立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



BTS8Rwx8nLgAhNjeJEWmXdWszYHuMdPZ4sqANtLuTDJJUbKimVjoC 1 50%
BTS7xc6T5iM5ZgzfCXx2QpYKeeDvpbHSJn8KyXTHLjwwpQG5NsgY2 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
BTS85aLCxW8YjnHxKFUqZKyE5FUBjyQ8xXuq5wRRMKQVFuQosr6Ws 1 50%
BTS6B1A9kQFhhNm3R7XCTzFgeTNZ7NnG4NWhXD1SbgMZ7Cj1SYkm7 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Lifetime fees paid1,471 BTS
Cashback/vesting2.425 BTS


Asset Balance
7d838bf7 sent 8.32 BTS to
e6b4d519 wants 0.0223 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
virtual paid 0.1 DEEX for 0.0235 BTS
085e45c9 wants 2 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 2.015 BTS
c89c0eb8 withdraw 9.31 BTS from vesting
13c6b033 sent 0.396 BTS to
a410fd0b sent 0.00327 OPEN.BTC to
3ae9b8ab wants 0.00111 OPEN.BTC for 65 BTS
virtual paid 65 BTS for 0.001112 OPEN.BTC
c6668f02 burn 189,798 NINJASOUL
95955c03 wants 24.2 BTS for 100 LITT
virtual paid 100 LITT for 24.2 BTS
55afecc1 wants 0.00216 OPEN.BTC for 131 BTS
virtual paid 131 BTS for 0.00216 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
f08bd5fe sent 200 NINJASOUL to
6807d25c sent 200 NINJASOUL to
79da8179 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
84829ddb sent 200 NINJASOUL to
427ae25c sent 200 NINJASOUL to
207222b3 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
d9089fc4 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
54ba2547 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4eeb6ddb sent 200 NINJASOUL to
ac3485e2 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
858d73f1 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
396e90ca sent 200 NINJASOUL to
48cc6ffe sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4fcb848b sent 200 NINJASOUL to
40b80814 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
cc2bba76 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
8fd3103d sent 200 NINJASOUL to
3c44ff2f sent 200 NINJASOUL to
420a9873 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
f5540407 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
9c2c015a sent 200 NINJASOUL to
540c642e sent 200 NINJASOUL to
d84334c9 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4928405b sent 200 NINJASOUL to
f2032cfc sent 200 NINJASOUL to
3e627e86 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
7c37ce31 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4d5909b4 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
a2fce393 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
9d0c5711 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
eba0a88a sent 200 NINJASOUL to
e1334d2f sent 200 NINJASOUL to
0d90eee8 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4561498f sent 200 NINJASOUL to
19320884 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
eec5c7df sent 200 NINJASOUL to
18b78ef8 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
5f5031c7 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
ef758307 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
a443c32e sent 200 NINJASOUL to
e1174537 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
09f968f9 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
9e62460f sent 200 NINJASOUL to
802791c9 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
0f49c598 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
2c4501f6 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
cb2d52bf sent 200 NINJASOUL to
5a5fa74f sent 200 NINJASOUL to
a34d0c9b sent 200 NINJASOUL to
971ac164 sent 200 NINJASOUL to
4501fddb sent 200 NINJASOUL to
b864a198 sent 1 NINJASOUL to
8e0b5d2d sent 1 NINJASOUL to
9c7110cf update account/votes
0a9964fb upgrade account
4a2503cd wants 600 BTS for 10,000 NINJASOUL
virtual paid 57.8 NINJASOUL for 3.47 BTS
virtual paid 9,942 NINJASOUL for 597 BTS