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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.374 BTS
Lifetime fees paid43.8 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1738 0
BEARSHARES 0.995 0.974
BEARS 920,842 0
BEARSDOLLARS 2,680,532 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
8e606645 sent 432 BTS to
bdc8634f sent 60 BEARS to
20a551db cancel orders (5)
dd94cca1 cancel orders (4)
fc095009 cancel orders (5)
8c2f6ff5 cancel order
851ed980 paid 45.8 BTS for 45,820 BEARSDOLLARS
9e332214 sent 45,820 BEARSDOLLARS to
b4519b7b sent 29,000 BEARSDOLLARS to
virtual cancel order
db1f3450 sent 29,000 BEARSDOLLARS to
b889fa44 sent 26,409 BEARSDOLLARS to
3d07f75c sent 23,543 BEARSDOLLARS to
3eb7405c sent 24,000 BEARSDOLLARS to
eb7cd196 wants 450,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 450 BTS
8b2c1f04 cancel order
eaaae257 sent 7,308 BEARSDOLLARS to
9c5eb3d1 sent 9,500 BEARSDOLLARS to
0c663263 sent 88,643 BEARSDOLLARS to
34c70c79 paid 346,456 BEARSDOLLARS for 346,456 BEARDOLLARS
db60ef2c wants 480,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 480 BTS
01117d2b paid 119,994 BEARSDOLLARS for 480 BTS
3086921d wants 163 BTS for 32,619 BEARS
ef519e08 paid 105,841 BEARSDOLLARS for 105,841 BEARDOLLARS
28e80b08 wants 881,000 BEARDOLLARS for 881,000 BEARSDOLLARS
8ee6e1a1 cancel order
2eb81ce2 wants 294,498 BEARDOLLARS for 294,498 BEARSDOLLARS
39a28a70 sent 34,896 BEARDOLLARS to
67c68529 sent 57,381 BEARS to
5a56b378 sent 5,502 BEARSDOLLARS to
08b1034b sent 0.00763 GDEX.BTC to
d0a452bb wants 10 BTS for 0.0000284 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000284 GDEX.BTC for 10 BTS
2be30341 wants 0.00762 GDEX.BTC for 2,712 BTS
virtual paid 2,000 BTS for 0.00566 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 2.316 BTS for 0.00000654 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 234 BTS for 0.000661 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 91.9 BTS for 0.000259 GDEX.BTC
virtual paid 383 BTS for 0.001078 GDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
545efc60 wants 2,712 BTS for 94.6 USD
virtual paid 94.6 USD for 2,712 BTS
0cc96b74 wants 512 BTS for 128,044 BEARSDOLLARS
c633be6e sent 124,511 BEARSDOLLARS to
1558873d wants 1 BTS for 0.0349 USD
virtual paid 0.0349 USD for 1 BTS
7d960bdb wants 94.8 USD for 2,731 BTS
virtual paid 2,731 BTS for 94.8 USD
virtual cancel order
0c20492f cancel orders (4)
ba3f62cf cancel order
0fdae228 sent 72,123 BEARSDOLLARS to
a8c60b62 cancel order
7a863438 wants 9,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
virtual paid 45 BTS for 9,000 BEARSDOLLARS
virtual paid 9,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
c7451577 wants 875 BEARSDOLLARS for 3.5 BTS
virtual paid 1.5 BTS for 500 BEARSDOLLARS
virtual paid 2 BTS for 500 BEARSDOLLARS
7f9d03bd wants 999 BTS for 100,000 BEARSDOLLARS
5445399b cancel orders (2)
020b0976 wants 1,000 BTS for 100,000 BEARSDOLLARS
e9aeae10 cancel order
9f3c7442 wants 24,763 BEARSDOLLARS for 37.1 BTS
virtual paid 37.1 BTS for 24,763 BEARSDOLLARS
virtual paid 24,763 BEARSDOLLARS for 37.1 BTS
35d3258b wants 30,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
virtual paid 45 BTS for 30,000 BEARSDOLLARS
virtual paid 30,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
2e567b5f wants 82.1 BTS for 54,763 BEARSDOLLARS
6b66cb76 paid 27.4 BTS for 54,763 BEARSDOLLARS
9a1ac183 sent 54,763 BEARSDOLLARS to
785782b0 wants 2,507,530 BEARS for 2,508 BTS
c9f3abba wants 2,545 BTS for 88.6 USD
virtual paid 88.6 USD for 2,545 BTS
20c76cfd cancel order
8ae6a54e cancel order
18c33c71 wants 100.8 BTS for 50,409 BEARSDOLLARS
fa36f1a3 paid 25.2 BTS for 50,409 BEARSDOLLARS
1fc7e43d wants 1 USD for 10,000 BEARS
189a7049 wants 2,419,135 BEARS for 48.4 USD
5a41d04c cancel order
3a73fe3b wants 2,009,990 BEARSDOLLARS for 40.2 USD
a341e4cd cancel order
a814ce48 wants 20,099,900 BEARSDOLLARS for 40.2 USD
8ad29c9d cancel order
