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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS7s6DRQShsTm8D9dEbEdEPUDBrGy5QFQY3nxhvPGvTo3VWhm5pE 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight1,714 BTS
Lifetime fees paid14.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0005
SEED 158
LIQPAY 0.009
XBTSX.STH 0.0548
692ba23a sent 4,006 BTS to
02668fcf wants 1,919 BTS for 19,192 JPY
virtual paid 18,699 JPY for 2,244 BTS
virtual paid 493 JPY for 49.3 BTS
virtual cancel order
2146522e sent 0.0548 XBTSX.STH to
ee4d1dd6 wants 465 BTS for 27.33 JPY
c4bb3a6a sent 185 BTS to
0c988b70 cancel order
1cf46f6e sent 0.1 DEEX to
fefb2387 wants 832 BTS for 48.9 JPY
4cd6a74f cancel order
d65c5471 paid 8.83 JPY for 0.477 BTS
ff1a44da paid 119 JPY for 6.43 BTS
9db6d89d paid 4,394 JPY for 237.3 BTS
7d823bc2 paid 3,815 JPY for 206 BTS
4cdb28a7 paid 687 JPY for 37.1 BTS
d3b62b34 wants 21,736 JPY for 565 BTS
d3b62b34 wants 487 BTS for 9,024 JPY
c80e7ed2 cancel orders (2)
034d21e2 wants 19,376 JPY for 504 BTS
034d21e2 wants 487 BTS for 9,024 JPY
3fe5cfe5 cancel orders (2)
a479919b wants 21,168 JPY for 550 BTS
a479919b wants 487 BTS for 9,024 JPY
85367e3d cancel order
25c864fb paid 5,245 JPY for 205.5 BTS
6fab7c2b paid 2,805 JPY for 109.9 BTS
b7ccb80e paid 940 JPY for 36.8 BTS
d93fec0b paid 925 JPY for 36.2 BTS
bb196a8b wants 10,329 JPY for 241.5 BTS
bb196a8b wants 388 BTS for 9,915 JPY
ae1de55e cancel order
67b9f84f paid 259.3 JPY for 8.78 BTS
6935a255 paid 46.5 JPY for 1.573 BTS
872436f7 paid 520 JPY for 17.6 BTS
23679de2 paid 276.6 JPY for 9.36 BTS
e3ac50c2 paid 1,960 JPY for 66.3 BTS
1fbd45e4 paid 264 JPY for 8.93 BTS
f95ee8a4 paid 78.3 JPY for 2.65 BTS
e837b1c8 paid 92.7 JPY for 3.136 BTS
37c120e2 paid 538 JPY for 18.2 BTS
28ff3157 paid 82.6 JPY for 2.797 BTS
40421c3e paid 183 JPY for 6.19 BTS
56b6d258 paid 795 JPY for 26.9 BTS
539282ad paid 1,053 JPY for 35.6 BTS
f6c1784c paid 638 JPY for 21.6 BTS
51ba2516 cancel order
51ba2516 wants 229.7 BTS for 6,786 JPY
e445fe55 cancel order
e445fe55 wants 246.3 BTS for 6,786 JPY
3abaf94b paid 8.2 BTS for 351 JPY
50723e83 paid 64 BTS for 2,739 JPY
37916473 paid 192.6 BTS for 8,238 JPY
fe56962d wants 11,367 JPY for 266 BTS
fe56962d wants 266 BTS for 6,786 JPY
0f15e139 paid 200 BTS for 8,170 JPY
010a13e4 paid 66.7 BTS for 2,723 JPY
5f979f61 paid 33.3 BTS for 1,360 JPY
virtual cancel order
04985ffc paid 0.7 JPY for 0.02637 BTS
4879358d paid 43.5 JPY for 1.64 BTS
3c10b5dd paid 41.5 JPY for 1.562 BTS
bf27b197 paid 41.5 JPY for 1.562 BTS
65f5ddc1 paid 28.03 JPY for 1.056 BTS
f53c1148 cancel order
f53c1148 wants 339 BTS for 8,989 JPY
virtual paid 6.34 JPY for 0.244 BTS
45812df9 paid 7,045 JPY for 265.4 BTS
f4aadcef paid 717 JPY for 27 BTS
2ee12b97 paid 717 JPY for 27 BTS
89c214e5 paid 140.5 JPY for 5.3 BTS
baaed4c4 paid 36.1 JPY for 1.36 BTS
cbfb4d19 paid 83.3 JPY for 3.14 BTS
c7dc9726 paid 49.5 JPY for 1.863 BTS
5436da8e paid 39.3 JPY for 1.48 BTS
a20e20a5 wants 12,253 JPY for 300 BTS
a20e20a5 wants 409 BTS for 8,989 JPY
b7c3ba88 cancel order
49cc45a5 paid 0.658 BTS for 15.4 JPY
447597bb paid 19.55 BTS for 457 JPY
7b64afe1 paid 40.9 BTS for 956 JPY
fe50a377 paid 27.44 BTS for 642 JPY
a5e40dc9 paid 96.1 BTS for 2,249 JPY
c2a965ea cancel order
c2a965ea wants 247.4 BTS for 4,613 JPY
3ccc40fc paid 67.1 BTS for 1,569 JPY
28fd63dd paid 132.5 BTS for 3,099 JPY
