立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer


Committee Member



Lifetime fees paid16,291 BTS
Cashback/vesting383 BTS
0.00312 BTS
0.339 BTS


Asset Balance
SILVER 0.0023
GOLD 0.000754
OPENBTC 0.00975
FEDEV 6,128
BADCOIN 10,000
3c30ad4d sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
128f00e0 sent 0.1 SOLOMON to
1c884b09 issue 185 STRANGE to
8bf33ef0 sent 1,110 BTS to
bdca7a45 withdraw 373 BTS from vesting
fa5d1630 sent 16 STEALTH to
e1f7c113 burn 9.99 CBRIDGE.BCO
8c7ec30b sent 10 CBRIDGE.BCO to
4953aba4 burn 9.99 CBRIDGE.BCO
027efad1 burn 9.99 CBRIDGE.BCO
d0fe15c4 sent 100 CBRIDGE.BCO to
cbe8c5b5 issue 100 CBRIDGE.BCO to
01e2e86e withdraw 795 BTS from vesting
991d43a8 sent 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC to
6937e9ba sent 4.98 BRIDGE.BCO to
9d465280 cancel order
614a0cb6 sent 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC to
5937d291 wants 1 BRIDGE.BCH for 0.1 BRIDGE.BCO
2086984f wants 0.5 BTS for 1 BRIDGE.BCO
virtual paid 1 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.5 BTS
2abeaf9d paid 10 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC
f5f0acf2 wants 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.BCO
5ce2e48a sent 12.5 BRIDGE.BCO to
641c5b3a sent 355 BTS to
82f5536b update asset FEDEV
030837fc sent 500 BTS to
14444bd0 cancel order
018942d7 cancel order
31683bb5 wants 2,000 BTS for 1 FEDEV
afe4cdb5 update asset FEDEV
91d3c40d register test99482374
42546656 register test585474382
aaecf60c register testtesttest4441
d989ad26 register testtest1233
0b2e990f register testtest1010
d742a4a1 register testtest0099
3faddd64 register mytest002
c6eb64e9 sent 0.1 FEDEV to
d2aca3c8 register cryptobridge
e34bbbbc update proposal 1.10.3588
addc8f28 sent 1,000 FEDEV to
2c3bb112 sent 1,000 FEDEV to
1d7cf3d7 paid 100 BTS for 10 FEDEV
08e4dc93 sent 1,000 FEDEV to
8750edbd wants 1,200 BTS for 100 FEDEV
254eaed0 wants 10 FEDEV for 100 BTS
7145a36f wants 918 BTS for 0.00964 BTC
virtual paid 0.00964 BTC for 918 BTS
e588a5ad sent 34.4 BTS to
dffc57de sent 1,000,000 BTS to
983622b6 sent 1,000,000 BTS to
916bccb4 sent 465,000 BTS to
e65604c3 withdraw 15,925 BTS from vesting
eec34df3 update account/votes
6e286ca1 update account/votes
3024a75f update account/votes
virtual paid 81.5 EUR for 22,078 BTS
5a5f9f7e settle 81.4888 EUR
d1e15f7d update proposal 1.10.153
533b9dac update proposal 1.10.153
ed55c9d1 create proposal
725bd721 paid 260.4 OBITS for 5,331 BTS
2895adf1 paid 162.5 OBITS for 3,327 BTS
2e70dff9 paid 8.99 OBITS for 184 BTS
cb7b4340 paid 10 OBITS for 204.7 BTS
f812590f paid 10 OBITS for 204.7 BTS
ead179ac paid 5 OBITS for 102.4 BTS
7b353297 paid 5 OBITS for 102.4 BTS
b9cd980a paid 1,150 OBITS for 23,541 BTS
b40677d5 paid 898 OBITS for 18,384 BTS
9faf28d5 paid 0.229 OBITS for 4.69 BTS
e17827a3 paid 29.1 OBITS for 595 BTS
de60d43a paid 0.891 OBITS for 18.24 BTS
37abb80a paid 186 OBITS for 3,806 BTS
3b30260e paid 14.23 OBITS for 291.4 BTS
f5da7f1c update proposal 1.10.106
34b67064 update proposal 1.10.106
2a553850 create proposal
a4a8c169 update account/votes
6df8130b create proposal
08a34afc update account/votes
73188109 update account/votes
e55512f8 sent 50 BTS to
d19e0559 paid 8,386 OBITS for 171,665 BTS
cafd0dd3 paid 2,499 BROWNIE.PTS for 4,348 BTS
5a00da7b paid 1 BROWNIE.PTS for 1.74 BTS
b2bef852 wants 227,761 BTS for 11,127 OBITS
3f44388b cancel order
bd7bae87 wants 18,100 BTS for 1,000 OBITS
80c7d842 cancel order
b68ca90e wants 1.157 BTS for 0.0431 CNY
virtual paid 0.0431 CNY for 1.157 BTS
