立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
1 12.5%
Threshold 5 62.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
10 12.5%
Threshold 40 50%
Lifetime fees paid20,719 BTS
Cashback/vesting14,166 BTS
0.311 CNY
339,185 CNVOTE


Asset Balance
BTS 75,889
ALTFUND 100,000
CNVOTE 250,130,086
NEWBS 168,671,412
acf417de sent 512,823 NEWBS to
0505928e sent 790,000 NEWBS to
e1736c5a sent 1,064,000 NEWBS to
5f8f9e1a sent 1,049,000 NEWBS to
aaf45156 sent 500,000 NEWBS to
43da0212 update account/votes
39a24ed4 sent 800,000 NEWBS to
ac7ff0af sent 10,000 NEWBS to
2f7205b5 sent 3,950 NEWBS to
2e5eb575 update proposal 1.10.60409
cd47f2fc sent 17,500,000 CNVOTE to
10ab67f9 sent 7,500,000 CNVOTE to
4b5b2ddf update proposal 1.10.60299
0b167e57 update proposal 1.10.60251
1d01f0b2 sent 1,870,000 NEWBS to
8eed3287 sent 600,000 NEWBS to
f5597785 sent 500,000 NEWBS to
3f8a2fc8 sent 100,000 NEWBS to
008510d4 update account/votes
0f568ca9 update account/votes
a9854f2f update asset NEWBS
e910192b update proposal 1.10.60213
cffd13f1 issue 500,000,000 NEWBS to
adfacb40 update account/votes
4839efec update account/votes
1e969031 sent 17,500,000 CNVOTE to
86653032 sent 7,500,000 CNVOTE to
878562a0 create asset NEWBS
ab4e11a8 update account/votes
2896daba update account/votes
5ca0be4c update account/votes
3833607c update account/votes
b7a2286b update account/votes
e81772a6 update account/votes
42aca9bc update account/votes
f4dde730 update account/votes
db3c7776 update proposal 1.10.59846
43844d65 update proposal 1.10.59845
3a3a7794 update proposal 1.10.59847
141b8e18 update proposal 1.10.59838
eac63330 update account/votes
1a147844 update account/votes
d71a80b5 update account/votes
d8129c9d update account/votes
bb05aaa3 sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
605fe919 sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
6fa87639 update proposal 1.10.59720
c388e779 update proposal 1.10.59721
c162e66e update account/votes
da79028b update proposal 1.10.59527
731d1e2f update proposal 1.10.59529
dff873d7 update proposal 1.10.59518
4ef4f621 update proposal 1.10.59509
c8fee1a6 sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
cf41dcd7 sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
4f315921 update account/votes
c20955ff update account/votes
29d6d5ae update proposal 1.10.59338
107167ae update proposal 1.10.59276
84fec0a6 update account/votes
c5ca2175 create worker Poll-BAIP7-Implement bitASSETS reward and BTS destruction
c853bbda create worker Poll-BAIP7-Do Not Implement bitASSETS reward and BTS...
