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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid16.84 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.691
SEREY 1,200
virtual cancel order
b5537fb8 wants 307 BTS for 1,100 SEREY
88cd607c cancel order
f5974462 wants 759 BTS for 1,100 SEREY
cb789e26 cancel order
d1c82997 wants 793 BTS for 1,150 SEREY
50956839 cancel order
a6dbc008 wants 793 BTS for 1,150 SEREY
9a9acba6 cancel orders (2)
d0fd0360 wants 690 BTS for 1,000 SEREY
2ef396b6 wants 136.3 BTS for 195 SEREY
daf23943 cancel order
64645685 wants 152 BTS for 195 SEREY
03d3b8c7 sent 31,000 WEKUCOIN to
ece3cca9 sent 440 BTS to
bac99d12 sent 400 BTS to
fc5c94aa cancel orders (3)
d55f076e cancel orders (2)
1ff7be6a cancel orders (15)
991a5cd0 paid 3.006 BTS for 485 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 6.27 BTS for 1,011 WEKUCOIN
87c4fb8d cancel orders (2)
fd78a54d paid 4.11 BTS for 663 WEKUCOIN
b87a918f paid 8.9 BTS for 1,435 WEKUCOIN
7391185a wants 17 BTS for 5,000 BEARSDOLLARS
c9ffc13b wants 17.5 BTS for 5,000 BEARSDOLLARS
0f066b64 wants 28.7 BTS for 2,050 WEKUCOIN
0908be70 cancel order
52d24788 paid 62.6 BTS for 10,091 WEKUCOIN
a4bb5df0 wants 40.6 BTS for 2,800 WEKUCOIN
f2bc712a wants 37.5 BTS for 2,500 WEKUCOIN
51e68fea wants 32 BTS for 2,000 WEKUCOIN
598c4ae5 paid 101.4 BTS for 16,349 WEKUCOIN
3b90ea7f paid 6.06 BTS for 977 WEKUCOIN
000d150a sent 17,809 WEKUCOIN to
7be0a47b wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 124 BTS
874ffed0 wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 305 BTS
248b1065 cancel orders (4)
2bfe407b paid 111.7 BTS for 17,181 WEKUCOIN
15a0a23f paid 4.44 BTS for 683 WEKUCOIN
bbe26cca sent 15,310 WEKUCOIN to
1b5e40ad wants 10,000 WEKUCOIN for 65 BTS
c56f5880 cancel order
8463cf96 wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 130 BTS
e841aadb wants 10,000 WEKUCOIN for 63 BTS
1f360b1c wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 186 BTS
e39998a2 cancel orders (2)
f40b2d9d paid 0.47 BTS for 58.8 WEKUCOIN
d19c1e4b paid 4.74 BTS for 592 WEKUCOIN
edc3eab8 paid 22.14 BTS for 2,768 WEKUCOIN
7f79cf99 paid 11.48 BTS for 1,435 WEKUCOIN
84c5ba23 paid 11.96 BTS for 1,495 WEKUCOIN
f299de3e paid 33 BTS for 26,409 BEARSDOLLARS
1f06cae0 paid 13.5 BTS for 1,688 WEKUCOIN
bcd38a50 sent 125,510 BEARSDOLLARS to
cdad285b wants 150,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 180 BTS
44c11080 cancel orders (2)
5d84695c wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 140 BTS
d4c770e5 cancel order
a2eacba0 wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 140 BTS
be95adf0 wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 240 BTS
0ecbbdc7 cancel orders (2)
2ae570e7 paid 132 BTS for 60,000 BEARSDOLLARS
112b398b wants 60,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 132 BTS
e15463ff wants 40,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 84 BTS
12598bc8 wants 45,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 90 BTS
58131acc wants 50,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 95 BTS
8fd223f8 cancel orders (2)
993fdaad wants 150,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 187.5 BTS
db11d9d3 wants 200,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 240 BTS
8cbfbde1 wants 100,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 120 BTS
37c68a92 wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 122 BTS
ddcb1775 wants 40,000 WEKUCOIN for 256 BTS
d032fdc6 wants 40,000 WEKUCOIN for 248 BTS
1f8b4076 cancel orders (11)
893ca440 wants 17.16 BTS for 1,200 WEKUCOIN
4cb19655 wants 15 BTS for 1,000 WEKUCOIN
ab30c47a wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 189 BTS
