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BitShares Block Explorer


Voting Slate

Voting weight0 BTS
Proxy followers0

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Lifetime fees paid0.414 BTS


Asset Balance
CNY 0.349
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
f0601578 sent 0.1 DEEX to
9d103ea4 sent 21.88 BTS to
2b6a72f3 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
35ec2f07 sent 1,231 OPEN.EOS to
c93dd521 paid 3,089 CNY for 61.7 OPEN.EOS
2458aa6d wants 61.7 OPEN.EOS for 3,089 CNY
dfb17036 cancel order
05dc92f5 wants 62.8 OPEN.EOS for 3,089 CNY
b2b4ab2e wants 468 CNY for 9 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 9 OPEN.EOS for 468 CNY
6a6f2cf4 cancel order
a8830b24 wants 12 CNY for 0.2305 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.2305 OPEN.EOS for 12 CNY
e6d524d2 wants 62 OPEN.EOS for 2,609 CNY
3183fe0d cancel order
62ec6721 wants 62,484 CNY for 1,179 OPEN.EOS
5d3955ca wants 2,609 CNY for 50.1 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 50.1 OPEN.EOS for 2,609 CNY
virtual cancel order
3aa58513 cancel order
d789fe9c wants 66,612 CNY for 1,229 OPEN.EOS
43e29e82 update account/votes
1b449f76 sent 0.412 BTS to
920e4be8 sent 40.7 CNY to
7020c189 sent 629 OPEN.EOS to
c341f71d paid 4,299 CNY for 58.1 OPEN.EOS
2d549140 paid 7,400 CNY for 100 OPEN.EOS
ce168492 paid 7,400 CNY for 100 OPEN.EOS
ffc0eac9 paid 7,399 CNY for 100 OPEN.EOS
321f5d2e paid 7,400 CNY for 100 OPEN.EOS
77f78054 wants 620 OPEN.EOS for 45,880 CNY
virtual paid 9,618 CNY for 130 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 2,363 CNY for 31.9 OPEN.EOS
a54d6410 paid 1.717 CNY for 0.0232 OPEN.EOS
64554124 cancel order
d1b9ca96 paid 750 CNY for 10.4 OPEN.EOS
2a13003e wants 648 OPEN.EOS for 46,656 CNY
468ecca1 sent 9,487 BTS to
fcd9de8f sent 1,281 OPEN.EOS to