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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS7sSge9XTTzy9zdvbKbg3UN1riciwfwanVN5LTbcXFoYs46ewMZ 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight784 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.77 BTS


Asset Balance
OPEN.PPC 0.0000537
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025
183afbdd sent 788 BTS to
2cb10837 wants 3.17 BTS for 65.1 OPEN.PPC
virtual paid 13.7 OPEN.PPC for 2.784 BTS
virtual paid 11 OPEN.PPC for 1.1 BTS
virtual paid 40.4 OPEN.PPC for 1.965 BTS
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel orders (2)
2dbc0894 paid 0.00161 BTS for 0.0002007 OPEN.PPC
59151676 sent 1,000 XBTSX.EXR to
07f736c4 paid 12.8 BTS for 1.597 OPEN.PPC
3662a53c paid 0.8 BTS for 0.0997 OPEN.PPC
d4c7403a paid 0.8 BTS for 0.0996 OPEN.PPC
05b6c428 paid 0.00061 BTS for 0.000076 OPEN.PPC
72956244 paid 1.08 BTS for 0.1345 OPEN.PPC
078c9bc7 paid 9.85 BTS for 1.228 OPEN.PPC
bc10b825 paid 8 BTS for 0.998 OPEN.PPC
e66cef44 paid 10.38 OPEN.PPC for 200 BTS
5ecd8c7c paid 1.74 OPEN.PPC for 33.5 BTS
5a8373aa paid 0.546 BTS for 0.068 OPEN.PPC
bf547d16 wants 19.36 OPEN.PPC for 155.3 BTS
bf547d16 wants 639 BTS for 33.2 OPEN.PPC
a5781c9d cancel orders (2)
223b3bb4 paid 1.19 BTS for 0.134 OPEN.PPC
c1e28e26 wants 14.41 OPEN.PPC for 128 BTS
c1e28e26 wants 1,020 BTS for 36.5 OPEN.PPC
84b46771 cancel orders (2)
79d53b13 paid 22.1 BTS for 2.71 OPEN.PPC
087d276d wants 20.1 OPEN.PPC for 164 BTS
087d276d wants 651 BTS for 31.57 OPEN.PPC
b5e8db5d cancel orders (2)
44acfa05 paid 21.74 BTS for 2.71 OPEN.PPC
84d3534a wants 22.9 OPEN.PPC for 183.8 BTS
84d3534a wants 556 BTS for 28.9 OPEN.PPC
3c37ed3f cancel orders (2)
9b6123cb wants 22.9 OPEN.PPC for 183.8 BTS
9b6123cb wants 556 BTS for 28.9 OPEN.PPC
16a8cb19 cancel orders (2)
a4ff1117 cancel order
a4ff1117 wants 420 BTS for 26.7 OPEN.PPC
fbaeb985 cancel order
fbaeb985 wants 440 BTS for 26.7 OPEN.PPC
21dd8d7c cancel order
21dd8d7c wants 463 BTS for 26.7 OPEN.PPC
fc4cdc32 cancel order
fc4cdc32 wants 487 BTS for 26.7 OPEN.PPC
2d4cd299 paid 0.00681 BTS for 0.00085 OPEN.PPC
86b25e0b wants 22.9 OPEN.PPC for 183.8 BTS
86b25e0b wants 514 BTS for 26.7 OPEN.PPC
08a1b8f0 cancel order
f8d695b6 paid 60.4 BTS for 7.53 OPEN.PPC
0d50bd76 paid 69.7 BTS for 8.68 OPEN.PPC
cee64634 paid 50.4 BTS for 6.28 OPEN.PPC
ddd25f20 paid 119.4 BTS for 14.88 OPEN.PPC
286404a7 cancel order
286404a7 wants 58.7 OPEN.PPC for 471 BTS
edb4379e wants 69.7 OPEN.PPC for 471 BTS
8689b776 cancel order
e6e500a9 wants 69.7 OPEN.PPC for 471 BTS
59163ce7 cancel order
72a457ea wants 69.7 OPEN.PPC for 471 BTS
f8159f45 cancel orders (2)
bdacc2cf wants 67.2 OPEN.PPC for 463 BTS
bdacc2cf wants 137.2 BTS for 6.69 OPEN.PPC
1b52c664 cancel order
568ec092 wants 69.7 OPEN.PPC for 471 BTS
c2095b7a cancel order
8932de48 paid 0.0353 OPEN.PPC for 0.675 BTS
virtual cancel order
862be754 paid 8.16 OPEN.PPC for 156 BTS
72b44b68 paid 0.682 OPEN.PPC for 13.05 BTS
32a5e4da paid 8.14 OPEN.PPC for 155.7 BTS
0afedc61 paid 0.281 OPEN.PPC for 5.38 BTS
a0f0f23c paid 0.127 OPEN.PPC for 2.433 BTS
a0c14257 paid 0.0636 OPEN.PPC for 1.217 BTS
ed43c652 wants 31.1 OPEN.PPC for 210 BTS
ed43c652 wants 335 BTS for 17.48 OPEN.PPC
564cc5ce cancel orders (2)
2b4bfd17 wants 31.1 OPEN.PPC for 210 BTS
2b4bfd17 wants 335 BTS for 17.48 OPEN.PPC
5e449fab cancel orders (2)
6d43c526 paid 0.00292 OPEN.PPC for 0.0563 BTS
fc7cebf7 paid 0.00626 OPEN.PPC for 0.1206 BTS
e438156f paid 0.01265 OPEN.PPC for 0.244 BTS
b32f691c paid 0.0256 OPEN.PPC for 0.493 BTS
35020e3e paid 0.1254 OPEN.PPC for 2.417 BTS
2a075e4c paid 0.0627 OPEN.PPC for 1.21 BTS
cb90f3ff paid 0.046 OPEN.PPC for 0.887 BTS
3f78c698 cancel order
3f78c698 wants 351 BTS for 18.2 OPEN.PPC
0d41aad4 wants 29.1 OPEN.PPC for 200.5 BTS