583b8f79 cancel orders (3)
a4b8c0e3 wants 10,000 WEKUCOIN for 62 BTS
6d0d2065 cancel orders (2)
f7050675 paid 20.2 BTS for 2,694 WEKUCOIN
7439e8fe wants 5,000 WEKUCOIN for 37.5 BTS
567e7c08 wants 8,000 WEKUCOIN for 56 BTS
f460aa6b wants 20,000 WEKUCOIN for 120 BTS
bd4d80df cancel order
a1bf35dc paid 8.6 BTS for 1,434 WEKUCOIN
f4b94313 wants 80,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 176 BTS
0f172cec cancel order
9456cde6 wants 11,000 WEKUCOIN for 66 BTS
ada31292 wants 10,000 WEKUCOIN for 58 BTS
6a6c1414 wants 10,000 WEKUCOIN for 55 BTS
86790678 cancel order
1fbd4f06 paid 14.94 BTS for 2,989 WEKUCOIN
eb3ba7dc sent 18,007 WEKUCOIN to
26e6f46a paid 14.33 BTS for 2,867 WEKUCOIN
9b8ae520 paid 18.15 BTS for 3,629 WEKUCOIN
92f33b1f paid 3.78 BTS for 756 WEKUCOIN
dee08bcf wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 250 BTS
7f4ec242 cancel orders (2)
b9f9df10 wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 211 BTS
0308705b paid 46.1 BTS for 10,976 WEKUCOIN
2fdd08d8 paid 125 BTS for 50,000 BEARSDOLLARS
d613721c wants 50,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 125 BTS
c8019b95 wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 145 BTS
e90a0c8f wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 210 BTS
9316d12b wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 200 BTS
e4b8187e wants 50,000 WEKUCOIN for 150 BTS
69216df2 wants 18,000 WEKUCOIN for 72 BTS
796828a3 cancel order
bfea1096 sent 14,942 WEKUCOIN to
70a6d4f1 sent 150 WEKUCOIN to
ca539658 wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 105 BTS
4fb11ab5 wants 30,000 WEKUCOIN for 75 BTS
3e0d8b00 wants 40,000 WEKUCOIN for 120 BTS
cf37fa30 cancel orders (3)
1251145c paid 5 BTS for 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS
b6cb703e paid 5.4 BTS for 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS
cdf74cdb paid 6 BTS for 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS
09e46a20 paid 10.23 BTS for 3,300 BEARSDOLLARS
5d41cf75 paid 8.75 BTS for 2,500 BEARSDOLLARS
56b2744d paid 7.22 BTS for 2,005 BEARSDOLLARS
8ec12398 paid 6.31 BTS for 1,705 BEARSDOLLARS
09b7921e sent 70,180 BEARSDOLLARS to
55279147 wants 50,972 BEARSDOLLARS for 96.8 BTS
97525cbc wants 2,005 BEARSDOLLARS for 7.22 BTS
c019557c wants 1,705 BEARSDOLLARS for 6.31 BTS
5cc54ad9 wants 100.5 BTS for 670 BEARSDOLLARS
07690335 wants 58 BTS for 580 BEARSDOLLARS
e337b95e wants 46.4 BTS for 580 BEARSDOLLARS
9d991900 wants 31.8 BTS for 530 BEARSDOLLARS
861f8bda wants 85.5 BTS for 1,710 BEARSDOLLARS
c2028026 wants 66 BTS for 1,650 BEARSDOLLARS
515661fd wants 48 BTS for 1,600 BEARSDOLLARS
97b93b72 wants 30 BTS for 1,500 BEARSDOLLARS
1eccb390 wants 63 BTS for 3,500 BEARSDOLLARS
87d11d55 wants 81 BTS for 5,400 BEARSDOLLARS
eafbe6c2 wants 45.1 BTS for 4,100 BEARSDOLLARS
27abd262 wants 36 BTS for 3,000 BEARSDOLLARS
8143285b wants 50 BTS for 5,000 BEARSDOLLARS
9e342355 cancel order
a42a0716 wants 68,705 BEARSDOLLARS for 116.8 BTS
48cff914 wants 2,500 BEARSDOLLARS for 8.75 BTS
46f03a1f wants 30,300 BEARSDOLLARS for 57.6 BTS
5c3e78ef wants 3,300 BEARSDOLLARS for 10.23 BTS
78b406d6 wants 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 6 BTS
40783e10 wants 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 5.4 BTS
d68146a3 wants 2,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 5 BTS
96cc40e2 cancel orders (2)
98517816 paid 100 BTS for 50,000 BEARSDOLLARS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 50,000 BEARSDOLLARS
35683fdb sent 108,643 BEARSDOLLARS to
901c5ceb wants 81,837 BEARSDOLLARS for 147.3 BTS
71743c38 cancel orders (2)
d628c5d6 paid 90 BTS for 9,000 WEKUCOIN
ec43ef86 paid 10 BTS for 1,000 WEKUCOIN