立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00275 BTS
Lifetime fees paid111 BTS
Cashback/vesting0.01412 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00275
CNY 158.5
TIREX 0.51
RIPLE 0.12
LIQPAY 0.001
ea53e383 sent 0.001 LIQPAY to
a126f969 sent 0.001 SWIFTCOIN to
52eaa225 sent 0.12 RIPLE to
0881dc56 sent 1,792 BTS to
f900a0ad upgrade account
f2a338c9 wants 381 BTS for 476 CNY
8adbb891 paid 476 CNY for 381 BTS
274c745e wants 1,522 BTS for 1,902 CNY
virtual paid 1,902 CNY for 1,522 BTS
53a09bcc sent 2,536 CNY to
6ec9f292 sent 0.1 BTS to
fae2fbfb sent 1,408 BTS to
8f80afb5 wants 1,402 BTS for 2,908 CNY
virtual paid 1,994 CNY for 968 BTS
virtual paid 914 CNY for 441 BTS
bc4d2162 sent 1,768 BTS to
ceebc30b wants 1,600 BTS for 2,426 CNY
virtual paid 239.5 CNY for 158 BTS
virtual paid 2,187 CNY for 1,442 BTS
764ad38b cancel order
478d64de paid 253.4 CNY for 168 BTS
877559e0 wants 1,800 BTS for 2,716 CNY
4d778802 cancel order
5bef0978 wants 1,800 BTS for 2,700 CNY
7b823836 sent 850 BTS to
b7ad2f6d wants 850 BTS for 1,283 CNY
virtual paid 350 CNY for 232 BTS
virtual paid 933 CNY for 618 BTS
d52508fa cancel order
1987120a wants 860 BTS for 1,293 CNY
6ab08ee2 sent 904 BTS to
00f586ef wants 900 BTS for 1,347 CNY
virtual paid 1,347 CNY for 904 BTS
54775d87 paid 0.985 BTS for 3.54 CNY
c5311934 sent 0.5 BTS to
4cad237e wants 3.54 CNY for 0.985 BTS
4114c189 cancel order
1b1b5ce2 wants 3.54 CNY for 0.985 BTS
15d5de57 cancel order
7c5cd9a0 wants 3.55 CNY for 0.985 BTS
4266ce00 cancel order
fa5b0ee1 wants 3.55 CNY for 0.985 BTS