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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight583 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.03156 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 583
CNY 0.42
YOYOW 166.5
BADCOIN 10,000
TIREX 0.21
NAKED 0.091
RIPLE 0.12
CROKS 0.019
6d30790b sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
cfba34a1 sent 0.001 FRESHCOIN to
b5e66100 sent 0.002 FRESHCOIN to
aa5a4cd9 wants 90.3 BTS for 100 CNY
4bfa941d paid 100 CNY for 90.3 BTS
f463ecc2 paid 217 CNY for 173.6 BTS
ac9efb80 sent 0.019 CROKS to
ce9a01c0 sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
bf65e769 sent 0.1 TURION to
fbbfa1c6 wants 173.6 BTS for 217 CNY
b4d82be0 cancel order
db678518 wants 165.6 CNY for 120 BTS
virtual paid 120 BTS for 165.6 CNY
c2838a87 cancel order
6dd82664 wants 166 CNY for 120 BTS
8c2c2b0d cancel order
fa8ce675 wants 166 CNY for 120 BTS
2f0e49b0 paid 166 CNY for 121.2 BTS
8042a6fd wants 121.2 BTS for 166 CNY
361b73e7 cancel order
224956c0 wants 121.1 BTS for 166 CNY
a4b7aae0 paid 0.12 QVANTUM for 0.54 CNY
78fd9d35 wants 0.54 CNY for 0.12 QVANTUM
13771650 paid 100 BTS for 166.3 CNY
b26cba45 wants 166.3 CNY for 100 BTS
c58283d5 cancel order
fd9b9f7c wants 166 CNY for 100 BTS
4d2db551 cancel order
1d34cc9b wants 196 CNY for 120 BTS
44b709b0 wants 1,724 GDEX.BKBT for 50 CNY
virtual paid 50 CNY for 1,724 GDEX.BKBT
c8afbb89 paid 100 CNY for 66.3 BTS
5d328b72 wants 66.3 BTS for 100 CNY
f723f1be cancel order
89d7a3f8 wants 66.4 BTS for 100 CNY
f0c54074 cancel order
ca9baf3b wants 66.4 BTS for 100 CNY
2b4d5875 paid 186 CNY for 122.4 BTS
95850644 wants 122.4 BTS for 186 CNY
32d07420 cancel order
d9b39b91 wants 122.4 BTS for 186 CNY
16217877 cancel order
802ced37 wants 122.6 BTS for 186 CNY
0559837f cancel order
8fa599bd wants 123.2 BTS for 186 CNY
8f752f68 cancel order
c51c3334 wants 124 BTS for 186 CNY
f132c5b8 cancel order
9a794223 wants 66.7 BTS for 100 CNY
e2091383 cancel order
73c1b9f4 wants 35.7 GDEX.QTUM for 100 CNY
858ef618 wants 204.3 BTS for 286 CNY
08ea5f9d cancel order
025b6004 cancel order
c0de48d2 wants 190.7 BTS for 286 CNY
1379f3db cancel order
b264f5db wants 151.3 BTS for 286 CNY
2c70f427 cancel order
74d6d23f wants 190.7 BTS for 286 CNY
273bd19a paid 25.13 BTS for 48 CNY
d22c2807 paid 124.9 BTS for 238.5 CNY
6444bd94 wants 286.5 CNY for 150 BTS
3704b617 wants 166.7 BTS for 200 CNY
f8327870 paid 196 CNY for 120.2 BTS
bf6b5d32 wants 120.2 BTS for 196 CNY
026d1b78 paid 200 CNY for 166.7 YOYOW
3ef611ea wants 166.7 YOYOW for 200 CNY
038c719b cancel order
e9ef19fe wants 777 CNY for 259 BTS
2b62fe38 paid 672 CNY for 258.5 BTS
cb939d7c wants 258.5 BTS for 672 CNY
9d302399 cancel order
143d959a wants 305.5 BTS for 672 CNY
5362ab96 cancel order
116b0c64 wants 260.5 BTS for 672 CNY
bf71c787 cancel order
aa2a0403 wants 292 BTS for 672 CNY
bb5b5bc1 paid 249 BTS for 672 CNY
cfe83c00 wants 672 CNY for 249 BTS
becc38a2 cancel order
