立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.946 BTS
Lifetime fees paid76.6 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.946
BADCOIN 10,000
c89d4c29 sent 0.00352 BRIDGE.BTC to
948d53e4 wants 0.00344 BRIDGE.BTC for 214 BTS
virtual paid 132.5 BTS for 0.00218 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 81.5 BTS for 0.001342 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4602eeae sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
06e1c463 sent 3,190,539 NINJASOUL to
25e96dc3 sent 1 BTS to
a34d0c9b sent 200 NINJASOUL to
82bb84aa sent 400,000 NINJASOUL to
21eb79d6 sent 200 BTS to
985a79f0 sent 200 BTS to
92c8be5e wants 600 BTS for 4,000 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 4,000 NINJASOUL for 600 BTS
a3fee8a2 sent 556 NINJASOUL to
afcc3c4a sent 2,000 NINJASOUL to
4d7fddd9 sent 12 NINJASOUL to
5234e462 sent 300 NINJASOUL to
0bbf32be sent 60 NINJASOUL to
44fb4b65 sent 66 NINJASOUL to
9b2c3682 sent 6 NINJASOUL to
698dc546 sent 10 NINJASOUL to
774441cd sent 5 NINJASOUL to
3b6eaa3e sent 48.4 NINJASOUL to
7ed500ca sent 300 NINJASOUL to
34368b36 sent 600 NINJASOUL to
10f824ac sent 300 NINJASOUL to
91c981eb sent 310 NINJASOUL to
2c721fb7 sent 778 NINJASOUL to
c2f41516 sent 300 NINJASOUL to
29ca4122 wants 3.82 NINJASOUL for 0.191 BTS
virtual paid 0.191 BTS for 3.82 NINJASOUL
61255aed sent 936 BTS to
8bf22520 sent 114 BTS to
ddc2438f wants 144 BTS for 900 GSTAMP
virtual paid 900 GSTAMP for 144 BTS