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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight47.7 BTS
Lifetime fees paid9.52 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.0435 0
OBITS 274 0
STEALTH 3.99 0
BTSR 54.8 0
OPEN.BTC 0.0000189 0
OPEN.MAID 200.6 130
YOYOW 0.2783 0
PPY 2.673 0
BADCOIN 20,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
STRANGE 4,918 0
ARCOIN 0.0025 0
QVANTUM 0.12 0
MACHAIN 0.063 0
QUBIT 0.001 0
CROKS 0.019 0
TRONTRX 0.06 0
OPEN.NEO 0.0000016 0
OPEN.XEM 204 204
GDP 2.056 0
GDEX.IQ 5.14 0
BRENT 0.0001 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
OPEN.GRC 0 136
OPEN.DGD 0 0.378
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
288aab79 paid 82.5 YOYOW for 275 OBITS
d72ed265 sent 1,136 OPEN.GRC to
f21602e6 sent 0.349 OPEN.DGD to
298173c6 sent 0.02 OPEN.DGD to
706e1eb4 sent 1.169 OBITS.VOTE to
8199467b sent 400 OBITS to
8be5b2b0 sent 19 OBITS to
e5f7e1c0 sent 1.738 OBITS to
740034cb wants 325 OBITS for 325 BTS
virtual paid 325 BTS for 325 OBITS
virtual cancel order
3630d65d cancel order
a233d9bd paid 0.000545 OPEN.NEO for 0.0727 OBITS
c75f569b wants 276 OBITS for 82.8 YOYOW
cf125cbe wants 1,126 OBITS for 204 OPEN.XEM
63646fa5 wants 430 OBITS for 325 BTS
9b03dc1e wants 69.5 OBITS for 0.521 OPEN.NEO
a9c6f8a6 paid 0.52 OPEN.NEO for 69.3 OBITS
73500458 paid 0.001017 OPEN.NEO for 0.1356 OBITS
83f367c9 cancel order
7c440d35 cancel order
a968eea0 cancel order
a7bc2963 cancel order
2727d45e cancel order
deabf18f cancel order
9296f8ac cancel order
eaf99269 cancel order
4cb5782f cancel order
db81ef91 cancel order
7a23328a wants 7.04 OPEN.WAVES for 324 BTS
e2c90e5d paid 0.0196 OPEN.ETH for 159 BTS
d9b76cfe wants 65.6 BTS for 0.505 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.505 OPEN.EOS for 65.6 BTS
afb969bf wants 211.4 BTS for 0.02603 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.00643 OPEN.ETH for 52.2 BTS
0ba7efca wants 400 BTS for 200 OPEN.XEM
d5a71b83 wants 4,127 OPEN.EOS for 4.14 OPEN.XEM
f0b93fa1 wants 4,918 OBITS for 4,918 STRANGE
b1b181ba cancel order
ae276af0 cancel order
2a547dab wants 0.0031 OPEN.BTC for 27.17 OBITS.VOTE
d5f3f789 paid 259 OPEN.DOGE for 0.0135 OPEN.ETH
ff565743 wants 0.0135 OPEN.ETH for 259 OPEN.DOGE
3e6b735e cancel order
bd8a140e wants 0.0000189 OPEN.BTC for 0.2026 USD
virtual paid 0.2026 USD for 0.0000189 OPEN.BTC
0540eeec paid 0.000313 OPEN.ETH for 59.5 OPEN.DOGE
ec8c2aaa paid 0.001052 OPEN.ETH for 200 OPEN.DOGE
73a85cb5 cancel order
5c5a38ee wants 0.00136 OPEN.BTC for 136 OPEN.GRC
16c964cd sent 2,058 OPEN.DOGE to
1425b810 sent 0.0998 OPEN.DASH to
93aee4e3 sent 100 OPEN.XEM to
58fde665 wants 0.0512 OPEN.BTC for 50 OPEN.MAID
61f4023b wants 0.01024 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.MAID
