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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight2.056 BTS
Lifetime fees paid14.05 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 2.056
ECASH 0.531
EPESO 0.0154
DEEX 0.1
BTCGOLD 0.00684
BTCCASH 0.000406
27a4d2ff sent 7 BTS to
2e1f2dcc sent 936 ELOAD to
2d82a2c3 sent 4,115 CRYPTOCEEDS to
e5120440 sent 15,575,000 EPESO to
ab0ad2c4 sent 23,809 ECASH to
9276532c cancel order
d0151658 update account/votes
509c30cd sent 0.1 DEEX to
508a9f87 sent 18,446,996 COMPUCEEDS to
bc98800f sent 1,754 BTCGOLD to
3af29b1d sent 324 BTCCORE to
bd745f80 sent 707 BTCCASH to
4b278f11 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0119 ECASH
47531e15 wants 23,810 ECASH for 20 BTS
87ef74a7 paid 20 BTS for 23,810 ECASH
a1284220 paid 10 BTCCORE for 1,754 BTCGOLD
a4cf997c sent 70 BTS to
e5bdc288 paid 120 BTS for 203.4 BTCCORE
0d21aba5 sent 43 BTS to
fa44c741 wants 10,325,000 EPESO for 59 BTCCORE
virtual paid 59 BTCCORE for 10,325,000 EPESO
4789e54a wants 5,250,000 EPESO for 30 BTCCORE
virtual paid 30 BTCCORE for 5,250,000 EPESO
d3610e1f sent 50 BTS to
17d83969 wants 203.4 BTCCORE for 120 BTS
acf48dc9 paid 100 BTS for 158.2 BTCCORE
ad490803 wants 1,754 BTCGOLD for 10 BTCCORE
eff3e61a wants 158.2 BTCCORE for 100 BTS
a8449cd9 cancel order
72a66018 cancel order
bc55af85 wants 3,500 BTCGOLD for 20 BTCCORE
virtual paid 0.000005 BTCCORE for 0.000879 BTCGOLD
f7e9b274 wants 707 BTCCASH for 100 BTCCORE
virtual paid 100 BTCCORE for 707 BTCCASH
568ecd78 wants 100 BTCCASH for 10 BTCCORE
e1c9ce34 wants 200 BTCCORE for 120 BTS
9df4ada4 wants 61.7 BTCCORE for 42 BTS
virtual paid 42 BTS for 62 BTCCORE
7b5e631c paid 13 BTS for 100 BTCCORE
03991cba wants 4.2 BTCCORE for 0.883 BTS
virtual paid 0.883 BTS for 4.2 BTCCORE
299924d2 wants 5 BTCCORE for 1.04 BTS
virtual paid 1.04 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
c7c912e3 wants 100 BTCCORE for 13 BTS
16d99b60 wants 1.52 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.52 BTS
935fc969 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
e104429e cancel order
15588a63 sent 900 BTCPLUS to
8ee6660e cancel order
24b76118 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
3323dc59 cancel order
6d2cac0e sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
ce1a7ad9 cancel order
45ed7df7 sent 800 BTCPLUS to
f739725c cancel order
d5efe506 sent 3,200 BTCPLUS to
e75ad38a cancel order
84ce4060 sent 2,500 BTCPLUS to
25950add cancel order
840fb1d8 sent 244 BTCPLUS to
9ba54b68 cancel order
a3fdbdbb sent 3,000 BTCPLUS to
f89b69d1 cancel order
432b2a2f sent 66 BTCPLUS to
51dd2504 cancel order
eee7d3d6 sent 2,500 BTCPLUS to
ade56844 cancel order
4f90fe9a sent 500 BTCPLUS to
9a6afbac cancel order
7ed9fa03 sent 20 BTS to
4462a45c wants 13,498,200 USD for 900 BTCPLUS
1615ef9c paid 100 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
3d318615 wants 14,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
87e06573 wants 26,998,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
fc4a2f15 wants 23,998,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
05eddba2 cancel order
646d6e50 wants 7,199,200 USD for 800 BTCPLUS
ba33db86 cancel order
69b3c370 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
274b83b3 wants 395,736 USD for 66 BTCPLUS
f86cbdce wants 19,200,000 USD for 3,200 BTCPLUS
ea7afed2 cancel order
c46f32f4 wants 17,994,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
a0692394 paid 50 BTS for 5,555,556 COMPUCEEDS
a3ae1e9e paid 40 BTS for 100 CRYPTOCEEDS
3f0c9a2c wants 5,555,556 COMPUCEEDS for 50 BTS
26117510 wants 100 CRYPTOCEEDS for 40 BTS
bd2d67f7 cancel order
9870c2d8 paid 144 BTS for 1,200 BTCPLUS
f37784db paid 356 BTS for 2,967 BTCPLUS
e29582df wants 4,167 BTCPLUS for 500 BTS
00482049 cancel order
9e2bf060 wants 6,667 BTCPLUS for 500 BTS
80b42302 cancel order
809a0f8d cancel order
f75e222f sent 2,800 BTCPLUS to
3b3bce62 paid 210 BTS for 2,800 BTCPLUS
957873a0 wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 375 BTS
265df107 wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 350 BTS
9447895a sent 25 BTS to
5ea7f819 wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 225 BTS
e55339a8 wants 1,463,756 USD for 244 BTCPLUS
8ae8bb61 wants 22,495,000 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
8cbe375f paid 250 BTS for 5,000 BTCPLUS