587b145d cancel order
587b145d wants 265 BTS for 4,613 JPY
8a05f956 cancel order
8a05f956 wants 287 BTS for 4,613 JPY
4d9eed1c cancel order
4d9eed1c wants 331 BTS for 4,613 JPY
544896da cancel order
544896da wants 412 BTS for 4,613 JPY
089aaebb cancel order
089aaebb wants 450 BTS for 4,613 JPY
75c6bc99 cancel order
75c6bc99 wants 495 BTS for 4,613 JPY
2bb564bf cancel order
2bb564bf wants 548 BTS for 4,613 JPY
30bad5bc cancel order
30bad5bc wants 610 BTS for 4,613 JPY
9c314736 cancel order
9c314736 wants 683 BTS for 4,613 JPY
f077cb42 wants 8,987 JPY for 384 BTS
f077cb42 wants 795 BTS for 4,613 JPY
84c12ca9 cancel orders (2)
9944185a paid 290 JPY for 43.3 BTS
fba759bb wants 5,181 JPY for 358 BTS
fba759bb wants 797 BTS for 5,333 JPY
3ef81186 paid 3,836 JPY for 284.6 BTS
b0b01ec4 paid 263 JPY for 19.53 BTS
3f2a083b paid 1,602 JPY for 119 BTS
0817ba50 cancel order
0817ba50 wants 423 BTS for 5,702 JPY
9ad09126 paid 125.6 BTS for 1,881 JPY
7b9de10e paid 7.36 BTS for 110.2 JPY
e7b30e90 wants 1,991 JPY for 133 BTS
e7b30e90 wants 494 BTS for 5,702 JPY
a3c21e36 cancel order
eff29e57 cancel order
eff29e57 wants 379 BTS for 4,164 JPY
841874f0 cancel order
841874f0 wants 400 BTS for 4,164 JPY
5ae03374 cancel order
5ae03374 wants 401 BTS for 4,164 JPY
f5d64343 cancel order
f5d64343 wants 401 BTS for 4,164 JPY
fb13f56b cancel order
fb13f56b wants 401 BTS for 4,164 JPY
8c47145f cancel order
8c47145f wants 401 BTS for 4,164 JPY
7908ab3b cancel order
7908ab3b wants 402 BTS for 4,164 JPY
000392d6 cancel order
000392d6 wants 402 BTS for 4,164 JPY
dc588c29 cancel order
dc588c29 wants 402 BTS for 4,164 JPY
60c2246c cancel order
60c2246c wants 403 BTS for 4,164 JPY
1e012868 cancel order
1e012868 wants 403 BTS for 4,164 JPY
4f112848 cancel order
4f112848 wants 403 BTS for 4,164 JPY
274ea404 cancel order
274ea404 wants 403 BTS for 4,164 JPY
3ebcdb1d cancel order
3ebcdb1d wants 404 BTS for 4,164 JPY
43d0e430 cancel order
43d0e430 wants 404 BTS for 4,164 JPY
a693db53 cancel order
a693db53 wants 404 BTS for 4,164 JPY
c78f8299 cancel order
c78f8299 wants 405 BTS for 4,164 JPY
7c5fa090 cancel order
7c5fa090 wants 405 BTS for 4,164 JPY
4b54a43c cancel order
4b54a43c wants 405 BTS for 4,164 JPY
b587b39d cancel order
b587b39d wants 405 BTS for 4,164 JPY
3cb18105 cancel order
3cb18105 wants 406 BTS for 4,164 JPY
7f54068a cancel order
7f54068a wants 406 BTS for 4,164 JPY
c101db96 cancel order
c101db96 wants 406 BTS for 4,164 JPY
e548a080 cancel order
e548a080 wants 407 BTS for 4,164 JPY
240d3f4b cancel order
240d3f4b wants 407 BTS for 4,164 JPY
6df03922 cancel order
6df03922 wants 407 BTS for 4,164 JPY
584d630e cancel order
584d630e wants 407 BTS for 4,164 JPY
49723f0b cancel order
49723f0b wants 408 BTS for 4,164 JPY
a3f06f91 cancel order
a3f06f91 wants 408 BTS for 4,164 JPY
823d4cee cancel order
823d4cee wants 408 BTS for 4,164 JPY
0c7ce4ed cancel order
0c7ce4ed wants 409 BTS for 4,164 JPY
4377cdc5 cancel order
4377cdc5 wants 409 BTS for 4,164 JPY
d45faee4 cancel order
d45faee4 wants 409 BTS for 4,164 JPY
0b515c40 cancel order
0b515c40 wants 409 BTS for 4,164 JPY
39fcab67 cancel order
39fcab67 wants 410 BTS for 4,164 JPY
a5137155 cancel order
a5137155 wants 410 BTS for 4,164 JPY
b27c288e cancel order
b27c288e wants 410 BTS for 4,164 JPY
c80f7474 cancel order
c80f7474 wants 411 BTS for 4,164 JPY
f784f162 wants 411 BTS for 4,164 JPY