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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
BTS6qw1NqitLSmJTo9isvujj51AQbBUMTwvf14CMqUqXWq68dZJVJ 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
1 50%
BTS71SzBtvhFWm9gxbXgmuh5haHHnuvuMmZ2AP7EgG96boqWAiRsC 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight0.092 BTS
Lifetime fees paid195 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.092
BRICS 0.0017
OCEANIA 0.0043
ZENGOLD 0.00000001
FASTBTC 0.00000025
DEEX 0.1
2698ee38 sent 9.97 QORA to
dc3778ff update account/votes
3b3c4b51 sent 0.1 DEEX to
ee4f5c38 sent 2 BTS to
88b41472 sent 185 STRANGE to
f5912733 sent 32 OPEN.ZGC to
dd07b232 sent 1.1 USD to
3dfdf27d sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
ace62a66 sent 104.3 ELOAD to
a1cdfe8f sent 15 CRYPTOCEEDS to
576876d3 sent 3,233 BTCPLUS to
d8e72570 cancel order
a784df5e sent 573 BTCPLUS to
34d7495e cancel order
ea397f12 sent 189 BTCPLUS to
7ef9406a cancel order
3c39b35c sent 900 BTCPLUS to
230c41e0 cancel order
859ed136 sent 3,041 BTCPLUS to
e32ceb76 cancel order
02e27d16 sent 226 BTCPLUS to
5f250883 cancel order
810e8a7f wants 2,709,123 USD for 226 BTCPLUS
be8ff822 sent 1,500,000 BRICS to
46280d19 sent 7 BTS to
305d6e5e sent 2,200 CRYPTOCEEDS to
21108b93 sent 456 OCEANIA to
dfce5cfa sent 3,746,814 COMPUCEEDS to
9b53b1ed sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
9da35966 cancel order
1e5e8f58 wants 10,000 OCEANIA for 2 BTS
104288c0 cancel order
5131e6ef wants 50 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
5a9d4205 cancel order
5c06ac53 wants 50 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
6d764fc9 cancel order
43ca8a38 wants 50 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
85bfb410 cancel order
578deeb6 wants 50 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
7ed02790 cancel order
e8654a33 cancel order
b23b2e86 wants 9.57 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
b1bc2f92 wants 136 OCEANIA for 6 BTS
c7b28678 paid 100 OCEANIA for 9.57 BTS
8def8f64 cancel order
deb9605c wants 9.57 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
989cca4d cancel order
d3648906 wants 10.96 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
79bd5f0e wants 10.98 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
0ece7893 wants 206 OCEANIA for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 206 OCEANIA
5af569cc cancel order
9a8a3c61 wants 0.000001 BTCCORE for 0.00000025 FASTBTC
737fc7bd cancel order
751978cc wants 0.000001 BTCCORE for 0.00000025 FASTBTC
2edf6b05 paid 10 BTS for 110.9 OCEANIA
0af928e6 wants 110.9 OCEANIA for 10 BTS
836c7522 cancel order
32c109dd wants 112 OCEANIA for 9 BTS
4116794c paid 100 OCEANIA for 11 BTS
b7dd8615 wants 11 BTS for 100 OCEANIA
38be231d wants 32 OPEN.ZGC for 32 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 32 ZENGOLD for 32 OPEN.ZGC
7e951494 cancel order
fdff08f6 wants 50 BTCPLUS for 3 BTS
af571c5f wants 1,133,672 USD for 189 BTCPLUS
c8a3afbe wants 210 BTCPLUS for 40 BTS
virtual paid 40 BTS for 210 BTCPLUS
9b39938b wants 19,396,132 USD for 3,233 BTCPLUS
0e709140 wants 3,333 BTCPLUS for 400 BTS
virtual paid 400 BTS for 3,333 BTCPLUS
b8ca219a cancel order
b9f02ed7 wants 0.05 OMISEGO for 5 BTS
9f0e9ed7 cancel order
e317b686 cancel order
b1ae95ac cancel order
517ec709 cancel order
a31b2468 cancel order
e2a3ca9f cancel order
ebe79fd2 cancel order
45d5a0e2 wants 2,081,960 COMPUCEEDS for 7 BTS
virtual paid 7 BTS for 2,081,960 COMPUCEEDS
4c34a57a sent 21,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
ebb60aed wants 3,436,335 USD for 573 BTCPLUS
9bbc02e9 wants 636 BTCPLUS for 70 BTS
virtual paid 70 BTS for 636 BTCPLUS
e963a8f4 cancel order
c5ed5313 wants 1,600 BTCPLUS for 80 BTS
4a77d0f0 paid 0.00241 FASTBTC for 79.9 BTS
e478897a wants 4,049,820 USD for 900 BTCPLUS
8cbe375f paid 50 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
83ba8914 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
925bac1b cancel order
792c1bc9 wants 79.9 BTS for 0.00241 FASTBTC
00c2214b wants 1,250 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
83243e58 cancel order
7c1b6a4a wants 13,683,508 USD for 3,041 BTCPLUS
