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BitShares Block Explorer



3 75%
BTS7BzDLv7GyZs8B9R25uoE9YMfR8vf4DvATrdzqVhc7kxHkgHsCw 1 25%
Threshold 1 25%
Votes as
Voting weight1.99 BTS
Lifetime fees paid13.9 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.99
DEEX 0.1
1d1b3fba update account/votes
6aef0876 sent 0.1 DEEX to
d57636dd sent 2.767 BTS to
cb36dc51 sent 2.035 CRYPTOCEEDS to
886f08ae sent 10,020 BADCOIN to
06283774 sent 826 BTCPLUS to
a22b5b3d cancel order
1467c725 sent 1,660 BTCPLUS to
9a2fe647 cancel order
ee710a8f sent 861 BTCPLUS to
1116e44b cancel order
361f65b6 sent 396 BTCPLUS to
628f870d cancel order
0af4683d sent 0.0025 ARCOIN to
3b9a5b5d sent 883,122 COMPUCEEDS to
22650050 wants 826 BTC for 826 BTCPLUS
b10f6136 wants 918 BTCPLUS for 222 BTS
virtual paid 222 BTS for 918 BTCPLUS
31caabd1 update account/votes
4a60c925 update account/votes
fce60d94 wants 1,660 BTC for 1,660 BTCPLUS
c11758cb wants 1,760 BTCPLUS for 356 BTS
virtual paid 356 BTS for 1,760 BTCPLUS
virtual cancel order
virtual wants 861 BTC for 861 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 215.3 BTS for 763 BTCPLUS
virtual wants 957 BTCPLUS for 270 BTS
virtual paid 54.7 BTS for 194 BTCPLUS
a36bfc8a sent 3,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
88e00e8f wants 3,880,122 COMPUCEEDS for 97 BTS
virtual paid 97 BTS for 3,880,122 COMPUCEEDS
f91e1ddd wants 27.04 CRYPTOCEEDS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 27.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
a29f11a4 sent 301 BTCPLUS to
b6bbab6d cancel order
72e19585 sent 400 BTCPLUS to
85729403 cancel order
3a432b41 wants 1,781,208 USD for 396 BTCPLUS
687601d3 wants 440 BTCPLUS for 440 BTS
virtual paid 440 BTS for 440 BTCPLUS
d2edc413 wants 301 BTC for 301 BTCPLUS
fdac0372 wants 1,080,000 USD for 400 BTCPLUS
eb4442fd cancel order
e19d7ad8 cancel order
87813458 wants 401 OPEN.BTC for 401 BTCPLUS
d3218536 wants 865,500 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
f8f61f5d cancel order
2de34926 wants 701 OPEN.BTC for 701 BTCPLUS
5e89a4fe cancel order
9b7f819e cancel order
ba6f2d5e wants 701 BTC for 701 BTCPLUS
99fb83e4 cancel order
89767f8d wants 1,722,500 USD for 650 BTCPLUS
9e7aea3e wants 150 BTCPLUS for 39.2 BTS
virtual paid 39.2 BTS for 150 BTCPLUS
c57f7bd1 cancel order
eecf4d9a cancel order
41bb429c wants 795,000 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
7968b7e2 wants 100 BTCPLUS for 21.63 BTS
virtual paid 21.63 BTS for 106.8 BTCPLUS
5ed0d815 wants 300 BTCPLUS for 70 BTS
virtual paid 70 BTS for 300 BTCPLUS
56775b6c sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
27f12046 wants 33,626 BTS for 1,700 COMPUCEEDS
68477af9 wants 200 OPEN.BTC for 200 BTCPLUS
9647ed14 cancel order
e8be668c wants 599,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
161b7a43 sent 200 BTS to
6f46d42a sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
2a96b453 sent 100 BTS to
37e33b2e sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
5e34d011 update account/votes