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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS8edTqzdx7dxfWDYGSS22KzmnQ7rkuEiYbXy1UwD3NH7jsiZXoW 1 50%
BTS8j82wY2REHeNXATakswwrodCtKVGEVFyjfLUX5XRoScN6NyDrW 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
BTS7azD4tKH1e7WT5PfLHJWBU9phayQP6s8wDnyBHeEJ548MJnyd4 1 50%
BTS7t4DneSJ9eid29LzYPvXTKC7V8XnGigegXRwvHRPPtJmbW2axD 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight0.222 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7,747 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
Cashback/vesting3.55 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.942
SHMITS 2,000
OPEN.PPC 0.00000101
DEEX 0.0211
BRIDGE.POLY 0.001634
OPEN.SCR 0.0000476
CEMENT 0.003
NICKEL 0.00004
LIQPAY 0.014
FORDCOM 0.00001
LITT 0.19
40faaab3 sent 3.95 BTS to
3630d28a sent 5.82 BTS to
46097f0f sent 1.477 BTS to
eb409b40 sent 21 BTS to
570087e6 withdraw 25.75 BTS from vesting
00a48d66 sent 1.6 BTS to
53969846 wants 2.15 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 2.15 BTS
virtual cancel order
cf105d9f cancel order
5b791f6b wants 2.31 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
3a55b40a cancel order
3748ec99 wants 1.76 OBITS for 11.53 OPEN.SCR
f9d1bb71 sent 2 BTS to
51c3d9f6 wants 2.216 BTS for 11.53 OPEN.SCR
e562b65d paid 11.53 OPEN.SCR for 2.216 BTS
cf62874d cancel order
4cadd248 wants 2.308 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
f14046ed cancel order
cff70c80 wants 2.31 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
78a36504 cancel order
51763e51 wants 2.355 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
1906f3f8 cancel order
7e02dfac wants 2.564 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
22c0fa22 cancel order
f43eb889 wants 2.885 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
53e3498f cancel order
8c87b481 wants 3.85 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
975f08fc sent 17.5 BTS to
69001115 sent 1 BTS to
2a06cc35 paid 11.5 OPEN.SCR for 4.6 BTS
cf47d2af paid 0.01688 OPEN.SCR for 0.00675 BTS
f018babb wants 4.61 BTS for 11.53 OPEN.SCR
3c704c44 wants 14.64 BTS for 0.652 USD
virtual paid 0.652 USD for 14.64 BTS
ba95574a sent 6 USD to
4ac0759a sent 5 BTS to
5af6b162 sent 35 BTS to
5d7af496 sent 25 BTS to
c63cb7b1 wants 67.4 BTS for 3 USD
virtual paid 3 USD for 67.4 BTS
b950f9b9 cancel order
77d78925 wants 0.133 BTS for 0.19 LITT
d0bf1ed9 cancel order
363ba112 wants 0.171 BTS for 0.19 LITT
a61a911d cancel order
a2dd3c46 wants 0.1805 BTS for 0.19 LITT
35ab8306 wants 0.2385 BTS for 0.00000103 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000103 OPEN.BTC for 0.2385 BTS
122dcd91 wants 0.00000103 OPEN.BTC for 1.03 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 1.03 OPEN.SCR for 0.00000103 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
7e8d4a1c cancel order
36f42f38 wants 0.219 BTS for 1.03 OPEN.SCR
93e38abd cancel order
dd446910 sent 1.8 BTS to
320e26bc cancel order
db75359f wants 2.105 BTS for 10.53 OPEN.SCR
072c5e32 paid 10.5 OPEN.SCR for 2.1 BTS
ca6e7f2b cancel order
a200b0ab wants 2.63 BTS for 10.51 OPEN.SCR
ff5a1ef7 wants 0.2 USD for 1 OPEN.SCR
21e4ccf8 cancel order
fb2e5412 wants 0.2 USD for 5 OPEN.SCR
96d43632 cancel order
39af0602 wants 0.1538 USD for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
d36465fb cancel order
0e630b86 wants 0.2305 USD for 11.53 OPEN.SCR
4dee9ee2 cancel order
a0a33148 wants 2.885 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
34f2d291 cancel order
ebec6efa wants 3.46 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
902673c2 cancel order
a4160016 wants 4.04 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
3773388a cancel order
d73d2474 wants 4.49 BTS for 11.53 OPEN.SCR
a77e2631 sent 1.966 BTS to
218d737d wants 2.33 BTS for 11.64 OPEN.SCR
5559c064 paid 11.64 OPEN.SCR for 2.33 BTS
bf22cd94 cancel order
9eb26eeb wants 2.68 BTS for 11.64 OPEN.SCR
edc2de29 cancel order
d2d78f70 wants 2.77 BTS for 11.64 OPEN.SCR
37ace975 cancel order
611a20c9 wants 2.91 BTS for 11.64 OPEN.SCR
7fe521ed sent 2 BTS to
734993e0 wants 0.175 OPEN.SCR for 0.07 BTS
virtual paid 0.07 BTS for 0.18 OPEN.SCR