0d41aad4 wants 373 BTS for 18.2 OPEN.PPC
1eeca200 cancel orders (2)
612b6bf7 wants 29.1 OPEN.PPC for 200.5 BTS
612b6bf7 wants 373 BTS for 18.2 OPEN.PPC
4ef0b04e cancel orders (2)
5201685a wants 27.15 OPEN.PPC for 192.3 BTS
5201685a wants 425 BTS for 18.86 OPEN.PPC
f2d23794 cancel orders (2)
9d61ff07 wants 27.15 OPEN.PPC for 192.3 BTS
9d61ff07 wants 425 BTS for 18.86 OPEN.PPC
cb5ad833 sent 729 BTS to
57ba5959 cancel orders (2)
b7a47b27 wants 68.7 OPEN.PPC for 486 BTS
b7a47b27 wants 272 BTS for 12.08 OPEN.PPC
6d00c8b2 cancel order
c1e82181 wants 99.8 OPEN.PPC for 641 BTS
f8514d47 cancel orders (2)
a1886efc paid 69.8 BTS for 9.86 OPEN.PPC
d3048283 paid 0.331 OPEN.PPC for 6.2 BTS
85901a77 paid 15 OPEN.PPC for 280.7 BTS
deffef35 paid 2.088 OPEN.PPC for 39 BTS
8c4e6fe4 cancel order
8c4e6fe4 wants 326 BTS for 17.44 OPEN.PPC
effce4b7 cancel order
effce4b7 wants 346 BTS for 17.44 OPEN.PPC
b91ad955 cancel order
b91ad955 wants 368 BTS for 17.44 OPEN.PPC
6e7f47ff wants 60.9 OPEN.PPC for 431 BTS
6e7f47ff wants 393 BTS for 17.44 OPEN.PPC
699b299d cancel order
08e01827 cancel order
08e01827 wants 42.4 OPEN.PPC for 228.3 BTS
ef5bd031 paid 0.00923 OPEN.PPC for 0.1033 BTS
f7ef6a2c paid 0.01792 OPEN.PPC for 0.2006 BTS
7d79f6a5 cancel order
7d79f6a5 wants 48.3 OPEN.PPC for 228.3 BTS
a04b1844 paid 0.1393 OPEN.PPC for 1.56 BTS
1ae9226d paid 6.96 OPEN.PPC for 78 BTS
dffcfc7c paid 0.435 OPEN.PPC for 4.87 BTS
d3a46e74 paid 0.2177 OPEN.PPC for 2.436 BTS
420c4488 paid 0.139 OPEN.PPC for 1.555 BTS
64f0d2c5 paid 5.73 OPEN.PPC for 64.1 BTS
55446e9b paid 0.00966 OPEN.PPC for 0.1081 BTS
7ea746c4 paid 0.2665 OPEN.PPC for 2.98 BTS
f06d5e1e paid 0.208 OPEN.PPC for 2.33 BTS
99413b30 paid 0.833 OPEN.PPC for 9.32 BTS
c375e105 paid 0.416 OPEN.PPC for 4.66 BTS
01ab4436 paid 0.0568 OPEN.PPC for 0.635 BTS
49ef1781 paid 3.45 OPEN.PPC for 38.6 BTS
8246c418 paid 0.842 OPEN.PPC for 9.43 BTS
a4cd6d12 paid 0.2696 OPEN.PPC for 3.02 BTS
3ffe71ee paid 0.1345 OPEN.PPC for 1.505 BTS
a3ec03e6 paid 0.2575 OPEN.PPC for 2.88 BTS
5dbb7276 wants 59.9 OPEN.PPC for 228.3 BTS
5dbb7276 wants 228.3 BTS for 20.4 OPEN.PPC
a0f587fa cancel orders (2)
d3cfab9a wants 59 OPEN.PPC for 225 BTS
d3cfab9a wants 225 BTS for 20.1 OPEN.PPC
79ec96bc cancel order
74a6c041 paid 18.14 OPEN.PPC for 194 BTS
f8a53b22 wants 51.6 OPEN.PPC for 194 BTS
f8a53b22 wants 194 BTS for 18.14 OPEN.PPC
296b265f cancel orders (2)
625d6c6c wants 37.1 OPEN.PPC for 173.3 BTS
625d6c6c wants 173.3 BTS for 16.06 OPEN.PPC
b790b9b8 sent 316 BTS to
61586f66 cancel order
7011c0a1 cancel order
7011c0a1 wants 3.64 BTS for 0.317 OPEN.PPC
5ae6e79f wants 245.7 BTS for 0.317 OPEN.PPC
77960daa cancel order
6d1b13fb cancel order
6d1b13fb wants 33.7 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
987b9418 cancel order
987b9418 wants 35.8 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
0e24f6f9 cancel order
0e24f6f9 wants 38.1 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
9f9f3763 cancel order
9f9f3763 wants 40.7 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
fd160eee cancel order
fd160eee wants 43.5 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
280dd6a8 cancel order
280dd6a8 wants 46.6 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
01e210fe cancel order
01e210fe wants 50 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
f2512940 cancel order
f2512940 wants 53.7 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
bbc44214 cancel order
bbc44214 wants 57.8 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
8e5aea66 cancel order
8e5aea66 wants 62.3 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
bda667b0 cancel order
bda667b0 wants 67.2 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC
126e13e7 cancel order
126e13e7 wants 72.7 BTS for 2.04 OPEN.PPC