立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid126.6 BTS
Cashback/vesting13.4 BTS


Asset Balance
USD 0.001
EZIRA 0.1042
LUCRA 0.25
BADCOIN 10,000
OPEN.EOS 0.2555
DEEX 0.1
ARCOIN 0.084
TCASH 0.125
WRITER 11,000
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
XBTSX.STH 0.0113
GOOGL 0.00001
8ab19e18 sent 1 OBITS.VOTE to
97a12d1b sent 151.2 BTS to
2534c2fa sent 11,587 OPEN.EOSDAC to
1a338097 sent 11,585 OPEN.EOSDAC to
38b1ad8d sent 2 IMEXE to
955bf34b sent 1,699 BTS to
b77032e5 sent 9,998 BTS to
670896fe sent 1,000 BTS to
77188094 sent 9,000 BTS to
d33aa2f4 sent 11,354 CLOUDCOIN to
cf242b81 wants 11,345 CLOUDCOIN for 851 BTS
virtual paid 851 BTS for 11,345 CLOUDCOIN
5cabadab sent 4,072 ZEPH to
7fb075ab wants 4,081 ZEPH for 400 BTS
virtual paid 400 BTS for 4,081 ZEPH
c77e46ab sent 125 CLOUDCOIN to
88aebbc5 sent 2,000 BTS to
45e66577 wants 133.3 CLOUDCOIN for 16 BTS
virtual paid 16 BTS for 133.3 CLOUDCOIN
801e9ea9 sent 62 CLOUDCOIN to
95c68207 wants 61.3 CLOUDCOIN for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 61.3 CLOUDCOIN
virtual cancel order
a9914905 wants 0.659 CLOUDCOIN for 0.0593 BTS
virtual paid 0.0593 BTS for 0.659 CLOUDCOIN
0bbb2772 sent 615 CLOUDCOIN to
ea46bd9a sent 725 OBITS to
5bc64869 wants 726 OBITS for 850 BTS
virtual paid 116.4 BTS for 99.8 OBITS
virtual paid 5.14 BTS for 4.4 OBITS
virtual paid 720 BTS for 616 OBITS
virtual paid 8.48 BTS for 7.25 OBITS
virtual cancel order
aaab29db wants 613 CLOUDCOIN for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 613 CLOUDCOIN
49c31c7a wants 1 CLOUDCOIN for 0.185 BTS
virtual paid 0.185 BTS for 1 CLOUDCOIN
4a9bc590 sent 313 CLOUDCOIN to
dba865a7 sent 1,000 BTS to
70d1b2d0 wants 0.314 STEALTH for 1.178 BTS
virtual paid 1.178 BTS for 0.314 STEALTH
c67cf100 sent 2,590 SEED to
6a19536a wants 314 CLOUDCOIN for 47.1 BTS
virtual paid 47.1 BTS for 314 CLOUDCOIN
7ebb0cfd sent 50,000 CLOUDCOIN to
843348af paid 5,000 BTS for 50,000 CLOUDCOIN
5c80280a wants 50,000 CLOUDCOIN for 5,000 BTS
c9055c0c sent 219 EZIRA to
0c340c50 paid 0.00284 BTS for 0.00183 EZIRA
df5ab245 paid 261 BTS for 168.2 EZIRA
96e55ce7 paid 77.7 BTS for 50 EZIRA
d1338c0c wants 218 EZIRA for 339 BTS
73f5c9c8 sent 745 ZEPH to
1ca3c833 wants 746 ZEPH for 76.6 BTS
virtual paid 30.7 BTS for 299.4 ZEPH
virtual paid 45.9 BTS for 447 ZEPH
343da43f wants 1 OPEN.EOSDAC for 0.203 BTS
virtual paid 0.203 BTS for 1 OPEN.EOSDAC
f6cb5b72 sent 4.29 YOYOW to
3564af67 sent 8.94 OBITS to
32931e56 sent 4,396 OPEN.EOSDAC to