995c5c89 wants 0.00528 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.MAID
616c0dfb wants 0.00264 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.MAID
565bbdce wants 0.00132 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.MAID
fcf5e07b wants 0.00088 OPEN.BTC for 20 OPEN.MAID
e2ae3842 paid 0.00533 OPEN.ETH for 1,013 OPEN.DOGE
d5800513 wants 0.02246 OPEN.BTC for 204 OPEN.XEM
5ca6b6d5 paid 0.002887 OPEN.ETH for 549 OPEN.DOGE
384f5128 paid 0.00263 OPEN.ETH for 500 OPEN.DOGE
1a1e318a sent 40,022 OPEN.DOGE to
c889582f wants 4,705 OPEN.DOGE for 0.02475 OPEN.ETH
f2784034 wants 0.00701 OPEN.ETH for 1 OPEN.WAVES
virtual paid 1 OPEN.WAVES for 0.00701 OPEN.ETH
c0c97873 paid 1,616 BTS for 29,393 OPEN.DOGE
f2b580e4 paid 313.4 BTS for 5,699 OPEN.DOGE
8cdccbf4 wants 0.946 OPEN.ETH for 0.378 OPEN.DGD
27e01431 wants 35,092 OPEN.DOGE for 1,930 BTS
eb397d82 cancel order
96dcbb08 cancel order
a3f6a28b cancel order
f439a1ae cancel order
a3ffdaee sent 2.174 OPEN.LTC to
b12a3e4f wants 1.94 OPEN.LTC for 1,449 BTS
virtual paid 1,449 BTS for 1.94 OPEN.LTC
65fa46bb cancel order
651ae730 cancel order
80055d88 cancel order
a9b32b84 wants 0.71 OPEN.DASH for 1,449 BTS
b87e4a86 wants 1,449 BTS for 74.3 USD
virtual paid 24.24 USD for 473 BTS
virtual paid 50 USD for 976 BTS
1172bac0 cancel order
88b11964 wants 30,686 OPEN.DOGE for 74.3 USD
9f3f7982 cancel order
c345c34c wants 1,004 OPEN.XEM for 74.3 USD
a076d2aa wants 1,000 GDEX.QTUM for 0.2 USD
281484d0 wants 20 GDEX.QTUM for 0.0026 USD
4b0773b1 cancel order
d5384a30 cancel order
169d6ed3 paid 95.1 BTS for 0.523 OPEN.NEO
8af81714 paid 25.8 BTS for 0.506 OPEN.EOS
86197a39 wants 0.01774 OPEN.ETH for 45.1 BTS
virtual paid 14.9 BTS for 0.0059 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 30.15 BTS for 0.01187 OPEN.ETH
virtual cancel order
b4b2371e cancel order
c6da527d wants 0.506 OPEN.EOS for 25.8 BTS
465cc4bf wants 80 CNY for 40 BTS
d2b1ef2c wants 29.33 CNY for 30 BTS
08f11c55 wants 28.1 BTS for 14.13 CNY
virtual paid 14.13 CNY for 28.1 BTS
fef996b7 cancel order
45bc20c8 update account/votes
589f8953 wants 10.24 USD for 0.238 OPEN.LTC
4a1b26e0 wants 0.523 OPEN.NEO for 95.1 BTS
fc71d653 wants 305 OPEN.XEM for 48.8 USD
virtual paid 48.8 USD for 305 OPEN.XEM
80c2f781 wants 48.7 USD for 696 BTS
virtual paid 199 BTS for 13.96 USD
virtual paid 99 BTS for 6.95 USD
virtual paid 112.5 BTS for 7.9 USD
virtual paid 285.6 BTS for 20 USD
e33c300f paid 0.000232 OPEN.LTC for 0.1297 BTS
283a53fc wants 456 BTS for 0.815 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.00000001 OPEN.LTC for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.00000001 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.02926 OPEN.LTC for 16.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.0689 OPEN.LTC for 39 BTS
virtual paid 0.1014 OPEN.LTC for 57 BTS
