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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight9.84 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.56 BTS
Registrar-50% -
Referrer130% -


Asset Balance
BTS 9.84
DEEX 0.1
662e4484 sent 0.189 BTS to
5c1d5070 sent 0.19 BTS to
f3a43c31 sent 0.1 DEEX to
92e61f0a sent 1 BTS to
8c22af4d sent 0.359 BTS to
1d72c578 sent 0.359 BTS to
5beb6d5b sent 0.00026 BTS to
5beb6d5b sent 0.00017 BTS to
f2b7a8ff sent 0.294 BTS to
17344309 sent 0.01184 BTS to
17344309 sent 0.0079 BTS to
f4283f5e sent 0.00025 BTS to
f4283f5e sent 0.00017 BTS to
631e7be7 sent 0.00025 BTS to
631e7be7 sent 0.00017 BTS to
ffce84d2 sent 0.00025 BTS to
ffce84d2 sent 0.00017 BTS to
43c403d0 sent 0.00042 BTS to
1d14fee2 sent 0.00024 BTS to
1d14fee2 sent 0.00016 BTS to
6312c26d sent 0.00024 BTS to
6312c26d sent 0.00016 BTS to
e62bbb49 sent 0.00024 BTS to
e62bbb49 sent 0.00016 BTS to
6b887036 sent 0.00024 BTS to
6b887036 sent 0.00016 BTS to
7033872e sent 0.00024 BTS to
7033872e sent 0.00016 BTS to
48a190fa sent 0.00024 BTS to
48a190fa sent 0.00016 BTS to
92a2e6c5 sent 0.00024 BTS to
92a2e6c5 sent 0.00016 BTS to
6ea62478 sent 0.00024 BTS to
6ea62478 sent 0.00016 BTS to
540b2e79 sent 0.00024 BTS to
540b2e79 sent 0.00016 BTS to
bc74a3b6 sent 0.00024 BTS to
bc74a3b6 sent 0.00016 BTS to
3b0cc601 sent 0.00024 BTS to
3b0cc601 sent 0.00016 BTS to
de556782 sent 0.00024 BTS to
de556782 sent 0.00016 BTS to
f1dd1669 sent 0.00024 BTS to
f1dd1669 sent 0.00016 BTS to
cb7c119a sent 0.00024 BTS to
cb7c119a sent 0.00016 BTS to
37310eb6 sent 0.00024 BTS to
37310eb6 sent 0.00016 BTS to
f5d11b23 sent 0.00024 BTS to
f5d11b23 sent 0.00016 BTS to
a6ea18c1 sent 0.00061 BTS to
a6ea18c1 sent 0.00041 BTS to
c9eb8dd4 sent 0.00049 BTS to
c9eb8dd4 sent 0.00033 BTS to
d0395175 sent 0.00038 BTS to
d0395175 sent 0.00025 BTS to
8f95f390 sent 0.00026 BTS to
8f95f390 sent 0.00017 BTS to
edabed9b sent 0.00025 BTS to
edabed9b sent 0.00017 BTS to
104b46e3 sent 0.00025 BTS to
104b46e3 sent 0.00017 BTS to
f29d268f sent 0.00037 BTS to
f29d268f sent 0.00025 BTS to
abab881c sent 0.00025 BTS to
abab881c sent 0.00017 BTS to
52a700ad sent 0.00025 BTS to
52a700ad sent 0.00017 BTS to