD
f7015243 sent 100 LITT to
6348423a sent 100 LITT to
66d4ff52 sent 100 LITT to
8fec9e42 sent 5 LITT to
cb95c0c3 sent 5 BTS to
0980ff7e sent 5 LITT to
d5357a56 sent 10 LITT to
f826310b sent 100 LITT to
82c02a14 sent 5 LITT to
be67fffb paid 0.0723 BRIDGE.MAG for 0.02627 BTS
28a761d3 sent 5 LITT to
42cca4c5 sent 5 LITT to
53322fe2 sent 100 LITT to
4d6092da sent 100 LITT to
e6b4db93 sent 10 LITT to
96d1990a sent 150 LITT to