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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight2,060 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.692 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2,060
YOYOW 1,644
BADCOIN 10,000
SEER 10,000
SEED 158
4aa569ff sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
41a3fc9f sent 10,000 SEER to
73aa2421 paid 91.5 CNY for 28.6 BTS
33adeb2f wants 28.6 BTS for 91.5 CNY
e039466d cancel order
f41879b8 cancel order
1b6a6b91 paid 3,783 CNY for 1,645 YOYOW
987cc9bd sent 0.3 BCHAIN to
bb73cfc1 paid 7,800 CNY for 2,000 BTS
f660c533 wants 1,645 YOYOW for 3,783 CNY
f8742851 wants 2,000 BTS for 7,800 CNY
83f46713 cancel order
489966e6 wants 5,792 YOYOW for 11,583 CNY
d49a4495 wants 10,000 BTCX for 90 CNY
c53c80f1 sent 3,000 CNY to
235e7aeb sent 1 CNY to
b26c7f5c cancel order
7b4e3011 cancel order
23132446 wants 3,586 YOYOW for 7,173 CNY
a84b26e4 paid 2,869 YOYOW for 7,173 CNY
6ae9c082 wants 7,173 CNY for 2,869 YOYOW
3243932d wants 187.5 BTCX for 1.5 CNY
91d40f8a cancel order
1875253d paid 1,518 CNY for 759 YOYOW
d6fcfde9 wants 759 YOYOW for 1,518 CNY
da145f1a wants 1,500 BTS for 4,502 CNY
c650af03 paid 1,400 BTS for 6,020 CNY
fb9de110 wants 6,020 CNY for 1,400 BTS
97a63546 paid 2,155 CNY for 718 BTS
virtual paid 1,998 CNY for 714 BTS
24c2c923 wants 216 BTCX for 1.102 CNY
36da9d55 paid 424 CNY for 157 YOYOW
eb128d2e paid 2,582 CNY for 956 YOYOW
365c6b98 wants 718 BTS for 2,155 CNY
7ded1164 cancel order
1c2a0d3c wants 1,113 YOYOW for 3,006 CNY
ed30c8e5 cancel order
a2a5447a wants 714 BTS for 1,998 CNY
76e9263e cancel order
3d5b983b wants 1,531 YOYOW for 3,062 CNY
1d13cd80 cancel order
8beefdad wants 1,332 BTS for 1,998 CNY
9461aa1c cancel order
02e0ddc9 paid 2,000 CNY for 1,000 YOYOW
987b05b3 wants 2,550 BTS for 3,060 CNY
9055684e wants 1,000 YOYOW for 2,000 CNY
9a1e1591 wants 1,818 BTS for 2,000 CNY
199e4e5f wants 350 USD for 2,100 CNY
294189f4 cancel order
eff3e92d wants 2,000 BTS for 2,000 CNY
a4250a4d cancel order
fdc4ec52 wants 500 USD for 3,250 CNY
b19a1f55 paid 6,838 YOYOW for 6,086 CNY
8c2a7681 paid 3,239 BTS for 3,074 CNY
9a21be3e wants 3,074 CNY for 3,239 BTS
328a7e9a wants 6,086 CNY for 6,838 YOYOW
5ea92c56 paid 0.35 CNY for 0.507 YOYOW
ca3b4dc2 paid 4,682 CNY for 6,785 YOYOW
b2dd61a2 wants 6,786 YOYOW for 4,682 CNY
e02b1457 cancel order
f9c427f2 wants 6,836 YOYOW for 4,683 CNY
2b1b2b4b cancel order
3b253949 wants 6,866 YOYOW for 4,683 CNY
aeafcefe cancel order
f37e3d6b wants 6,905 YOYOW for 4,682 CNY
5417c634 paid 3,800 YOYOW for 2,242 CNY
virtual paid 4,000 YOYOW for 2,440 CNY
648e5946 wants 2,440 CNY for 4,000 YOYOW
5b928012 wants 2,242 CNY for 3,800 YOYOW
ab3f4160 cancel order
5a10b258 wants 2,745 CNY for 5,000 YOYOW
fb592b39 cancel order
2b97531d wants 2,950 CNY for 5,000 YOYOW
8de5c559 paid 2,015 CNY for 2,239 BTS
0715a2f9 paid 3,000 CNY for 7,143 YOYOW
244231e2 wants 2,239 BTS for 2,015 CNY
3ca6d404 cancel order
5818f5bd cancel order
1e67cfd3 wants 7,143 YOYOW for 3,000 CNY
189ec66f cancel order
a6017de8 wants 1,439 BTS for 1,007 CNY
30465de2 wants 168 OPEN.EOS for 1,008 CNY
62f83a9e wants 7,500 YOYOW for 3,000 CNY
cc11e210 update account/votes
4590bd5a paid 290 CNY for 725 YOYOW
188b2d0e wants 725 YOYOW for 290 CNY
44291761 cancel order
9d9f666f paid 710 CNY for 1,000 BTS
2b209497 wants 763 YOYOW for 290 CNY
39ce61ea wants 1,000 BTS for 710 CNY