1b041644 update proposal 1.10.59241
49410bc9 update proposal 1.10.59224
0522887b sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
14303188 sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
982ad89b update account/votes
35c302d6 update account/votes
fad5e3a9 update proposal 1.10.58800
afcb2185 update proposal 1.10.58794
462997b6 update account/votes
74471d02 sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
3261f2df sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
e3ec49ef update account/votes
00bc07db update proposal 1.10.58124
a5133634 update proposal 1.10.58149
53af2fc0 sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
997d072b sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
74288f1a update account/votes
4b4e7f4c update account/votes
6ef91c18 update account/votes
4f0ff448 update proposal 1.10.57748
7791781a update proposal 1.10.57746
cc2fe53d update account/votes
0a33de63 update proposal 1.10.57547
fbb721e9 sent 35,000,000 CNVOTE to
f897312c sent 15,000,000 CNVOTE to
f098845d update account/votes
f81bf31a update account/votes
89eb06e1 update account/votes
39a35ccc update proposal 1.10.57188
6e2a0c8b update account/votes
44c24c21 update account/votes
d1b90127 update account/votes
2bb21b0f update account/votes
6f9793bf update account/votes
0f1df55d update account/votes
34ef13d1 update account/votes
ea256c19 update account/votes
a5ecf3be update proposal 1.10.56865
f555872c update account/votes
9b80b737 update account/votes
f3eed795 update proposal 1.10.56805
4acc56f8 update account/votes
5918e085 update proposal 1.10.56719
13d8f153 sent 30,000,000 CNVOTE to
d34ffcd8 sent 70,000,000 CNVOTE to
b250b25f update account/votes
8427d685 update account/votes
7a4175d2 update account/votes
7b9e239d update proposal 1.10.55577
3217f740 update account/votes
e5c7bad0 update proposal 1.10.55526
1fcf7859 update account/votes
d7f2bd5f update account/votes
dd6979aa update proposal 1.10.54966
c642f989 update proposal 1.10.54962
e6cd1baa sent 70,000,000 CNVOTE to
4482bb93 sent 30,000,000 CNVOTE to
ea67cf58 update account/votes
56201b04 update account/votes
e452f434 update account/votes
e8dca4d3 update account/votes
d7fa7a77 update proposal 1.10.53086
1e4d9f3a sent 70,000,000 CNVOTE to
c48d8db2 sent 30,000,000 CNVOTE to
0dc4bfe6 update proposal 1.10.52378
6f7de0bf update proposal 1.10.52324
9952429b update account/votes
ba01ede1 update account/votes
64221998 update account/votes
6d0de1f9 update account/votes
fb0115a1 update proposal 1.10.51027
b08bf1a3 sent 10,000,000 CNVOTE to
ab0d914f sent 90,000,000 CNVOTE to
edbe643c update account/votes
c1e70bdb update account/votes
f97df716 update account/votes
63f9df54 update account/votes
6a5c1dfa update account/votes
1418fd7a sent 10,000,000 CNVOTE to
0de6991a sent 90,000,000 CNVOTE to
ec75b66f update account/votes
92863018 update account/votes
0e177a57 update account/votes
df96b1d4 update account/votes
5b11749e update account/votes
52d87b1d update account/votes
eaccdb9e sent 90,000,000 CNVOTE to
16ece219 sent 10,000,000 CNVOTE to
73fa334b issue 1,200,000,000 CNVOTE to
dc546048 update asset CNVOTE
0b226cf8 create asset CNVOTE
12d13875 update account/votes
b466b5cd upgrade account
97d3c1b9 sent 5,000 CNY to
25c8c8de update account/votes
579c7c0b update account/votes
d0f270a0 update account/votes
5b470647 update account/votes
8620a026 update account/votes
79037e4f update account/votes
4ce740e4 sent 65,000 CNY to
c2c9ed98 update account/votes
d80a9424 update account/votes
33f287ea update account/votes
09fa41f6 update account/votes
1e296ece update account/votes
02db5513 update account/votes
a944a509 update account/votes
66d252a7 update account/votes
357e99eb update account/votes
65b0e3af update account/votes
698a225a update account/votes
9136653e update account/votes
d65c0f2c update account/votes
01881565 update account/votes
09481e41 update account/votes
16a2d815 update account/votes
e0a89d39 update account/votes
3bc377b3 update account/votes
87a629f9 update account/votes
b15d9089 update account/votes
9b8d7f78 update account/votes
b930a4ab update account/votes
d8fb2a85 update account/votes
790af9d4 update account/votes
37dede68 update account/votes
fa880cf1 update account/votes
e501927e update account/votes
a91623a1 update account/votes
e464f89b update account/votes
2b09e496 update account/votes
028983b7 update account/votes
ed94df7f update account/votes
eb0d9bfc update account/votes
ca96fa8d update account/votes
bb0f38e3 update account/votes
be97b461 update account/votes
b90a8748 update account/votes
cfa24bd5 update account/votes
a68f4e48 update account/votes