virtual paid 0.0695 OPEN.LTC for 38.9 BTS
virtual paid 0.125 OPEN.LTC for 69.8 BTS
31c10e4f paid 0.1125 OPEN.LTC for 62.8 BTS
1babbfbb paid 0.0421 OPEN.LTC for 23.54 BTS
e67c2b70 paid 0.0585 OPEN.LTC for 32.7 BTS
04b7afda paid 0.0585 OPEN.LTC for 32.7 BTS
32de4307 paid 0.0421 OPEN.LTC for 23.54 BTS
6685d427 paid 0.01638 OPEN.LTC for 9.15 BTS
e031b0fd paid 0.0842 OPEN.LTC for 47.1 BTS
9a7c37f7 paid 0.002613 OPEN.LTC for 1.46 BTS
798d926a paid 0.00401 OPEN.LTC for 2.24 BTS
9d7076c3 wants 379 BTS for 0.667 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.0846 OPEN.LTC for 48.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.02332 OPEN.LTC for 13.47 BTS
virtual paid 0.0689 OPEN.LTC for 39.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.0689 OPEN.LTC for 39.4 BTS
virtual paid 0.421 OPEN.LTC for 239.7 BTS
virtual paid 239.7 BTS for 0.421 OPEN.LTC
de0186a0 cancel order
44cd98e4 wants 6.41 BTS for 0.0111 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.0111 OPEN.LTC for 6.41 BTS
virtual cancel order
c99bab1e wants 23.06 OPEN.MAID for 5.33 USD
virtual paid 5.33 USD for 23.06 OPEN.MAID
0db08756 wants 5.18 USD for 2,343 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 1,772 OPEN.DOGE for 4.08 USD
virtual paid 570 OPEN.DOGE for 1.26 USD
virtual cancel order
2f56de4d paid 6.32 BTS for 0.01112 OPEN.LTC
7679b6bf sent 1.31 OPEN.LTC to
b464e665 wants 0.02013 OPEN.BTC for 58.1 USD
b9a1ff2a wants 58.2 USD for 0.0106 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0106 OPEN.BTC for 58.2 USD
virtual cancel order
0ea0ebdd wants 2.044 USD for 14.13 CNY
7e4a6b66 wants 817 BTS for 16.34 USD
3d4a6f95 wants 16.36 USD for 226.7 BTS
virtual paid 226.7 BTS for 16.36 USD
virtual cancel order
92ac333f cancel order
cd2d5fe8 wants 0.0263 CNY for 0.1146 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 0.1142 BLOCKPAY for 0.0263 CNY
virtual cancel order
27feef14 wants 179.4 CNY for 4,733 STRANGE
17898031 wants 284.6 CNY for 0.378 OPEN.DGD
f604dd5d wants 0.432 OPEN.LTC for 246 BTS
virtual paid 0.0063 BTS for 0.00001108 OPEN.LTC
1f1e18ae wants 17.9 USD for 246.7 BTS
0e6c69e1 wants 65 USD for 1.3 OPEN.LTC
6c905a76 cancel order
59bb6a11 cancel order
19805819 cancel order
afc90271 cancel order
36f4d0d9 cancel order
2710c621 cancel order
dd540ff5 cancel order
692e2d80 cancel order
a59ede91 cancel order
9a332926 cancel order
5ddcb77d cancel order
02e61e10 cancel order
26eaf154 cancel order
80c1d446 cancel order
5e1405eb cancel order
3aa09b25 cancel order
7f57226c cancel order
6c3beb0a cancel order
93367cf2 paid 0.498 OPEN.LTC for 276.5 BTS
e65af4e5 paid 52.4 YOYOW for 11.12 CNY
b38bf0e3 paid 0.3045 BTS for 5.8 OPEN.DOGE
32648705 paid 62.8 BTS for 1,196 OPEN.DOGE
346e70d5 paid 0.793 BTS for 15.1 OPEN.DOGE
789695cf paid 14.15 YOYOW for 3 CNY