23c785b2 wants 672 CNY for 249 BTS
7a574dd2 cancel order
33239a02 wants 79.7 BTS for 200 CNY
cbfad38f paid 673 CNY for 249.3 BTS
cbaf867b wants 249.3 BTS for 673 CNY
6f9ad4b0 paid 243 BTS for 673 CNY
5a24e6f2 wants 673 CNY for 243 BTS
bc8f5518 cancel order
d8dc9884 wants 680 CNY for 243 BTS
e8c2487f cancel order
2f12a73d wants 727 CNY for 243 BTS
72d7dfa5 paid 712 CNY for 243 BTS
8f38c74b wants 243 BTS for 712 CNY
a3c819b1 paid 243 BTS for 712 CNY
cae446ac wants 712 CNY for 243 BTS
3f6e1618 cancel order
418c7892 wants 712 CNY for 243 BTS
b7e63a88 cancel order
15b0ebb4 wants 729 CNY for 243 BTS
5fd763b7 cancel order
b0c5155a wants 702 CNY for 243 BTS
4d939e70 cancel order
8f84ad18 wants 712 CNY for 243 BTS
64f2b820 cancel order
9f736975 wants 710 CNY for 243 BTS
d4795249 paid 673 CNY for 243 BTS
0702b574 wants 243 BTS for 673 CNY
289d9a9c cancel order
c214b6dc wants 243 BTS for 673 CNY
2941ba17 cancel order
47dedfa0 wants 244.7 BTS for 673 CNY
8284715b cancel order
9e49dce2 wants 244 BTS for 673 CNY
a4f33ec3 paid 243 BTS for 673 CNY
aa33cc76 wants 673 CNY for 243 BTS
d147f2cc cancel order
2de08e4f wants 705 CNY for 243 BTS
948e3f5e paid 477 CNY for 243.6 BTS
cb3ff26f wants 243.6 BTS for 477 CNY
c0363e7e cancel order
b146a965 wants 251.3 BTS for 477 CNY
cb8571f4 cancel order
86cdacac wants 251 BTS for 477 CNY
4abc7db5 paid 212 BTS for 477 CNY
edb1c3eb wants 477 CNY for 212 BTS
6fc54cde cancel order
edf081ae wants 471 CNY for 212 BTS
4bd80415 cancel order
e1f1380d wants 471 CNY for 212 BTS
1ec33e3e cancel order
4bfc8a78 wants 466 CNY for 212 BTS
09eb9971 cancel order
5b1eece4 wants 424 CNY for 212 BTS
7993f198 cancel order
d2178587 paid 32.2 CNY for 14.78 BTS
7adf4161 paid 316 CNY for 145 BTS
e421d146 paid 64.7 CNY for 29.7 BTS
a14ecc08 paid 46.9 CNY for 21.54 BTS
31c451ef wants 211 BTS for 460 CNY
cc7d6c5b cancel order
edd881e6 wants 219 BTS for 460 CNY
37518211 paid 195 BTS for 460 CNY
91fea29f wants 460 CNY for 195 BTS
ee4ec4f7 cancel order
5769322a wants 468 CNY for 195 BTS
206b46b7 paid 460 CNY for 196 BTS
90dfe499 wants 196 BTS for 460 CNY
4d634d5d cancel order
95407fe0 wants 200 BTS for 460 CNY
a29e1fe7 cancel order
5b10cc60 wants 201.8 BTS for 460 CNY
ca74800a cancel order
273587ee wants 171.4 BTS for 360 CNY
d6ec3420 cancel order
48e4dbf0 wants 189.5 BTS for 360 CNY
d8693555 cancel order
1db6a7f0 cancel order
3587c353 wants 300 BTS for 360 CNY
f64f3118 paid 144 BTS for 288 CNY
c7fbdc94 wants 288 CNY for 144 BTS
04acdca2 cancel order
d03922b3 wants 302.4 CNY for 144 BTS
cc21618a wants 100 BTS for 100 CNY
f2d92205 cancel order
ef0f4047 wants 172 BTS for 172 CNY
b9dc9600 cancel order
846b94bc wants 114.7 BTS for 172 CNY
c2c9c887 paid 291 CNY for 91 BTS
f65bca3e wants 91 BTS for 291 CNY
447a4229 cancel order
1b57cbdc wants 96.7 BTS for 290 CNY
b3f447b5 paid 99 CNY for 26.76 BTS
af4850f4 paid 100 CNY for 26.3 BTS
dfee3e7b wants 26.3 BTS for 100 CNY
a92e3245 wants 26.76 BTS for 99 CNY