4a5655bd cancel order
b94d1de0 cancel order
8d7cdea7 wants 1,804 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
d0243319 cancel order
27695aec wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
e523f035 paid 5 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
4e327cd3 wants 100 BTCPLUS for 5 BTS
81cac031 cancel order
5e2ece80 wants 714 BTCX for 5 BTS
82f36298 sent 3,483 BTCPLUS to
6a15817e cancel order
18c47ae7 sent 738 BTCPLUS to
c43a1640 cancel order
b6f17877 sent 24,866 BTCPLUS to
552e5ff5 cancel order
b8c867b6 sent 2,192 BTCPLUS to
4843851a cancel order
079870a6 wants 782,599 USD for 174 BTCPLUS
f20b012b wants 192.7 BTCPLUS for 25 BTS
virtual paid 25 BTS for 192.7 BTCPLUS
8935d7e1 cancel order
8b52af95 wants 12,495,945 USD for 2,777 BTCPLUS
554c0619 wants 297.7 BTCPLUS for 25 BTS
bb39502c paid 25 BTS for 146.2 BTCPLUS
02d0b5c6 wants 146.2 BTCPLUS for 25 BTS
2b72f7aa paid 200 BTS for 1,142 BTCPLUS
887a50f3 wants 1,142 BTCPLUS for 200 BTS
86416538 paid 300 BTS for 1,704 BTCPLUS
feef01d9 wants 1,704 BTCPLUS for 300 BTS
6d643f5d cancel order
5311485a cancel order
0211fd92 cancel order
885ff966 cancel order
6bdc93fc cancel order
9ec69baa cancel order
d7c898f0 cancel order
93c9e49e cancel order
b6061ad3 cancel order
b2b61ed3 cancel order
b4dbc17a paid 0.00001 BTS for 3.72 COMPUCEEDS
509dc39c wants 827 BTCPLUS for 55 BTS
a756d06c sent 2,353 BTCPLUS to
aa19bdac wants 2,452 BTCPLUS for 250 BTS
virtual paid 250 BTS for 2,452 BTCPLUS
cd368471 cancel order
525dff5e cancel order
9a82d4e6 sent 1,453 BTCPLUS to
b39d3afa wants 1,554 BTCPLUS for 160 BTS
virtual paid 160 BTS for 1,554 BTCPLUS
9b8880c5 cancel order
71ad7314 cancel order
eeaf3724 wants 1,504 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
802c242c wants 632,952 COMPUCEEDS for 1.748 BTS
virtual paid 1.748 BTS for 632,952 COMPUCEEDS
ddb49b6c wants 4,623,256 COMPUCEEDS for 12.75 BTS
virtual paid 12.75 BTS for 4,623,256 COMPUCEEDS
aab1c158 wants 9,246,512 COMPUCEEDS for 25.46 BTS
virtual paid 25.46 BTS for 9,246,512 COMPUCEEDS
97586b0b sent 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
e688d92e wants 3,483 OPEN.BTC for 3,483 BTCPLUS
12ea6269 wants 295 CRYPTOCEEDS for 41 BTS
virtual paid 41 BTS for 295 CRYPTOCEEDS
f373e36e wants 30,920,891 COMPUCEEDS for 83.2 BTS
virtual paid 83.2 BTS for 30,920,887 COMPUCEEDS
b803e1c7 wants 18,583,640 COMPUCEEDS for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 18,583,640 COMPUCEEDS
ed78343a wants 3,146 BTCPLUS for 325 BTS
virtual paid 325 BTS for 3,146 BTCPLUS
6bcd3cbd paid 19 BTS for 119 CRYPTOCEEDS
123185fd wants 485 BTCPLUS for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 485 BTCPLUS
e41299d7 wants 0.002417 FASTBTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 0.002417 FASTBTC
1a095af6 cancel order
7e9fce8c wants 119 CRYPTOCEEDS for 19 BTS
2a5d43eb sent 30 BTS to
659caa6f wants 6,699,528 COMPUCEEDS for 11.88 BTS
virtual paid 11.88 BTS for 6,699,528 COMPUCEEDS
db4f32d1 wants 6,717,311 COMPUCEEDS for 11.86 BTS
virtual paid 11.86 BTS for 6,717,311 COMPUCEEDS
90733107 cancel order
5556985b wants 6,717,311 COMPUCEEDS for 11.84 BTS
01149b36 wants 6,717,311 COMPUCEEDS for 11.84 BTS
virtual paid 11.84 BTS for 6,717,311 COMPUCEEDS
2d670a2a wants 8,635,009 COMPUCEEDS for 11.34 BTS
virtual paid 11.34 BTS for 8,635,009 COMPUCEEDS
6f8b910a wants 6,754,593 COMPUCEEDS for 11.89 BTS
virtual paid 11.89 BTS for 6,754,593 COMPUCEEDS
0e3ed47e wants 6,757,439 COMPUCEEDS for 11.88 BTS
virtual paid 11.88 BTS for 6,757,439 COMPUCEEDS
d80e2974 wants 6,635,660 COMPUCEEDS for 9.55 BTS
virtual paid 9.55 BTS for 6,635,660 COMPUCEEDS
cc414624 wants 4,667,533 COMPUCEEDS for 6.1 BTS
virtual paid 6.1 BTS for 4,667,533 COMPUCEEDS
66674122 wants 6,573,020 USD for 2,192 BTCPLUS
daabb80f cancel order
ee257482 wants 6,574,774 BTS for 2,192 BTCPLUS
9d3a40be wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 88.5 BTS
97fa1adc wants 109.8 ELOAD for 35 BTS
virtual paid 35 BTS for 109.8 ELOAD
8578b107 wants 7,520 BTCPLUS for 500 BTS
a163faab wants 2,292 BTCPLUS for 275 BTS
virtual paid 275 BTS for 2,292 BTCPLUS
ff8f62fc wants 3,008 BTCPLUS for 200 BTS