712e8278 wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 250 BTS
1354c52d wants 11,245,000 USD for 2,500 BTCPLUS
cabc356d paid 100 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
2c7fc531 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
75fdabf3 sent 10,000 BTCPLUS to
7638114a paid 1,000 BTS for 10,000 BTCPLUS
a37e093d sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
0fb17659 sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
be13e0fc wants 10,000 BTCPLUS for 1,000 BTS
f125721f paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0001 BTCPLUS
250c5302 paid 144.5 BTS for 983 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 145 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 140 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 769 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 833 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 1,000 BTCPLUS
a9161aed paid 2.55 BTS for 17.34 BTCPLUS
5d89cdfc wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 147 BTS
318910ce wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 145 BTS
18e1e377 wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 140 BTS
b0bafece wants 769 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
103fe43b wants 833 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
e02a882d wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
c0a41610 sent 11,180 BTCPLUS to
3d18e3f2 cancel order
3d3becc4 wants 799,200 USD for 800 BTCPLUS
c23634d7 wants 2,225,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
88c6f5cc wants 1,400 BTCPLUS for 402 BTS
virtual paid 402 BTS for 1,400 BTCPLUS
eae64028 cancel order
a062c7e5 wants 1,505 BTCPLUS for 120.4 BTS
ffd380aa wants 31,863,000 USD for 11,180 BTCPLUS
74c77ed1 cancel order
96d32155 wants 32,422,000 USD for 11,180 BTCPLUS
99eb3a16 cancel order
e54147b2 wants 33,540,000 USD for 11,180 BTCPLUS
8e72f8b6 cancel order
252b0169 cancel order
0e8ee7b8 sent 450,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
927cdda3 sent 150 BTS to
968f0784 sent 150 BTS to
9dcd7106 sent 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
8067a168 sent 60 BTS to
5227b007 sent 80 BTS to
2e090923 sent 150 BTS to
2c839501 sent 150 BTS to
650db8f2 sent 150 BTS to
04593ee4 sent 150 BTS to
fde9c119 sent 50,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
37f02af0 sent 50,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
92059e86 wants 88,330 BTS for 4,015 CRYPTOCEEDS
03663505 cancel order
1eddeff7 wants 19,308,960 USD for 6,996 BTCPLUS
a00eb38d cancel order
a2fa75cf cancel order
e06c8b0d wants 11,718,000 USD for 4,185 BTCPLUS
87f94429 sent 300,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
f01ab9dd wants 865,555 USD for 289 BTCPLUS
e7293252 wants 14,975,000 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
2557b637 cancel order
7eebdfa8 cancel order
0fd6879f cancel order
c5681fac cancel order
b342ffd9 cancel order
f4234de1 cancel order
327b67af cancel order
a268f829 cancel order
cd424470 cancel order
0e5bef6e wants 1,752,075 OPEN.USD for 585 BTCPLUS
9fbaa187 cancel order
4e9bd9e7 sent 10,000 BTCPLUS to
1087c38a cancel order
957b1eb3 sent 3,072 BTCPLUS to
97099369 cancel order
d7f61546 wants 2,791,041 OPEN.USD for 932 BTCPLUS
9dd0b201 wants 1,032 BTCPLUS for 800 BTS
virtual paid 800 BTS for 1,032 BTCPLUS
630cd9a8 wants 755 BTS for 37,755,302 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 0.492 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 140 BTS
4fc9b7f5 wants 625 BTS for 30,755,302 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 30,755,302 COMPUCEEDS for 625 BTS
3e7bc6ee wants 3,373,275 OPEN.USD for 1,125 BTCPLUS
d4790fdd wants 1,497,500 OPEN.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
fee6646a wants 1,495,000 OPEN.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
88695219 wants 1,490,000 OPEN.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
8d8ba4bc wants 1,494,000 OPEN.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
cb9e1880 wants 3,225 BTCPLUS for 2,500 BTS
virtual paid 2,500 BTS for 3,225 BTCPLUS
32f7044b wants 441,905 OPEN.USD for 147.4 BTCPLUS
431c3ead wants 1,497,500 OPEN.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
d3c7a76e cancel order
c0dc5e6f cancel order
3e6ba15a wants 137,491 USD for 47.4 BTCPLUS
4fa3a190 wants 1,799,400 USD for 600 BTCPLUS
f8ee87e1 paid 500 BTS for 720 BTCPLUS