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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight1.655 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.727 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.655
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
c05eba78 update account/votes
0e798456 sent 0.1 DEEX to
0b3b1e6e sent 4 BTS to
0cfd69af sent 528 BTCPLUS to
9af1df8f cancel order
9c201dcb sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
6c1af599 sent 174.8 BTCPLUS to
16ca0f6c cancel order
9df88558 sent 100 BTCPLUS to
485dd305 cancel order
0b33b58b sent 20 BTCPLUS to
c95f5929 cancel order
bbdad553 update account/votes
33e797ed sent 5 BTS to
03e2d679 wants 3,165,327 USD for 528 BTCPLUS
a48194b5 wants 586 BTCPLUS for 167 BTS
virtual paid 167 BTS for 586 BTCPLUS
81bb5019 update account/votes
04f7082c sent 402 BTCPLUS to
bd38b292 cancel order
56ab23ca wants 786,059 USD for 174.8 BTCPLUS
24b93178 wants 194.2 BTCPLUS for 76 BTS
virtual paid 76 BTS for 194.2 BTCPLUS
8e9ecfa9 wants 449,600 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
f654ddac wants 89,900 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
faaaf508 wants 1,206,032 USD for 402 BTCPLUS
de6827ac cancel order
87048195 wants 1,082,700 USD for 401 BTCPLUS
e3fb971b cancel order
c641826d wants 1,164,986 USD for 402 BTCPLUS
a1c355e0 cancel order
a2c7c739 wants 1,160,962 USD for 402 BTCPLUS
970eaf3d cancel order
58417ff4 wants 402 BTC for 402 BTCPLUS
1ed40f05 cancel order
e5588fd9 cancel order
91f7456b wants 1,125,600 USD for 402 BTCPLUS
cc90fd52 wants 225 BTCPLUS for 40 BTS
virtual paid 40 BTS for 225 BTCPLUS
976d273c cancel order
d40af2c6 wants 79,120 BTS for 4,000 COMPUCEEDS
1baa806f sent 3,000 COMPUCEEDS to
304a1f34 paid 2 BTS for 238,574 COMPUCEEDS
5a762832 wants 238,574 COMPUCEEDS for 2 BTS
59588a35 wants 530,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
cd71739f cancel order
ea2edebd wants 560,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
43b8d3f7 cancel order
3522696c wants 200 OPEN.BTC for 200 BTCPLUS
b023f096 cancel order
f099ab1f wants 555,000 OPEN.BTC for 200 BTCPLUS
bd63c385 cancel order
c7999feb wants 555,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
b897c020 cancel order
624f24de wants 599,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS