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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight16,835 BTS
Lifetime fees paid12.64 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 16,835
CNY 195.7
USD 0.0201
OPEN.BTC 0.00000001
BADCOIN 10,000
SEED 158
XBTSX.STH 0.0772
62f69c0a sent 0.00001 BTS to
a46a749b sent 0.0772 XBTSX.STH to
117faad0 sent 1 ELECTRON to
b20a5b1a sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
831a13d5 sent 10 IOU.XFQ to
fed44382 paid 20 CNY for 742 BTS
dbaba856 paid 865 BTS for 77.1 CNY
4e31a3c0 sent 0.0405 OPEN.BTC to
f7f27b6a wants 0.0296 OPEN.BTC for 19.47 USD
virtual paid 0.446 USD for 0.00068 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 19.02 USD for 0.0289 OPEN.BTC
1bf29d2e paid 1.303 USD for 4.34 RISKER
c11e235a paid 0.661 USD for 1.322 RISKER
97986f5f paid 1.5 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
f572480c paid 1.6 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
dc4bc521 paid 0.85 BTS for 0.005 RISKER
b17a7dd1 paid 309 BTS for 1.718 RISKER
2f896674 paid 888 BTS for 4 RISKER
862dcb02 paid 4.01 RISKER for 0.0097 OPEN.BTC
e1549f15 paid 0.285 RISKER for 0.00069 OPEN.BTC
5daed762 paid 0.027 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
984f4432 cancel order
6c483d71 cancel order
a4321d4a cancel order
d6043357 wants 2.335 RISKER for 828 BTS
virtual paid 828 BTS for 2.335 RISKER
4fcc06ab cancel order
753ad81b wants 5 RISKER for 1,350 BTS
1d787ea3 paid 1,350 BTS for 5 RISKER
3fa01647 wants 5 RISKER for 1,200 BTS
db1a27d2 paid 4.28 BTS for 0.0193 RISKER
242ef4d2 wants 5 RISKER for 1,110 BTS
e8358617 paid 213.4 BTS for 0.961 RISKER
e9212888 paid 3.86 BTS for 0.0174 RISKER
98b4fe70 cancel order
ef50d398 cancel order
cf692f9c wants 30 RISKER for 6,150 BTS
15171059 wants 20 RISKER for 4,140 BTS
3b097f08 paid 0.33 BTS for 0.0015 RISKER
virtual paid 1,564 BTS for 7.55 RISKER
61cde540 paid 412 BTS for 1.99 RISKER
1885b1cd paid 47.8 BTS for 0.2307 RISKER
dd2820a4 wants 2.436 RISKER for 536 BTS
365c184e paid 0.031 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
virtual paid 536 BTS for 2.434 RISKER
370b506a paid 0.033 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
virtual paid 755 BTS for 2.436 RISKER
3fc71b71 wants 2.436 RISKER for 755 BTS
d6778a3a wants 2.436 RISKER for 804 BTS
5bae0ba6 paid 804 BTS for 2.436 RISKER
7d60ad97 wants 31.5 PEERPLAYS for 24.32 RISKER
9360d275 wants 18.65 PEERPLAYS for 20 RISKER
f6153744 cancel order
505c644e cancel order
a7c0c784 cancel order
63c2dcb4 cancel order
623df37a cancel order
ace4b666 wants 59.2 CNY for 5 RISKER
777ab9a1 cancel order
46ca088b cancel order
719c7f3a cancel order
944cd692 paid 0 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
fe8c539e paid 115.1 BTS for 0.64 RISKER
70a05eaf paid 1.8 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 198 BTS for 1.1 RISKER
a68b4e06 paid 110.3 RISKER for 22,440 BTS
f13f6491 wants 1.45 PEERPLAYS for 3 RISKER
bbbadce9 wants 3.46 RISKER for 622 BTS
344dcfb8 wants 22,440 BTS for 110.3 RISKER
a8bd70ac cancel order
048010e3 paid 1.9 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
1228c931 paid 0.0002 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 1.005 USD
175e9cca paid 14.14 CNY for 1.887 RISKER
f62f46c9 wants 1.887 RISKER for 14.14 CNY
10273d32 cancel order
e380a36d wants 1.434 RISKER for 10.74 CNY
8a7f0e07 paid 10.74 CNY for 1.434 RISKER
df45b625 wants 147.6 RISKER for 0.357 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.357 OPEN.BTC for 147.6 RISKER
1a058548 wants 14.12 RISKER for 2,800 BTS
virtual paid 2,800 BTS for 14.12 RISKER
36dcffb7 paid 2.434 RISKER for 0.00539 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 2.443 RISKER for 0.00584 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0504 RISKER for 0.000122 OPEN.BTC
505a70b1 paid 0.1 RISKER for 19.5 BTS
acef0009 paid 0.02583 OPEN.BTC for 3,000 BTS
426d0b69 wants 3,000 BTS for 0.02583 OPEN.BTC
3f9c697c wants 4.67 RISKER for 0.01017 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.00487 OPEN.BTC for 2.434 RISKER
virtual paid 2.434 RISKER for 0.00487 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0053 OPEN.BTC for 2.434 RISKER
virtual paid 2.434 RISKER for 0.0053 OPEN.BTC
9d091ed1 wants 3 RISKER for 13.3 CNY
15b0d3db wants 1.005 USD for 1 RISKER
48f34d5c wants 2 RISKER for 1.465 USD
88df7e5b wants 3 RISKER for 1.855 USD
0ca26d40 cancel order
6122f2fa wants 0.999 USD for 1 RISKER
46725b83 paid 0.0002 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 0.999 USD