aa75b697 cancel order
7ba0c7a7 wants 4,404 OPEN.EOSDAC for 687 BTS
virtual paid 687 BTS for 4,404 OPEN.EOSDAC
3cfc0733 wants 100 STEALTH for 261 BTS
dde44245 wants 8.97 OBITS for 13.06 BTS
virtual paid 13.06 BTS for 8.97 OBITS
d7ed8268 wants 0.2554 OPEN.EOS for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 0.256 OPEN.EOS
0b9af568 sent 74 OBITS to
6143b803 wants 65.2 OBITS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 65.2 OBITS
2275e24b sent 5,057 ZEPH to
efa50b60 wants 5,063 ZEPH for 500 BTS
virtual paid 3.05 BTS for 31.45 ZEPH
virtual paid 29.35 BTS for 299.4 ZEPH
virtual paid 4.77 BTS for 48.6 ZEPH
virtual paid 145 BTS for 1,468 ZEPH
virtual paid 318 BTS for 3,219 ZEPH
615dcf10 sent 44.1 PPY to
1aacd83d sent 326 EASYDEX.PB to
d7d9d946 cancel order
23574b42 paid 0.955 BTS for 0.05 PPY
d50334f4 paid 18.15 BTS for 0.95 PPY
ff17bb9c paid 172 BTS for 9 PPY
3cb2fd74 paid 2.81 BTS for 1 EASYDEX.PB
01d76882 wants 50 EASYDEX.PB for 140.5 BTS
ffba8fcd paid 200.6 BTS for 50 EASYDEX.PB
3aa2614b sent 9,672 ZEPH to
181166f5 wants 9,096 ZEPH for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,000 BTS for 9,096 ZEPH
cc46035c cancel order
6fb7d6ac wants 50 EASYDEX.PB for 200.6 BTS
fa183be6 wants 10 PPY for 191 BTS
27bf1a6f paid 1.148 BTS for 0.0529 PPY
cfd19d37 paid 278 BTS for 12.8 PPY
4d92fc4d paid 77.5 BTS for 3.57 PPY
046348c6 paid 77.5 BTS for 3.57 PPY
64a6fc87 wants 1,000 OPEN.EOSDAC for 273 BTS
29ab5a8a wants 1 EZIRA for 4.8 BTS
virtual paid 4.8 BTS for 1 EZIRA
e3babb05 wants 70 EASYDEX.PB for 373 BTS
virtual paid 373 BTS for 70 EASYDEX.PB
ac22ae37 cancel order
84c1b9d7 wants 20 PPY for 434 BTS
dc8cd039 wants 27,012 SEED for 100 BTS
6fa9f3bf wants 594 ZEPH for 61.7 BTS
virtual paid 37.5 BTS for 362 ZEPH
virtual paid 24.25 BTS for 233.4 ZEPH
4d270e61 wants 149 EASYDEX.PB for 787 BTS
virtual paid 787 BTS for 149 EASYDEX.PB
9965f343 wants 43 EASYDEX.PB for 198 BTS
virtual paid 198 BTS for 43 EASYDEX.PB
08024b92 wants 198 BTS for 34.4 USD
virtual paid 34.4 USD for 198 BTS
74e71109 wants 10 EASYDEX.PB for 48.1 BTS
virtual paid 48.1 BTS for 10 EASYDEX.PB
b824680b paid 0.82 OPEN.WAVES for 2.453 USD
6765fd53 paid 2.73 OPEN.WAVES for 8.17 USD
12e7126f paid 1.94 OPEN.WAVES for 5.8 USD
9377beb2 paid 6.01 OPEN.WAVES for 18 USD
952ccd34 wants 160 SEED for 1.44 BTS
virtual paid 1.184 BTS for 157.8 SEED
virtual paid 0.2557 BTS for 28.4 SEED
4b04db45 wants 6.4 BTS for 1.036 USD
virtual paid 1.036 USD for 6.4 BTS
8afa5a8c cancel order
