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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS7wvntFDt27JukGGH72wuDXav68rAhFP5wLnK6Fd7GK4JmDd1yn 1 50%
BTS7wStsBnhJQM3LbFxCzaSozDCZuPxFRcTsqSEcru4Kcf2NZy5ar 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
BTS8NmdK7DbW9YCfDMFnsqkU21k7KdDLbAe8DXXxatsKRm7Kxb373 1 50%
BTS8mrs7rxPxQkf1Vx4CNyQWTfqAdX4VtG1Jx2Q7FHQvGwX9nQEaV 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight61,955 BTS
Lifetime fees paid246.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 63.6
OPEN.DOGE 19,960
BADCOIN 10,000
OPEN.EOS 29.97
DEEX 0.1
ARCOIN 0.025
GDEX.BTO 1,000
TIREX 0.15
GDEX.BKBT 14,141
SEED 158
CNC 0.99
LIQPAY 0.002
INDEXSPX 0.00000002
GDEX.FGC 5,118
NOBLE 0.0002
XBTSX.STH 0.01895
OPEN.IQ 152.8
CNVOTE 1,249
5987fd77 sent 700 BTS to
0edff8d5 sent 218 DEFI.BTSDEFI to
f9539103 sent 65,000 BTS to
2b7a666d sent 100 BTS to
bfe6065d paid 2,748 CNY for 15,818 BTS
0c56846a wants 15,818 BTS for 2,748 CNY
2bb8f99f cancel order
a6e154ee wants 15,250 BTS for 2,748 CNY
65700e95 sent 1,900 BTS to
a5e8dd11 sent 1,249 CNVOTE to
b9619aac update account/votes
83512a58 sent 1 BTS to
891db551 sent 1 BTS to
85dab3bc cancel order
3e07e9bc wants 1.2 GDEX.ETH for 2,667 CNY
11c9a115 cancel order
ed8c2b28 wants 1.2 GDEX.ETH for 2,668 CNY
adc4b139 paid 611 BTS for 168 CNY
14995eac paid 8,516 BTS for 2,342 CNY
virtual cancel order
43de41d4 paid 873 BTS for 240 CNY
111af33f wants 2,750 CNY for 10,000 BTS
d2695027 sent 1.42 GDEX.ETH to
e6c3bed6 sent 0.05 GDEX.ETH to
0f075371 paid 50.1 CNY for 7,000 GDEX.BKBT
1dbe9800 wants 7,000 GDEX.BKBT for 50.1 CNY
a572c886 paid 50 CNY for 6,955 GDEX.BKBT
0a5de5bb paid 0.0003 CNY for 0.0417 GDEX.BKBT
a49715fe wants 6,955 GDEX.BKBT for 50 CNY
3d0a529a cancel order
40971bfe wants 7,241 GDEX.BKBT for 52 CNY
virtual paid 1.436 CNY for 200 GDEX.BKBT
9897d456 cancel order
36741c25 wants 8,000 GDEX.BKBT for 52.8 CNY
66faf475 sent 50,000 BTS to
9c7eb345 sent 450 CNY to
99ccd36b sent 400 CNY to
21df98b2 paid 4,597 CNY for 9,711 BTS
18e80af9 paid 45,403 CNY for 95,907 BTS
db916577 wants 105,618 BTS for 50,000 CNY
c17dceb0 cancel order
5dd732dc cancel order
0368813d paid 1,274 CNY for 2,584 BTS
4b80013f wants 20,284 BTS for 10,000 CNY
776d4c59 cancel order
157b7a9e wants 20,243 BTS for 10,000 CNY
0db0ef72 sent 9,855 CNY to
c3e12f6f sent 3,000 CNY to
8a405008 wants 700 BTS for 329 CNY
ac7f80d1 paid 3,607 BTS for 1,740 CNY
5a730d0f paid 2,324 BTS for 1,121 CNY
dfd81696 wants 2,861 CNY for 5,932 BTS
8f9edaf3 paid 2,564 BTS for 1,233 CNY
virtual paid 30,000 BTS for 14,430 CNY
6c281ff5 paid 525 BTS for 252 CNY
837c419a paid 66.5 BTS for 32 CNY
2195d10e paid 5,199 BTS for 2,500 CNY
fc815379 wants 4,809 CNY for 10,000 BTS
9a9e838d paid 1,647 BTS for 792 CNY
e7f89066 paid 9,318 BTS for 4,473 CNY
virtual cancel order
169bb254 paid 630 BTS for 302.5 CNY
28816312 paid 45.7 BTS for 21.9 CNY
508a3ddf paid 6 BTS for 2.88 CNY
2f210ada wants 14,430 CNY for 30,000 BTS
3d353b35 wants 4,800 CNY for 10,000 BTS
d0d96c03 cancel order
83661da7 wants 26,841 CNY for 55,932 BTS
84b07283 cancel order
a6706b35 wants 26,847 CNY for 55,932 BTS
6baa9ebf cancel order
184ddee3 wants 26,839 CNY for 55,932 BTS
6a2b52cb cancel order
15d4bb9c wants 26,913 CNY for 55,932 BTS
ab61abb3 cancel order
2c75e979 wants 26,956 CNY for 55,932 BTS
e32bdd7e cancel order
a9906e62 paid 289.3 BTS for 139.2 CNY
08d2f776 paid 182 BTS for 87.5 CNY
c9f5f9f7 paid 182 BTS for 87.5 CNY
1fe0c8b5 wants 26,914 CNY for 55,932 BTS
6b4af5b3 cancel order
