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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS5vea5QL1gUvX6psTPjS61VCZo2dVwwrBkm81JMugmvHZ8gvnKY 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
4 66.7%
1 16.67%
BTS6zb5qZU9RnNgrq8N3h6b6h9dkUKv1oGteSFHdRsbGaiaZy1mzF 1 16.67%
Threshold 1 16.67%
Votes as
Voting weight0.0722 BTS
Lifetime fees paid18.06 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.14 0
COMPUCEEDS 2,500 2,500
BTCPLUS 0.0000001 0
DEEX 0.1 0
virtual cancel order
d12f9bfa update account/votes
be93f6af sent 0.1 DEEX to
daedd65e sent 1 BTS to
6ca3cac5 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
605ab77b sent 2,574,833 COMPUCEEDS to
9eb090d7 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
c61608df cancel order
b15696cf cancel order
5f61d6fb cancel order
a89e73d4 cancel order
b2442f05 sent 25,000 BTCPLUS to
bb965306 cancel order
1d7456d5 sent 21,743 BTCPLUS to
19890932 cancel order
13518d3c wants 65,207,257 USD for 21,743 BTCPLUS
5f59d4e5 cancel order
f8bd4deb wants 61.6 BTS for 22 CRYPTOCEEDS
096758e6 wants 21,743 OPEN.BTC for 21,743 BTCPLUS
69b26d8e wants 74,999,750 USD for 25,000 BTCPLUS
fbc334fc cancel order
33e28ebf sent 17.64 BTCPLUS to
58636159 wants 19.15 BTCPLUS for 1 BTS
virtual paid 1 BTS for 19.15 BTCPLUS
cd290817 sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
cd1c5ce2 sent 80,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
31217adf cancel order
b05bb86c wants 1,500 BTS for 15 CRYPTOCEEDS
e1ae3e16 wants 0.667 ZENGOLD for 1 BTS
b132289a wants 750 BTS for 30 CRYPTOCEEDS
07fba756 paid 0.00015 BTS for 17.16 COMPUCEEDS
de92b867 wants 343,243 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
84153c64 paid 3 BTS for 343,226 COMPUCEEDS
f5f1b22b wants 49,475 BTS for 2,500 COMPUCEEDS
693698d4 cancel order
731d9208 wants 22.84 CRYPTOCEEDS for 4 BTS
a912e380 wants 105 BTS for 5 CRYPTOCEEDS
e8926409 cancel order
ae21f723 wants 75.8 BTCPLUS for 20 BTS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 75.8 BTCPLUS
fe36e317 update account/votes
5076e2a9 wants 46,743 OPEN.BTC for 46,743 BTCPLUS
e93fbe96 cancel order
c12d7277 cancel order
1604f69f cancel order
7023999f cancel order
116b57ed cancel order
fccb436c cancel order
3c4fc115 update account/votes
cb4bb8f6 wants 16,004 OPEN.BTC for 16,004 BTCPLUS
2866ed6d wants 2,000 BTCPLUS for 22 BTS
07f3c124 wants 1,500 BTCPLUS for 17,404,050 COMPUCEEDS
717b01a2 cancel order
b2876f4d sent 5,000 BTCPLUS to
77394682 cancel order
6a884063 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
16c3d20a cancel order
d3327b61 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
0b6d8198 cancel order
d4e804e8 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
1523e586 cancel order
009134ab cancel order
56ada21e cancel order
2c206fdf paid 30 BTS for 1,843,391 COMPUCEEDS
8fd9ba0d wants 1,843,391 COMPUCEEDS for 30 BTS
af1b7c75 wants 2,000 BTCPLUS for 22,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
7fe3b286 wants 213,424 USD for 71.2 BTCPLUS
2ba337e3 paid 50 BTS for 79 BTCPLUS
3865e84b wants 79 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
af6c7814 wants 5,667 OPEN.BTC for 5,667 BTCPLUS
afa6b250 wants 17,829,331 USD for 6,000 BTCPLUS
0e81ba00 sent 10,000 BTCPLUS to
58f44699 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
08c30411 wants 5,000 OPEN.BTC for 5,000 BTCPLUS
4397efa2 wants 10,000 OPEN.BTC for 10,000 BTCPLUS
447e60a6 wants 20,000 OPEN.BTC for 20,000 BTCPLUS
fbb22b17 cancel order
5b0c1675 wants 14,000,000 BTS for 5,000 BTCPLUS
cba97c61 wants 450,000,000 BTS for 5,000 BTCPLUS
8432e5d3 wants 83,000,000 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
b0e76095 wants 43,000,000 BTS for 500 BTCPLUS
4d756743 wants 174,000,000 BTS for 2,000 BTCPLUS
55cdb9ff cancel order
e8252fd9 wants 1,875,000,000 BTS for 25,000 BTCPLUS
ac223993 cancel order
1eb704a7 cancel order
5553ba28 cancel order
128d9a15 wants 3,009,482 BTS for 2,009 BTCPLUS
20334be7 wants 10 BTCPLUS for 7.5 BTS
virtual paid 7.5 BTS for 10 BTCPLUS
8e7c27da wants 6,232,842 BTS for 4,158 BTCPLUS
cb4268db wants 4,494,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
3c554515 sent 20,000 BTCPLUS to
b7918d57 sent 20,000 BTCPLUS to
d0c687c5 wants 58,476 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 58,476 COMPUCEEDS
68d991c9 update account/votes