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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.543 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.69 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.543
CNY 0.0863
SEED 516
c40938ae sent 46,670 CNY to
60be16a5 sent 46,670 CNY to
e7a70a76 sent 12,679 BTS to
60e2f2ee cancel order
94009aba wants 57,056 CNY for 12,679 BTS
20e583ec cancel order
632abcce wants 55,788 CNY for 12,679 BTS
5c92cf50 wants 12,679 BTS for 49,830 CNY
virtual paid 754 CNY for 192 BTS
virtual paid 49,076 CNY for 12,487 BTS
1472cb2e sent 9,483 BTS to
241f8b08 wants 5,212 BTS for 23,000 CNY
virtual paid 23,000 CNY for 5,215 BTS
b542c00f cancel order
17faf100 wants 9,404 BTS for 41,000 CNY
virtual paid 10,900 CNY for 2,500 BTS
virtual paid 6,976 CNY for 1,600 BTS
0d777ead paid 681 CNY for 156.2 BTS
1dc289d2 paid 50.6 CNY for 11.6 BTS
b02183a2 cancel order
2302fe02 wants 10,930 BTS for 41,643 CNY
4755f8b0 wants 2,550 CNY for 600 BTS
virtual paid 600 BTS for 2,550 CNY
657e566c cancel order
b220c072 wants 37,457 CNY for 8,833 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 4.28 CNY
virtual paid 8,832 BTS for 37,537 CNY
88624cf8 paid 119.8 BTS for 515 CNY
84ff0b78 wants 4,130 CNY for 960 BTS
virtual paid 18.05 BTS for 77.6 CNY
virtual paid 23.26 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 100 BTS for 430 CNY
virtual paid 99.7 BTS for 429 CNY
abcb9202 wants 9,793 BTS for 40,153 CNY
virtual paid 40,153 CNY for 9,793 BTS
abccf29c wants 0.1 BTS for 0.5 CNY
virtual paid 0.5 CNY for 0.1014 BTS
bea5af82 sent 15,110 CNY to
cb791d71 sent 2,500 CNY to
05b6390a sent 2,856 BTS to
3a16a81f sent 1,280 OPEN.EOS to
0fc7910c sent 1 OPEN.EOS to
535832d0 sent 261.3 USD to
72e4309b cancel order
4cfeb641 wants 262.6 OPEN.USDT for 260 USD
eb5d6b9c cancel order
f074951d wants 263 OPEN.USDT for 260.3 USD
ee5971dd cancel order
e3b38122 wants 264 OPEN.USDT for 261.3 USD
3004f809 wants 50.6 USD for 6.15 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 6.15 OPEN.EOS for 50.6 USD
virtual cancel order
5b3b669d wants 210.7 USD for 25.57 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.000011 OPEN.EOS for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 25.57 OPEN.EOS for 210.7 USD
virtual cancel order
b7eec763 cancel order
ef039e8d wants 880 USD for 100 OPEN.EOS
f4daac6c paid 122 CNY for 2 OPEN.EOS
fbe1b488 wants 2 OPEN.EOS for 122 CNY
ad1e346c cancel order
da44ac6a wants 12,571 CNY for 2,857 BTS
aaad7014 paid 8,360 CNY for 2,388 BTS
6a226c33 paid 1,640 CNY for 469 BTS
931a59ff wants 2,857 BTS for 10,000 CNY
a99a63e4 cancel order
c48dbbe1 wants 4,237 YOYOW for 10,000 CNY
e411eab9 cancel order
41ba7d0a wants 3,115 BTS for 10,000 CNY
c826ef2f sent 52 CNY to