37ae84bf wants 0.975 USD for 1 RISKER
940f8702 paid 0.0002 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 0.975 USD
61fc6a97 wants 0.975 USD for 1 RISKER
dbd7624c paid 0.0002 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 0.975 USD
9923517b wants 0.95 USD for 1 RISKER
a30fdccc paid 0.0002 RISKER for 0.0001 USD
virtual paid 1 RISKER for 0.95 USD
8a8f3a1f wants 0.95 USD for 1 RISKER
7abcfde0 paid 1 RISKER for 0.95 USD
91b2e7e7 wants 0.00487 OPEN.BTC for 2.434 RISKER
a5d06e6d wants 0.0053 OPEN.BTC for 2.434 RISKER
6cc021c6 wants 0.00539 OPEN.BTC for 2.434 RISKER
82899255 wants 19.5 BTS for 0.1 RISKER
67e32022 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.9 BTS
c8cd0de0 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.8 BTS
f792f8bc wants 0.005 RISKER for 0.85 BTS
2838e42a wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.6 BTS
006045f3 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.5 BTS
d5f574f7 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.8 BTS
d80b77c4 paid 1.8 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 0.017 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
e0d18853 wants 0.03 RISKER for 5.1 BTS
2bc78938 paid 5.08 BTS for 0.0299 RISKER
b4aa204a paid 1.7 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 0.015 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
926e0539 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.7 BTS
936e82f1 wants 0.01 RISKER for 1.7 BTS
8dd405df paid 1.7 BTS for 0.01 RISKER
virtual paid 0.016 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
2a4c5c83 cancel order
c4d50bf8 cancel order
cae21594 cancel order
45e5bc34 wants 2 RISKER for 340 BTS
7ed5fe27 paid 340 BTS for 2 RISKER
3fc6c94a wants 2 RISKER for 320 BTS
f804ab0c paid 320 BTS for 2 RISKER
814df822 paid 294 BTS for 1.96 RISKER
2b4064dc wants 2 RISKER for 300 BTS
44657bdd paid 0.915 BTS for 0.0061 RISKER
3f8d40cd paid 1.05 BTS for 0.007 RISKER
c3fc8492 paid 1.2 BTS for 0.008 RISKER
5c0f48f3 paid 1.38 BTS for 0.0092 RISKER
1ececc2e paid 1.575 BTS for 0.0105 RISKER
121e1c7e wants 188 BTS for 1 RISKER
46401ed5 wants 191 BTS for 1 RISKER
673626dd wants 4.97 RISKER for 980 BTS
virtual paid 980 BTS for 4.97 RISKER
virtual paid 4.97 RISKER for 980 BTS
abcd8e33 wants 4.43 RISKER for 29.66 CNY
virtual paid 12.82 CNY for 2 RISKER
42000100 paid 16.84 CNY for 2.52 RISKER
c747eaf6 cancel order
ce598623 wants 45.9 USD for 43 RISKER
f4ac28ab cancel order
c0f5eea7 wants 0.00584 OPEN.BTC for 2.443 RISKER
a72487a4 wants 0.01051 OPEN.BTC for 4.35 RISKER
729d2763 wants 1,970 BTS for 10 RISKER
0b700120 paid 0.031 BTS for 0.0002 RISKER
db84f200 paid 0.0155 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
f17c8f48 paid 2.82 RISKER for 18 CNY
virtual paid 0.436 RISKER for 2.794 CNY
2c786ca4 paid 5.43 RISKER for 34.1 CNY
aa10c255 paid 4.4 RISKER for 27.67 CNY
virtual paid 1.184 RISKER for 7.56 CNY
a57396fb paid 0.1644 RISKER for 1.05 CNY
d4e8a6d0 paid 5.67 RISKER for 36.2 CNY
254b798c paid 0.1646 RISKER for 1.052 CNY
f3a18bf5 paid 0.1672 RISKER for 1.05 CNY
9a14614f paid 4.74 RISKER for 3.6 USD
b5f8ec30 paid 5.26 RISKER for 4 USD
virtual paid 6 RISKER for 4.8 USD
virtual cancel order
613550ba cancel order
16ba0e76 wants 126.6 RISKER for 0.418 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0862 OPEN.BTC for 43.1 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01886 OPEN.BTC for 8.97 RISKER
virtual paid 0.2103 OPEN.BTC for 100 RISKER
virtual paid 0.0112 OPEN.BTC for 5.32 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01056 OPEN.BTC for 5 RISKER
virtual paid 0.00733 OPEN.BTC for 3.44 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01192 OPEN.BTC for 5.53 RISKER
virtual paid 0.00282 OPEN.BTC for 1.27 RISKER
virtual paid 0.02237 OPEN.BTC for 10 RISKER
virtual paid 0.022 OPEN.BTC for 9.83 RISKER
virtual paid 0.01433 OPEN.BTC for 4.34 RISKER
6fa1b11f wants 62.8 CNY for 10 RISKER
0b21b23b wants 63.9 CNY for 10 RISKER
fc567698 wants 7.6 USD for 10 RISKER
e14fba56 wants 1.322 RISKER for 0.661 USD
8d8e8c93 wants 4.34 RISKER for 1.303 USD
e71c1925 wants 3.39 RISKER for 0.339 USD
0d2a355e wants 8.01 USD for 10 RISKER
29dface7 paid 4 RISKER for 3.21 USD
29dface7 paid 0.0175 BTS for 0.0001 RISKER
virtual paid 330 BTS for 2 RISKER
virtual paid 310 BTS for 2 RISKER
6d651fa0 wants 19.72 RISKER for 3,886 BTS
virtual paid 142 BTS for 0.743 RISKER
virtual paid 1,403 BTS for 7.34 RISKER
virtual paid 390 BTS for 2 RISKER
virtual paid 1,951 BTS for 9.9 RISKER
a6cfcde0 paid 1 RISKER for 6.42 CNY