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BitShares Block Explorer



1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight2,853 BTS
Lifetime fees paid12.46 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
MVCOIN 0.168 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
BTS 0 2,849
0dd5562f sent 1,866 BTS to
af73c875 sent 1,750 STEALTH to
95f45934 cancel orders (10)
fa18d334 paid 0.02056 STEALTH for 0.0345 BTS
cdd17ad3 paid 0.992 STEALTH for 1.666 BTS
40c4dc31 paid 0.02057 STEALTH for 0.0346 BTS
a8c06208 paid 35 STEALTH for 58.8 BTS
bd68b7be paid 57.8 STEALTH for 92.5 BTS
virtual paid 11.26 STEALTH for 18 BTS
virtual paid 14.82 STEALTH for 23.7 BTS
f1007c99 cancel orders (2)
b173418e cancel order
4f9a70d7 wants 134.2 BTS for 200.6 STEALTH
virtual paid 200.6 STEALTH for 140.4 BTS
fcefef3e wants 200.6 STEALTH for 20.87 BTS
6e86f070 wants 134.2 BTS for 79.9 STEALTH
9ff9d68e cancel orders (2)
bef51a18 wants 134.2 BTS for 83.9 STEALTH
5e9bad43 cancel orders (2)
604e7c91 wants 194 STEALTH for 20.47 BTS
420f57aa cancel orders (2)
92557210 wants 184.7 STEALTH for 20.47 BTS
4fe3dd9e cancel orders (2)
30e0b2e6 wants 177.5 STEALTH for 20.66 BTS
857456d7 wants 173.2 STEALTH for 21.17 BTS
8df3f175 cancel orders (2)
b305d57f wants 169 STEALTH for 21.7 BTS
3889856f cancel orders (2)
17752781 cancel orders (2)
722aef03 wants 169 STEALTH for 22.8 BTS
2ddcc285 cancel orders (2)
cbc31292 wants 167.5 STEALTH for 23.7 BTS
05ccdfd4 wants 163.5 STEALTH for 24.3 BTS
5bd8240d cancel orders (2)
aebdd70c cancel orders (2)
874aa2a3 wants 159.5 STEALTH for 24.9 BTS
10ae0206 cancel orders (2)
9ace9bae wants 155.7 STEALTH for 25.5 BTS
4fbc822c wants 152 STEALTH for 26.13 BTS
07798a09 cancel orders (2)
66ca4269 cancel orders (2)
0cf76d12 wants 144.7 STEALTH for 26.13 BTS
9fc2920b cancel orders (2)
ba8a2ec8 wants 137.8 STEALTH for 26.13 BTS
8f918ec0 cancel orders (2)
43ad8724 wants 131.3 STEALTH for 26.13 BTS
5aa1c6a3 wants 125 STEALTH for 26.13 BTS
49f9b117 cancel orders (2)
6cfab626 wants 121 STEALTH for 26.55 BTS
5ad4139d cancel orders (2)
60d0738f cancel orders (2)
4b47072e wants 118 STEALTH for 27.2 BTS
ecc28874 cancel orders (2)
3bd256c4 wants 115.2 STEALTH for 27.9 BTS
a31ac8d6 cancel orders (2)
f1946bae wants 112.4 STEALTH for 28.56 BTS
6cb1f7ff cancel orders (2)
6ecc014e wants 109.7 STEALTH for 29.27 BTS
fc50b925 wants 107 STEALTH for 30 BTS
73324f39 cancel orders (2)
0e634d79 cancel orders (2)
dd66d84f wants 104.5 STEALTH for 30.73 BTS
1fd18543 cancel orders (2)
06fc6143 wants 102 STEALTH for 31.5 BTS
b2e35fe0 wants 99.5 STEALTH for 32.3 BTS
2c91a789 cancel orders (2)
fcadf54d cancel orders (2)
a8161bd6 wants 97.1 STEALTH for 33.1 BTS
a4886fec cancel orders (2)
0334530c wants 94.8 STEALTH for 33.9 BTS
13c1ac1c wants 92.5 STEALTH for 34.7 BTS
2ee635b0 cancel orders (2)
471cd163 wants 90.3 STEALTH for 35.6 BTS
e1efba9c cancel orders (2)
854d17ad cancel orders (2)
0c2bbbe0 wants 90.3 STEALTH for 37.4 BTS
3b0fde06 cancel orders (2)
d8229aa1 wants 90.3 STEALTH for 39.2 BTS
ee02cb76 wants 90.3 STEALTH for 41.2 BTS
4ea139d3 cancel orders (2)
04590926 wants 88 STEALTH for 42.2 BTS