588b3192 wants 0.125 OPEN.SCR for 0.05 BTS
virtual paid 0.05 BTS for 0.1287 OPEN.SCR
1611b987 cancel order
b433c133 wants 0.25 OPEN.SCR for 0.05 BTS
virtual paid 0.0131 BTS for 0.0655 OPEN.SCR
551c1053 wants 2.316 BTS for 11.58 OPEN.SCR
37cfb8f2 paid 11.58 OPEN.SCR for 2.316 BTS
d8479046 sent 0.1242 BTS to
a059e84f wants 0.16 OPEN.SCR for 0.0352 BTS
virtual paid 0.0352 BTS for 0.16 OPEN.SCR
5ed19fd2 cancel order
84867412 wants 0.19 OPEN.SCR for 0.039 BTS
9de95618 cancel order
20d25858 wants 0.26 OPEN.SCR for 0.0533 BTS
virtual paid 0.00094 BTS for 0.00459 OPEN.SCR
f6ddc11d sent 2.45 BTS to
a8253c66 wants 2.46 BTS for 11.4 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.4 OPEN.SCR for 2.46 BTS
virtual cancel order
a9fd8bc5 cancel order
f5fc9868 wants 4.44 BTS for 11.5 OPEN.SCR
918411af sent 2 BTS to
0467cd09 wants 2.2 BTS for 11 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11 OPEN.SCR for 2.2 BTS
virtual cancel order
060fddae cancel order
e3c68609 cancel order
8f8d8554 wants 0.0355 BTS for 0.1776 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 0.1776 OPEN.SCR for 0.0355 BTS
virtual cancel order
62aa2996 wants 1.65 BTS for 5.69 OPEN.SCR
62aa2996 wants 1.65 BTS for 5.78 OPEN.SCR
876dc386 sent 2.615 BTS to
c7868b7f wants 1.55 BTS for 5.64 OPEN.SCR
c7868b7f wants 1.55 BTS for 5.74 OPEN.SCR
d37be035 paid 5.74 OPEN.SCR for 1.55 BTS
virtual paid 5.64 OPEN.SCR for 1.55 BTS
b7d7d2b1 sent 2.51 BTS to
9ae20afc wants 1.52 BTS for 5.53 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 5.53 OPEN.SCR for 1.52 BTS
virtual cancel order
4430b0ab cancel order
dc4f4a64 wants 1.5 BTS for 5.45 OPEN.SCR
dc4f4a64 wants 1.5 BTS for 5.46 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 5.46 OPEN.SCR for 1.5 BTS
virtual cancel order
c3b6f47b sent 2.684 BTS to
f0888322 wants 1.004 BTS for 3.62 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 3.62 OPEN.SCR for 1.004 BTS
virtual cancel order
474e66ce cancel order
5c37af07 wants 2.193 BTS for 3.38 OPEN.SCR
5c37af07 wants 2.193 BTS for 7.92 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 7.92 OPEN.SCR for 2.193 BTS
virtual cancel order
42bf0731 sent 4.16 BTS to
9bc69d77 wants 1.68 BTS for 5.94 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 5.94 OPEN.SCR for 1.68 BTS
virtual cancel order
7545c1b3 cancel order
75cfa12c wants 1.98 BTS for 5.94 OPEN.SCR
42fdadf5 cancel order
05de8685 wants 2.377 BTS for 5.94 OPEN.SCR
6cee6f20 cancel order
5064732a cancel order
4a182cfb wants 3 BTS for 5.7 OPEN.SCR
4a182cfb wants 3 BTS for 10.6 OPEN.SCR
98f64c59 paid 10.6 OPEN.SCR for 3 BTS
612d5a96 sent 2.81 BTS to
33de9f75 wants 3.22 BTS for 11.58 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.58 OPEN.SCR for 3.22 BTS
virtual cancel order
959358e6 sent 4 BTS to
66e69ef5 wants 2.25 BTS for 5.63 OPEN.SCR
66e69ef5 wants 2.25 BTS for 5.85 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 5.85 OPEN.SCR for 2.34 BTS
virtual cancel order
a307fb0e paid 5.63 OPEN.SCR for 2.25 BTS
8a33fb0d sent 5.69 BTS to
6d682676 wants 6 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 6 BTS
virtual cancel order
3e7f4575 sent 5.4 BTS to
3f85270d wants 5.9 BTS for 11.57 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.57 OPEN.SCR for 5.9 BTS
virtual cancel order
ad83036e sent 5.25 BTS to
ac4126b6 wants 5.88 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 5.88 BTS
virtual cancel order
996462a5 sent 5 BTS to
92e1994e wants 5.42 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 5.42 BTS
virtual cancel order
7806dff3 sent 4 BTS to
a97e430c wants 4.04 BTS for 11.55 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.55 OPEN.SCR for 4.04 BTS
virtual cancel order
c2af8cdb cancel order
2f4cf950 wants 8.08 BTS for 11.55 OPEN.SCR
d2182dc2 sent 12 BTS to
adf599ba wants 12.57 BTS for 35.9 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 35.9 OPEN.SCR for 12.57 BTS
virtual cancel order
b08961f5 sent 8.2 BTS to
f0fb24e2 wants 8.46 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 8.46 BTS
virtual cancel order
e493c99f sent 8 BTS to
90c6e5a7 wants 8.3 BTS for 11.54 OPEN.SCR
virtual paid 11.54 OPEN.SCR for 8.3 BTS
virtual cancel order
f0e0687f sent 9.4 BTS to