7e66a37f cancel order
d2895dbc wants 4,350 BTS for 2,500 BROWNIE.PTS
4cd797a6 wants 255,911 BTS for 11,127 OBITS
d8404e7b cancel order
3027b2c2 update account/votes
48831a66 sent 500,000 BTS to
7dd51edf wants 244,785 BTS for 11,127 OBITS
aa718bad update proposal 1.10.100
cf023f93 adjust collateral by -117,424 BTS, debt by -0.16 GOLD
77560917 wants 0.005 GOLD for 1,680 BTS
virtual paid 1,680 BTS for 0.00501 GOLD
d57d4df7 cancel order
e03ee4a6 wants 0.005 GOLD for 1,677 BTS
4c03be2f paid 46,655 BTS for 0.155 GOLD
362bb871 adjust collateral by -29,356 BTS, debt by -0.04 GOLD
df2a6b33 wants 0.155 GOLD for 46,655 BTS
37c20a8f cancel order
ae99575d paid 12,549 BTS for 0.04 GOLD
212f0c5e wants 2,711 BTS for 180.6 SHAREBIT
virtual paid 180.6 SHAREBIT for 2,711 BTS
224329a8 cancel order
0cd443d2 paid 1.256 BTS for 0.000004 GOLD
8c57c7fa wants 0.195 GOLD for 61,230 BTS
aee1392a cancel order
5f1fa1b0 wants 0.195 GOLD for 59,280 BTS
a04163cc cancel order
fbf7e54c paid 13.52 BTS for 0.000042 GOLD
41b4efd8 wants 0.2 GOLD for 64,400 BTS
874207b9 cancel order
b0205cfe adjust collateral by -33,140 BTS, debt by -0.1 BTC
be4a899b wants 0.0325 BTC for 3,689 BTS
virtual paid 3,689 BTS for 0.0325 BTC
f0c9b82f wants 0.0174 BTC for 1,956 BTS
virtual paid 1,956 BTS for 0.0174 BTC
76208476 wants 0.0334 BTC for 3,730 BTS
virtual paid 3,730 BTS for 0.0334 BTC
06016398 wants 0.01674 BTC for 1,929 BTS
virtual paid 1,929 BTS for 0.01674 BTC
f6b60d0b sent 6,000 BTS to
a3bdb199 paid 39.7 USD for 10,568 BTS
bccc1157 wants 0.2 GOLD for 62,000 BTS
35217c1d cancel order
975828ed wants 10,568 BTS for 39.7 USD
eb150b2c cancel order
a00029d1 wants 10,598 BTS for 39.7 USD
804f7e00 paid 0.0451 BTC for 19.8 USD
fc131b30 paid 0.0452 BTC for 19.85 USD
aa71d0a1 wants 43.9 USD for 0.1 BTC
55eb439e adjust collateral by 33,140 BTS, debt by 0.1 BTC
f613f3e0 adjust collateral by -90,109 BTS, debt by -10 SILVER
27175319 wants 0.56 SILVER for 2,598 BTS
virtual paid 2,598 BTS for 0.56 SILVER
2815b4a3 cancel order
6ac3d80a cancel order
f9c220d0 wants 4.68 SILVER for 21,528 BTS
virtual paid 5,419 BTS for 1.18 SILVER
virtual paid 16,100 BTS for 3.5 SILVER
1276d638 cancel order
b25da1a5 wants 1.18 SILVER for 5,419 BTS
38f93cd4 sent 1 BTS to
2175f446 update account/votes
51f21441 update proposal 1.10.98
9d63862a wants 5.3 SILVER for 22,329 BTS
e489c43d wants 4.76 SILVER for 20,706 BTS
virtual paid 20,706 BTS for 4.76 SILVER
b1f9672c cancel order
e3d8067a wants 0.2 GOLD for 66,800 BTS
8c25e4ef cancel order
aefa0219 wants 0.2 GOLD for 55,800 BTS
93ae5188 cancel order
579bf2bd paid 0.2 GOLD for 58,600 BTS
74e755db wants 0.2 GOLD for 50,777 BTS
1b7ab99b wants 58,600 BTS for 0.2 GOLD
83829684 adjust collateral by 73,390 BTS, debt by 0.1 GOLD
7b70f3fa adjust collateral by 73,390 BTS, debt by 0.1 GOLD
cba6a8e4 wants 10 SILVER for 32,670 BTS
bbf84216 cancel order
050456f5 paid 6.1 SILVER for 21,655 BTS
0104157a paid 3.9 SILVER for 13,845 BTS
4fcea891 wants 10 SILVER for 31,790 BTS
ef2cee96 wants 35,500 BTS for 10 SILVER
ce0c3506 adjust collateral by -12,326 BTS, debt by 0 SILVER
f7ee945b adjust collateral by -75,428 BTS, debt by -0.1 GOLD
a050129f paid 14,158 BTS for 0.0482 GOLD
2522c570 paid 36,120 BTS for 10 SILVER
ae5f5c44 paid 6,612 BTS for 0.0225 GOLD
3de7f5a8 paid 7,124 BTS for 0.02424 GOLD
faa157d0 paid 514 BTS for 0.00175 GOLD
aaf382aa wants 10 SILVER for 36,120 BTS
abef80fc paid 5 SILVER for 19,750 BTS
58d56324 paid 5 SILVER for 19,500 BTS
93b1f885 wants 19,500 BTS for 5 SILVER
5f157dd0 wants 19,750 BTS for 5 SILVER