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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight15.68 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.6 BTS
Registrar30% -
Referrer50% -


Asset Balance
BTS 15.68
3a3b02a4 sent 0.00082 BTS to
0f99dcad sent 0.619 BTS to
e5d7d515 sent 0.00082 BTS to
99a3065f sent 0.619 BTS to
39f69051 sent 0.00263 BTS to
5c8dd73e sent 1.006 BTS to
1b548e76 sent 0.00155 BTS to
f8d16441 sent 0.765 BTS to
ceda39e6 sent 0.5 BTS to
ceda39e6 sent 0.00005 BTS to
b51f1f5a sent 0.5 BTS to
b51f1f5a sent 0.00005 BTS to
0043dbb6 sent 0.33 BTS to
56823c9a sent 1 BTS to
f34e2494 sent 0.2 BTS to
db567b33 sent 0.00096 BTS to
d0b64f7e sent 0.00042 BTS to
dc114971 sent 0.00043 BTS to
c6a75fbd sent 0.00067 BTS to
c6a75fbd sent 0.00044 BTS to
995501af wants 0.0558 BTS for 0.0062 USD
virtual paid 0.0062 USD for 0.0558 BTS
995501af sent 0.00017 BTS to
995501af sent 0.00011 BTS to
866122c7 sent 0.00092 BTS to
866122c7 sent 0.00062 BTS to
10543cb2 sent 0.00004 BTS to
10543cb2 sent 0.00003 BTS to
3b7f09f4 sent 0.00041 BTS to
3b7f09f4 sent 0.00027 BTS to
a89916d1 sent 0.00004 BTS to
a89916d1 sent 0.00003 BTS to
6f325c26 sent 0.00083 BTS to
38be426a sent 0.00082 BTS to
440f4684 sent 0.00121 BTS to
ff581998 sent 0.00082 BTS to
3d88b5e0 sent 0.0005 BTS to
3d88b5e0 sent 0.00034 BTS to
6dd6b3c4 sent 0.0005 BTS to
6dd6b3c4 sent 0.00033 BTS to
8841e802 sent 0.0005 BTS to
8841e802 sent 0.00033 BTS to
a3273fc8 sent 0.02606 BTS to
d9835262 sent 0.00851 BTS to
646f5084 sent 0.00231 BTS to
8ebe30f1 sent 0.00234 BTS to
91a05f00 sent 0.0022 BTS to
bcf3c964 sent 0.00484 BTS to
f90a6e6a sent 0.00248 BTS to
1268de9c sent 0.00049 BTS to
1268de9c sent 0.00032 BTS to
87f2829b sent 0.00067 BTS to