37eb512b wants 6.4 BTS for 1.036 USD
16324ee6 wants 2 OPEN.EOSDAC for 1.34 BTS
virtual paid 1.34 BTS for 2 OPEN.EOSDAC
94f800fa wants 2 EASYDEX.PB for 8.4 BTS
virtual paid 8.4 BTS for 2 EASYDEX.PB
ef93ae4d wants 1.1 STEALTH for 3.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.725 BTS for 0.21 STEALTH
virtual paid 3.07 BTS for 0.89 STEALTH
29143271 wants 10 OBITS for 16.78 BTS
virtual paid 16.78 BTS for 10 OBITS
f3718c45 wants 34.4 USD for 11.5 OPEN.WAVES
e67fcaa7 wants 9.38 PPY for 198.7 BTS
virtual paid 50.8 BTS for 2.396 PPY
virtual paid 148 BTS for 6.98 PPY
d8ffe082 cancel order
d844a26a wants 29.1 BTS for 4.75 USD
virtual paid 4.75 USD for 29.1 BTS
4e4cdcab sent 4,314 BTS to
1caacb2c paid 0.00000003 OPEN.BTC for 0.00115 BTS
a543f31c paid 0.000071 OPEN.BTC for 2.74 BTS
fd8e2d4c paid 0.0288 OPEN.BTC for 1,112 BTS
345c0a93 paid 0.01813 OPEN.BTC for 700 BTS
198a33b4 paid 0.00906 OPEN.BTC for 350 BTS
8fb34377 paid 0.000454 OPEN.BTC for 17.52 BTS
08c3b19f paid 0.000834 OPEN.BTC for 32.2 BTS
da8bbe03 paid 0.000491 OPEN.BTC for 18.95 BTS
068a2319 paid 0.001263 OPEN.BTC for 48.8 BTS
728ada6c paid 0.000817 OPEN.BTC for 31.56 BTS
a9e813d9 wants 2,314 BTS for 0.0599 OPEN.BTC
fb71662c wants 255 USD for 0.0408 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0408 OPEN.BTC for 255 USD
1103d8f7 sent 2,196 OPEN.EOSDAC to
b9811b5e sent 1,825 ZEPH to
f5074bd8 wants 1,830 ZEPH for 180 BTS
virtual paid 180 BTS for 1,830 ZEPH
28b81298 wants 500 OPEN.EOSDAC for 236 BTS
5682a1a3 paid 550 BTS for 1,000 OPEN.EOSDAC
022f45ea sent 10 BTS to
cb413755 cancel order
a8acca1d sent 160.5 STEALTH to
b37cfed3 paid 500 BTS for 160.8 STEALTH
f0379679 sent 1,200 YOYOW to
d07f10ab sent 369 STEALTH to
d3cf750e sent 3,508 OBITS to
c43c41f1 sent 365,000 BTS to
b46bde09 sent 55,299 ZEPH to
de84ad08 sent 10 BTS to
0f124f88 wants 160.8 STEALTH for 500 BTS
d8044e1e register mises314
0bf69849 update account/votes
9d22176e update account/votes
c7360a43 wants 1,000 OPEN.EOSDAC for 550 BTS
8a6deb25 wants 23.4 STEALTH for 105.4 BTS
virtual paid 105.4 BTS for 23.4 STEALTH
632c6201 paid 120.6 BTS for 200 OPEN.EOSDAC
2f157218 paid 242 BTS for 1,967 ZEPH
b45cd4b3 paid 258 BTS for 2,094 ZEPH
8adadce4 wants 4,060 ZEPH for 500 BTS
3444eea8 wants 200 OPEN.EOSDAC for 120.6 BTS
9f376d31 wants 16.4 BTS for 3.45 USD
virtual paid 3.45 USD for 16.4 BTS
03fff808 wants 76,923 MILK for 200 BTS
207e8ffa cancel order
69298d32 sent 20 BTS to
b64969dc wants 19,992 SEED for 200 BTS