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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid43.1 BTS
1dbeb26b sent 789 BTS to
541a43f2 paid 623 CNY for 788 BTS
5ece047d wants 788 BTS for 623 CNY
31658e40 cancel order
a335afad wants 1,353 BTS for 623 CNY
82a46818 paid 9,426,478 BTSUCN for 624 CNY
5d508c8d wants 624 CNY for 9,426,478 BTSUCN
a504c045 wants 0.0586 CNY for 888 BTSUCN
virtual paid 887 BTSUCN for 0.0587 CNY
virtual cancel order
f16ca8b1 wants 0.0586 CNY for 888 BTSUCN
virtual paid 887 BTSUCN for 0.0587 CNY
virtual cancel order
57b8a809 wants 0.0586 CNY for 888 BTSUCN
virtual paid 887 BTSUCN for 0.0587 CNY
virtual cancel order
91acd464 sent 730 BTS to
d128d7ea wants 726 BTS for 401 CNY
virtual paid 401 CNY for 726 BTS
fc22d9d6 cancel order
61d419b6 wants 768 BTS for 401 CNY
5237cf1d wants 34.7 CNY for 461,810 BTSUCN
virtual paid 461,809 BTSUCN for 34.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
d17ef953 cancel order
34946218 wants 4,880,739 BTSUCN for 367 CNY
068eec5f paid 408,151 BTSUCN for 44.9 CNY
26cbb796 paid 555,141 BTSUCN for 61.1 CNY
576b6198 wants 56.2 CNY for 749,474 BTSUCN
virtual paid 589,934 BTSUCN for 44.4 CNY
virtual paid 159,540 BTSUCN for 12 CNY
virtual cancel order
bc25f434 cancel order
e7c84459 wants 2,726,277 BTSUCN for 204.5 CNY
c6c55846 paid 312 BTSUCN for 0.0343 CNY
4a8a80df wants 106 CNY for 963,604 BTSUCN
bb9dad94 cancel order
1e4544b1 cancel order
09222658 wants 71.8 CNY for 963,604 BTSUCN
5374ed45 sent 280 BTS to
88802305 wants 656 BTS for 204.4 CNY
950c34e4 paid 2,548,905 BTSUCN for 187.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
3b9621f7 wants 204.6 CNY for 2,783,769 BTSUCN
virtual paid 234,864 BTSUCN for 17.26 CNY
c9201767 paid 109.5 CNY for 290.6 BTS
0bfb7eb0 wants 290.6 BTS for 109.5 CNY
ab1f9cf9 paid 1,141,634 BTSUCN for 105.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
d85dfb02 paid 10,811 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
704ca491 paid 10,811 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
ac0f40e8 paid 8,795 BTSUCN for 0.814 CNY
55eefee7 paid 10,811 BTSUCN for 1 CNY
2c62a2fc wants 109.4 CNY for 1,182,861 BTSUCN
1b0560ba cancel order
bcffc7e1 sent 380 BTS to
b8fc6bd6 wants 142 CNY for 1,182,861 BTSUCN
ea389bbe wants 0.003 CNY for 37.8 BTSUCN
virtual paid 37.5 BTSUCN for 0.003 CNY
virtual cancel order
ffbc3851 paid 120 CNY for 382 BTS
8493e4fa wants 382 BTS for 120 CNY
3ec89bb6 cancel order
a0c3bb72 cancel order
2fe3a8cb wants 414 BTS for 120 CNY
ae126d88 wants 204.2 CNY for 2,876,434 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,693,535 BTSUCN for 120.2 CNY
90db44ff cancel order
a37eee4b sent 4,858 BTS to
86d68dcb wants 193.4 CNY for 1,934,285 BTSUCN
221b8beb paid 62.2 CNY for 360 BTS
virtual paid 16.2 CNY for 93.8 BTS
virtual paid 70.4 CNY for 407 BTS
da09d981 wants 860 BTS for 148.8 CNY
d3f87761 cancel order
13ce7bab wants 927 BTS for 148.8 CNY
8298159d cancel order
f03fb3e7 wants 46 CNY for 418,271 BTSUCN
virtual paid 418,271 BTSUCN for 46.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
4fcaa5d5 wants 732 BTS for 102.8 CNY
fef3be3e paid 33,288 BTSUCN for 4.09 CNY
virtual cancel order
87e2bbee paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
0425d3bc paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
e9e7f451 paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
7531ecf4 paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
1f68393b paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
25572d88 paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
12192ecf paid 81,301 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
d83b1355 paid 234,148 BTSUCN for 28.8 CNY
ec1a6126 wants 102.9 CNY for 836,541 BTSUCN
085bfb3c paid 289 CNY for 1,445 BTS
f5795e7f wants 1,445 BTS for 289 CNY
110dc858 cancel order
40ad06c5 wants 66.2 CNY for 321,203 BTSUCN
