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BitShares Block Explorer



2 66.7%
BTS5zD1rcy4FSq2yyH8WQ7rrkZowJjYWzRa8Zb1dWGxRTFy41uEk3 1 33.3%
Threshold 1 33.3%
Votes as
Voting weight3.73 BTS
Lifetime fees paid39.1 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 3.73
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
eadd9462 update account/votes
79fe2c0c sent 0.1 DEEX to
3e7ae870 sent 352 BTCPLUS to
9bd56329 cancel order
6b6f086a sent 1,900 BTCPLUS to
36079a83 cancel order
bbac8838 sent 492 BTCPLUS to
2ad37133 cancel order
f9252536 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
4ff4cca3 sent 496 BTCPLUS to
4af33449 cancel order
7e265412 sent 15 BTS to
5c1d08fc wants 352 BTC for 352 BTCPLUS
dde197e4 wants 179.8 BTCPLUS for 40 BTS
virtual paid 40 BTS for 179.8 BTCPLUS
e4acfeca sent 5 BTS to
1a907f41 sent 4 BTS to
3fdf7b02 update account/votes
dcbe889e sent 5 BTS to
d31a6b93 wants 200.2 BTCPLUS for 60 BTS
virtual paid 60 BTS for 200.2 BTCPLUS
98e14ed9 wants 1,900 BTC for 1,900 BTCPLUS
0bedbceb wants 2,010 BTCPLUS for 424 BTS
virtual paid 424 BTS for 2,010 BTCPLUS
dc265a72 sent 20 BTS to
9b546692 sent 20 BTS to
66e8ab62 update account/votes
8c160ac5 update account/votes
9d637b5a sent 165 BTS to
c7ceff1c paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000352 BTCPLUS
f43c73c6 update account/votes
7112cbb6 wants 492 BTC for 492 BTCPLUS
ac218ad7 paid 155 BTS for 546 BTCPLUS
86a3259e wants 546 BTCPLUS for 155 BTS
1e6cbdeb sent 5 BTS to
7a32efd7 sent 539 BTCPLUS to
4170bef9 cancel order
52466925 wants 2,230,329 USD for 496 BTCPLUS
ef0a308e wants 551 BTCPLUS for 62 BTS
virtual paid 62 BTS for 551 BTCPLUS
f1d3754e wants 1,615,482 USD for 539 BTCPLUS
baf95b21 cancel order
6d32a680 wants 1,455,389 USD for 539 BTCPLUS
44af5fb4 cancel order
d093d621 wants 1,456,925 USD for 505 BTCPLUS
5e7b6c41 cancel order
75a8f77d wants 506 BTC for 506 BTCPLUS
aa648c6a cancel order
aa413f36 wants 1,454,750 USD for 506 BTCPLUS
9ebeaa68 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000562 BTCPLUS
0649a965 paid 63.2 BTS for 355 BTCPLUS
c9381a74 cancel order
3b9c5ffc wants 520,800 USD for 186 BTCPLUS
44116f38 wants 562 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 36.8 BTS for 207 BTCPLUS
eefc7e6a update account/votes
19f86717 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
072eb9f6 sent 30 BTS to
03d76229 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
c5f98b88 sent 100 BTS to
eddba5e8 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
c36ce52c sent 100 BTS to
eabe5295 sent 104 BTS to
16e425fd sent 70 BTS to
5232d13a sent 7 BTS to
9cbf9e82 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
80d92ca4 sent 100 BTS to
aefc6eb9 sent 100 BTS to
f8444634 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
ee4d02d3 update account/votes