16119315 wants 340,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 170 BTS
ebb381bf cancel order
2cf5e076 cancel order
f2f893dd sent 50,409 BEARSDOLLARS to
2e9b790c wants 40,000 BEARS for 40 BTS
6fef6ac6 cancel order
7a01c0f1 wants 216.5 BTS for 43,296 BEARSDOLLARS
c04c695f paid 43.3 BTS for 43,297 BEARSDOLLARS
1d4c6de6 sent 43,297 BEARSDOLLARS to
f677fa76 wants 10,000 BEARS for 10 BTS
445394c4 paid 1,000 BEARS for 10 BTS
bdd7682a wants 10,944 BEARS for 10.94 BTS
d8ffdb93 wants 29,079 BTS for 29,079 BEARS
ea8ed0f4 cancel order
4d9d47c9 sent 15,336 BEARS to
d2949559 sent 34,543 BEARSDOLLARS to
84a40807 cancel order
dd241ba6 sent 106,584 BEARDOLLARS to
00ffeb04 paid 1,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 0.1 USD
16053ef9 paid 1,000 BEARS for 0.1 USD
7a85c92c wants 10,000 USD for 10,000 BEARS
649a20ed wants 1,000 USD for 10,000 BEARS
bc51a414 wants 100 USD for 10,000 BEARS
5cbf59ae wants 10 USD for 10,000 BEARS
b14528ed wants 0.1 USD for 1,000 BEARS
84ab0573 wants 967,654 BEARS for 48.4 USD
735b7cf2 wants 800,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 40 USD
dd574ddf wants 10,000 USD for 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS
dc3b5e45 wants 1,000 USD for 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS
24729cfc wants 100 USD for 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS
ea07ac9c wants 10 USD for 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS
06c8420a wants 0.1 USD for 1,000 BEARSDOLLARS
138869b5 wants 175,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 175 BTS
1abbbb56 cancel order
0aceb35c wants 90,882 BEARSDOLLARS for 181.8 BTS
ebb644c8 wants 330 BTS for 33,000 BEARSDOLLARS
7b0013bd paid 49.5 BTS for 33,009 BEARSDOLLARS
80ab44e7 paid 110 BEARSDOLLARS for 11 BTS
677349ab paid 10 BEARSDOLLARS for 1 BTS
677601f1 paid 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 100 BTS
5d2a39e6 paid 10,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 50 BTS
b1e041b6 paid 6,800 BEARSDOLLARS for 17 BTS
b595e97f wants 40,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 60 BTS
75aa81ee paid 24,400 BEARSDOLLARS for 61 BTS
17bfccd2 wants 45,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
90c6aa32 paid 8,800 BEARSDOLLARS for 22 BTS
3783865d paid 9,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 18 BTS
0f366f00 paid 1,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 2 BTS
e2269d84 wants 90,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 45 BTS
6e393cee wants 50 BTS for 1.714 USD
virtual paid 1.714 USD for 50 BTS
2e019c97 wants 90.2 USD for 2,652 BTS
virtual paid 1,813 BTS for 61.6 USD
virtual paid 840 BTS for 28.56 USD
virtual cancel order
0cd9bc67 cancel order
04f49a22 cancel order
760adfc5 sent 33,009 BEARSDOLLARS to
e93f3dcb paid 31.3 BTS for 31,316 BEARSDOLLARS
b77d367e sent 31,316 BEARSDOLLARS to
f3cb087a paid 29.45 BTS for 29,454 BEARSDOLLARS
cacac91b cancel orders (3)
cb5f2fdd cancel orders (5)
80a03777 cancel orders (4)
e00536c0 sent 4,500 BEARS to
37383ad6 sent 29,454 BEARSDOLLARS to
fb92749b wants 41.9 BTS for 39,861 BEARSDOLLARS
948e5d7d paid 39.9 BTS for 39,862 BEARSDOLLARS
7d6cfd80 sent 39,862 BEARSDOLLARS to
7618a327 paid 31.43 BTS for 31,433 BEARSDOLLARS
0820e4d7 wants 34.1 BTS for 32,433 BEARSDOLLARS
bd9cd5b3 sent 31,433 BEARSDOLLARS to
0a5e6d6b paid 31.2 BTS for 31,228 BEARSDOLLARS
7ee868c0 wants 33.8 BTS for 32,228 BEARSDOLLARS
5b437199 sent 31,228 BEARSDOLLARS to
0292d731 wants 28.4 BTS for 21,858 BEARS
3c98ae88 wants 14.23 BTS for 11,858 BEARS
ad4889df wants 800,000 BTS for 800,000 BEARS
3653e724 wants 10,004 BTS for 100,042 BEARS
bc32d95d wants 100.4 BTS for 10,042 BEARS
3473f44c wants 8.86 BTS for 8,058 BEARS
a63ee7c6 wants 26.74 BTS for 24,310 BEARSDOLLARS
eb528544 paid 8.06 BTS for 8,058 BEARS
32ea8951 paid 24.3 BTS for 24,310 BEARSDOLLARS
41fadb5d paid 6,000 BEARSDOLLARS for 6.6 BTS
05e9996a sent 8,058 BEARS to