virtual paid 321,203 BTSUCN for 66.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
2a8eae82 wants 1,560 BTS for 223 CNY
21e024b7 cancel order
d1ad28b7 wants 1,088,245 BTSUCN for 223 CNY
10ee5e02 paid 1,050,677 BTSUCN for 223.3 CNY
c74a21c6 wants 223.3 CNY for 1,050,677 BTSUCN
91501d1d cancel order
96b73066 wants 148 CNY for 622,406 BTSUCN
a9427bc3 cancel order
12d82f68 paid 72.2 CNY for 534 BTS
48143775 wants 534 BTS for 72.2 CNY
8252ac6c wants 72.3 CNY for 321,203 BTSUCN
virtual paid 321,203 BTSUCN for 72.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
d07d1206 paid 203.7 CNY for 1,327 BTS
ba079bb0 wants 1,327 BTS for 203.7 CNY
8e0363b1 cancel order
14c7de8f wants 1,468 BTS for 203.7 CNY
ca484906 wants 96.8 CNY for 428,271 BTSUCN
virtual paid 43,478 BTSUCN for 9.83 CNY
virtual paid 44,248 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
virtual paid 340,545 BTSUCN for 77 CNY
virtual cancel order
c5a650fb wants 96.4 CNY for 301,203 BTSUCN
f3cea5e3 paid 417,959 BTSUCN for 104.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
d58dca93 paid 1,082 BTSUCN for 0.2704 CNY
ed1f7b39 paid 1,400 BTSUCN for 0.35 CNY
21ea4d09 paid 3,872 BTSUCN for 0.968 CNY
9639d29b paid 3,958 BTSUCN for 0.99 CNY
77d15d43 paid 107 CNY for 689 BTS
e3079ae4 wants 107 CNY for 428,271 BTSUCN
5de48167 wants 689 BTS for 107 CNY
e2ef57c0 cancel order
e742472c wants 53.5 CNY for 214,135 BTSUCN
virtual paid 111,661 BTSUCN for 27.94 CNY
virtual paid 102,474 BTSUCN for 25.63 CNY
virtual cancel order
610f8b4d sent 10,000 BTS to
22c52a86 sent 3,950 BTS to
ed657c34 wants 452 BTS for 53.5 CNY
f684038c paid 1,692 BTSUCN for 0.423 CNY
virtual cancel order
36e6d5c5 paid 211,915 BTSUCN for 53 CNY
4c2ccb11 paid 528 BTSUCN for 0.132 CNY
d8ccd17e wants 53.6 CNY for 214,135 BTSUCN
3a8d519f paid 85.3 CNY for 710 BTS
6f798130 wants 2,056 BTS for 247.4 CNY
virtual paid 240.7 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 6.79 CNY for 56.4 BTS
913a54d6 cancel order
dd4afff5 cancel order
916fa49e paid 37.5 CNY for 312.6 BTS
a1983240 wants 1,903 BTS for 228.6 CNY
virtual paid 105.7 CNY for 880 BTS
958735fb paid 879,910 BTSUCN for 229 CNY
virtual cancel order
51965635 wants 986 BTS for 114.1 CNY
5b42ab68 wants 109.2 CNY for 428,271 BTSUCN
virtual paid 428,271 BTSUCN for 109.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
a7121d4d paid 19,394 BTSUCN for 5.04 CNY
c300d39d wants 1,151 BTS for 133.3 CNY
b9067e52 cancel order
6f3582ec cancel order
a69c0760 wants 271.3 CNY for 1,043,351 BTSUCN
virtual paid 144,047 BTSUCN for 37.5 CNY
19519dc8 cancel order
e81e41de cancel order
6fc80325 wants 89.6 BTS for 10.37 CNY
2b261301 wants 285 CNY for 749,472 BTSUCN
178222f3 cancel order
649ce254 cancel order
ef1a9a50 wants 122 CNY for 321,203 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,324 BTSUCN for 10.38 CNY
6ac856d2 sent 54,765 BTS to
09e24406 wants 739 BTS for 85.6 CNY
3a2ea3d5 wants 85.7 CNY for 214,135 BTSUCN
virtual paid 214,135 BTSUCN for 85.7 CNY
f4ad086f wants 254.4 CNY for 428,270 BTSUCN
609a0081 paid 0.324 CNY for 2.88 BTS
031ee856 paid 1,473 CNY for 13,093 BTS
79425314 wants 13,095 BTS for 1,473 CNY
f91dfcec wants 511 CNY for 321,202 BTSUCN
aad1a175 cancel order
9d5997ca wants 1,264 CNY for 1,053,578 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,053,578 BTSUCN for 1,475 CNY
virtual cancel order
3b176844 cancel order
47996ca2 cancel order
42a8f61a cancel order
37ec8963 cancel order
1dd035b8 wants 514 CNY for 321,202 BTSUCN
dd7455d6 wants 385 CNY for 214,135 BTSUCN
112f8942 paid 0.007 CNY for 0.0607 BTS
59783dd0 paid 2.075 CNY for 18 BTS
bcbac5f1 wants 465 CNY for 214,135 BTSUCN
9ed81a3e paid 922 CNY for 8,000 BTS
7f13632f wants 10,018 BTS for 1,155 CNY
virtual paid 230.6 CNY for 2,000 BTS
79dadc8d paid 534,000 BTSUCN for 1,153 CNY
virtual cancel order
83296168 paid 268.6 BTSUCN for 0.58 CNY