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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.345 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.642 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.345
131f0e55 sent 0.02 FAIRCOIN to
a2f07171 paid 1.645 CNY for 0.2953 BTS
cd4e5110 wants 0.2953 BTS for 1.645 CNY
528b3b52 sent 417 CNY to
8005225d cancel order
e7fe616f wants 1 BTS for 5.56 CNY
124d8744 paid 20.9 BTS for 116 CNY
7890e27e wants 116 CNY for 20.9 BTS
1d6446b2 paid 2,535 OPEN.DOGE for 304 CNY
f7f80c8f wants 304 CNY for 2,535 OPEN.DOGE
4342e4fc cancel order
ab5d8a31 wants 19.93 BTS for 109.6 CNY
virtual paid 109.6 CNY for 19.93 BTS
9b7dbf6c cancel order
dc147173 wants 20.03 BTS for 109.6 CNY
bfbb258c paid 20 BTS for 109.6 CNY
47897009 wants 109.6 CNY for 20 BTS
c6b47c7c wants 304 CNY for 2,535 OPEN.DOGE
97101a14 cancel order
bd02f502 wants 17.9 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 100 CNY for 17.9 BTS
7fda550a cancel order
a3f19228 wants 308 CNY for 2,535 OPEN.DOGE
d0bf9db4 cancel order
bb075982 wants 18 BTS for 99 CNY
35b86e93 wants 558 CNY for 2,534 OPEN.DOGE
5c77da87 cancel order
7c49074a paid 46 BTS for 2,540 OPEN.DOGE
5a0cdc4c wants 2,540 OPEN.DOGE for 46 BTS
e0305e8f paid 268 CNY for 45.9 BTS
11fc7bd8 wants 45.9 BTS for 268 CNY
9c21ee27 cancel order
a6316794 wants 45.9 BTS for 268 CNY
738e388c paid 41.2 BTS for 241 CNY
a318af9c cancel order
c30ce4f2 wants 241 CNY for 41.2 BTS
4bbe4efd wants 4.66 BTS for 27.2 CNY
9aceebd8 paid 199.6 OPEN.DOGE for 27.2 CNY
47f65f89 wants 27.2 CNY for 199.6 OPEN.DOGE
893791eb cancel order
85acd38b wants 1,031 DOGECOIN for 41.3 BTS
44f35a02 cancel order
f25f6f7b wants 4,100 DOGECOIN for 41 BTS
1181d7c6 paid 244.4 CNY for 41.4 BTS
108ca5a6 wants 41.4 BTS for 244.4 CNY
10b316d8 cancel order
70d8dab2 wants 63.7 YOYOW for 244.5 CNY
3c0ea4eb paid 40.9 BTS for 244.6 CNY
89da7933 wants 244.6 CNY for 40.9 BTS
812d3e93 wants 200 OPEN.DOGE for 3.2 BTS
2fd0413c wants 44.1 BTS for 259 CNY
c9048f1e paid 259 CNY for 44.1 BTS
148ca362 wants 259 CNY for 44.2 BTS
virtual paid 44.2 BTS for 259 CNY
0a0a1526 paid 203.7 CNY for 34.2 BTS
4a2b00d6 wants 34.2 BTS for 203.7 CNY
2a0f0de7 cancel order
4ae4fa97 wants 20.03 BTS for 116 CNY
5c791431 cancel order
94d5e17e wants 58.2 CNY for 10 BTS
c6de5723 paid 58 CNY for 10 BTS
06b32347 wants 10 BTS for 58 CNY
53e1f524 paid 12.5 CNY for 100 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 12.5 CNY for 100 OPEN.DOGE
0cb276ce paid 8.62 BTS for 50.1 CNY
fbcff94f wants 100 OPEN.DOGE for 12.5 CNY
c92f7052 wants 100 OPEN.DOGE for 12.5 CNY
d84537e5 wants 50.1 CNY for 8.62 BTS
17fdaa47 wants 8.62 BTS for 50 CNY
virtual paid 50 CNY for 8.62 BTS
57cea242 paid 8.64 BTS for 50.1 CNY
6a72b463 wants 50.1 CNY for 8.64 BTS
471da688 wants 8.64 BTS for 50 CNY
virtual paid 50 CNY for 8.64 BTS
f9d4718d cancel order
cae1ab31 wants 100 OPEN.DOGE for 12.5 CNY
244c38c2 wants 284.5 CNY for 49.5 BTS
9e0e3fdb paid 49.5 BTS for 284.5 CNY
8c93deb7 cancel order
19fb4557 wants 292 CNY for 49.5 BTS
2c416490 cancel order
29eb378c cancel order
e7621d0d wants 281.5 CNY for 49.4 BTS
9477d0b8 cancel order
fe636759 wants 20.38 OPEN.DOGE for 2.496 CNY
1cd8d19e cancel order
b8e43d6d wants 20 OPEN.DOGE for 2.496 CNY
6408ea39 wants 282.7 CNY for 49.4 BTS
4851d68b cancel order
ad4d6aff wants 50 CNY for 8.87 BTS
ab68502e cancel order
19e9eb4b wants 281.6 CNY for 49.4 BTS
d9b391d4 cancel order
ce2a996c wants 282.6 CNY for 49.4 BTS
b92149e4 paid 22.7 CNY for 4 BTS
92a612e8 wants 4 BTS for 22.7 CNY
635130fa paid 28.4 CNY for 5 BTS
cb5b3edd wants 5 BTS for 28.4 CNY
53e6afbb paid 7.94 USD for 54.4 CNY
88e29d5f wants 54.4 CNY for 7.94 USD
c145dff1 cancel order
beb39199 paid 5 CNY for 0.875 BTS
fd3f67ea cancel order
5d002b0b wants 5 USD for 9.52 BTS
virtual paid 9.52 BTS for 7.94 USD
88c9ed27 wants 50 CNY for 8.71 BTS
6c20733e wants 0.875 BTS for 5 CNY
a61f643c wants 10 CNY for 1.74 BTS
a2b82f63 cancel order
bbf8d21d cancel order
4ecb5601 wants 20.05 CNY for 3.5 BTS
144bec61 cancel order
a1af99dc wants 392 CNY for 49 BTS
871224cf wants 1 BTS for 5 CNY
0d9b6d36 cancel order
4088b2b6 paid 5 USD for 6.06 BTS
ea03d17d wants 6.06 BTS for 5 USD
2c385866 paid 6.02 BTS for 5 USD
e1c13598 wants 5 USD for 6.02 BTS
fde8afb6 wants 0.878 BTS for 5 CNY
4e1b3522 paid 0.877 BTS for 5 CNY
39969bd4 wants 5 CNY for 0.877 BTS