fbb8c0fb wants 27,406 CNY for 55,932 BTS
55ad07e6 cancel order
5f21bf8d wants 27,071 CNY for 55,932 BTS
e2994cc5 cancel order
80c5823a wants 27,071 CNY for 55,932 BTS
63a37b96 cancel order
708729d2 wants 27,239 CNY for 55,932 BTS
a77a11bc paid 50,000 BTS for 24,159 CNY
e4b9a8ed wants 24,159 CNY for 50,000 BTS
e3ad0d73 sent 50,000 CNY to
120a4730 cancel order
f216e0bb cancel order
c630e772 wants 83,333 BTS for 40,000 CNY
9df952f4 wants 20,367 BTS for 10,000 CNY
0cb28d91 sent 298.4 CNY to
3f830d98 sent 30,000 CNY to
f2b7c6ba sent 20,000 CNY to
3ba9e1ab sent 15,000 CNY to
659c4981 sent 5,000 CNY to
da7a1ac1 sent 10,000 CNY to
c75dc636 sent 10,000 CNY to
5cb2e893 sent 10,000 CNY to
3d42313d sent 10,000 CNY to
ee29f12c sent 20,000 CNY to
9d58cab6 sent 29,823 CNY to
e99dda7b sent 20,000 CNY to
2ab94d76 sent 30,000 CNY to
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646d9701 sent 1,485 CNY to
85ab31dd sent 1,485 CNY to
8bfbe1c9 sent 50,000 CNY to
81ef600a sent 50,000 CNY to
4eee8b00 sent 50,000 CNY to
83c7296e sent 50,000 CNY to
e7277928 sent 30,000 CNY to
80967f4d sent 4,974 CNY to
40115411 sent 60,000 CNY to
96e69027 sent 40,000 CNY to
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6b873a26 sent 20,000 CNY to
982013c6 sent 32,000 CNY to
370891b4 sent 49,700 CNY to
2ef7557b sent 300 CNY to
31c6b4c2 sent 64,000 CNY to
07bfa85d sent 30,000 CNY to
a11d2fd7 sent 30,000 CNY to
d507ef94 sent 50,200 CNY to
94fb6e0d sent 64,700 CNY to
acd79e6f sent 49,375 CNY to
f3d7f803 sent 50,000 CNY to
cafadc55 sent 64,200 CNY to
268fb377 sent 50,000 CNY to
70961e51 sent 1,984 CNY to
a0688e62 sent 4,955 CNY to
93e00ff6 sent 4,955 CNY to
2ed79425 sent 1,387 CNY to
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0f658554 sent 14,000 CNY to
a5cdc345 sent 500 CNY to
c3c8dd8f sent 30,000 CNY to
bb40123d sent 2,974 CNY to
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727c34b2 sent 1,976 CNY to
1470e061 sent 20,000 CNY to
c29d925f sent 2,958 CNY to
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77787101 sent 30,000 CNY to
61703ec9 sent 20,000 CNY to
e369900b sent 17,000 CNY to
40203136 sent 1,000 CNY to
b8e95fd3 sent 17,000 CNY to
2861587c sent 100 BTS to
8c5241b6 sent 29,063 CNY to
b7005577 sent 20,000 CNY to
4f9a1293 sent 30,000 CNY to
22946670 sent 30,000 CNY to
e4203a0e sent 2,922 CNY to
62061252 sent 17,000 CNY to
e7609ef3 sent 1,100 CNY to
8d4e6b01 sent 50,000 CNY to
b3c419ce sent 98,000 CNY to
df78f8fd sent 98,000 CNY to
b24e50e3 sent 28,000 CNY to
a4288185 sent 20,000 CNY to
7e1439d3 sent 30,000 CNY to
03e9db05 sent 40,000 CNY to
00013f48 sent 2,700 CNY to
092a6c05 sent 37,000 CNY to
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1b5f0d10 sent 5,500 CNY to
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83577f7c sent 40,000 CNY to
a08cf89c sent 40,000 CNY to
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02c1d43a sent 10,000 CNY to
20b8ab0c sent 15,000 CNY to
d0bdafb7 sent 4,810 CNY to
c539ca4f sent 6,000 CNY to
a63386d1 sent 300 CNY to
a0dda5b9 sent 13,000 CNY to
40319fa4 sent 20,000 CNY to
519e0fb8 sent 300 CNY to
de63dd20 sent 8,600 CNY to
0a4ea970 sent 30,000 CNY to
3bdbf9fd sent 20,000 CNY to
3b645968 sent 14,000 CNY to
a4411678 sent 20,000 CNY to
fc051dd6 sent 300 CNY to
2f2fa801 sent 11,000 CNY to
96c2066e sent 18,000 CNY to
01bb0960 sent 20,000 CNY to
65e9a950 sent 10,000 CNY to
2fe9fdf6 sent 10,000 CNY to
2efc2327 sent 10,000 CNY to
ae177968 sent 20,000 CNY to
ac6c6a64 sent 10,000 CNY to
b1fbe7d9 sent 10,000 CNY to
657d7e2e sent 20,000 CNY to