8ed8eb76 cancel orders (2)
3254e631 cancel orders (2)
fadd6d5a wants 88 STEALTH for 44.3 BTS
f29df264 wants 88 STEALTH for 46.5 BTS
363dd765 cancel orders (2)
315defc3 wants 88 STEALTH for 48.9 BTS
d527607c cancel orders (2)
cf7a21ed wants 134.2 BTS for 88 STEALTH
48e2b975 paid 69.1 STEALTH for 105.3 BTS
cff0b062 paid 18.95 STEALTH for 28.87 BTS
c110d4cb wants 88 STEALTH for 51.3 BTS
eb43bae4 cancel order
a51fd810 wants 134.2 BTS for 71.4 STEALTH
0405d310 paid 62.3 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 59.4 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 56.6 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 53.9 BTS for 88 STEALTH
0dfc6212 paid 75.8 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 72.2 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 68.7 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 65.5 BTS for 88 STEALTH
83ef215d paid 83.6 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 79.6 BTS for 88 STEALTH
e678c1da paid 92.1 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 87.7 BTS for 88 STEALTH
200fddc7 paid 101.6 BTS for 88 STEALTH
virtual paid 96.7 BTS for 88 STEALTH
ee236738 paid 116 BTS for 82.7 STEALTH
virtual paid 110.4 BTS for 82.7 STEALTH
virtual paid 105.1 BTS for 82.7 STEALTH
virtual paid 105.1 BTS for 86.8 STEALTH
virtual paid 2 STEALTH for 3.24 BTS
virtual paid 10.06 STEALTH for 17.14 BTS
53d40a2d paid 0.941 STEALTH for 1.527 BTS
1dbe58b2 paid 11.83 STEALTH for 19.2 BTS
98d0ce3f paid 19.26 STEALTH for 31.25 BTS
56670244 paid 7.46 STEALTH for 12.1 BTS
30bbb407 paid 7.46 STEALTH for 12.1 BTS
cdb97465 paid 3.92 STEALTH for 6.35 BTS
virtual paid 16.57 STEALTH for 26.9 BTS
virtual paid 4.01 STEALTH for 6.5 BTS
virtual paid 7.71 STEALTH for 12.5 BTS
a6d2fc52 paid 0.1492 STEALTH for 0.242 BTS
a6d2fc52 paid 0.1517 STEALTH for 0.246 BTS
a6d2fc52 paid 0.1542 STEALTH for 0.25 BTS
a6d2fc52 paid 0.1567 STEALTH for 0.254 BTS
a6d2fc52 paid 0.1592 STEALTH for 0.2583 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01062 STEALTH for 0.01723 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01124 STEALTH for 0.01824 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01098 STEALTH for 0.01782 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01103 STEALTH for 0.0179 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01135 STEALTH for 0.01842 BTS
6edc3ead paid 0.01166 STEALTH for 0.01892 BTS
48ca5e32 paid 0.692 STEALTH for 1.122 BTS
5b48220d wants 134.2 BTS for 75 STEALTH
1f247c53 wants 134.2 BTS for 78.8 STEALTH
72fcac48 cancel order
482d09e4 wants 82.7 STEALTH for 116 BTS
3054ae4d wants 134.2 BTS for 82.7 STEALTH
8313aaf8 wants 134.2 BTS for 64.8 STEALTH
3ae67c02 paid 65 BTS for 46.4 STEALTH
480d0b7e paid 105.1 BTS for 71.4 STEALTH
a5ed1e15 paid 105.1 BTS for 68 STEALTH
e3eefaec paid 110.4 BTS for 68 STEALTH
76363df9 paid 88.6 BTS for 52 STEALTH
5fec48e2 paid 27.26 BTS for 16 STEALTH
fe0c379a cancel order
5d627a5e wants 134.2 BTS for 68 STEALTH
ce01d4c5 paid 26.8 BTS for 14.97 STEALTH
d00ccb36 wants 134.2 BTS for 61.7 STEALTH
31e7eb8b paid 121.7 BTS for 64.8 STEALTH
894e1ad8 cancel order
virtual paid 24.6 STEALTH for 53.5 BTS