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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight4.63 BTS
Lifetime fees paid50.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.483
BTSUCN 0.00054
CNYRMB 0.831
00e9e1f1 sent 13.1 BTS to
3512851c wants 3.61 BTS for 0.2757 CNY
81eee196 paid 0.2757 CNY for 3.61 BTS
3eebc757 wants 0.276 CNY for 276 DEFI.BTSDEFI
virtual paid 276 DEFI.BTSDEFI for 0.276 CNY
987167f4 wants 7.45 BTS for 0.569 CNY
b63532eb paid 0.569 CNY for 7.45 BTS
33159220 wants 0.57 CNY for 114 CNVOTE
virtual paid 114 CNVOTE for 0.57 CNY
c81aaa61 sent 22,340 BTS to
d1c811b7 paid 0.854 CNY for 5.82 BTS
4b2fa680 paid 6.43 CNY for 43.8 BTS
c4cb2f24 paid 2.214 CNY for 15.1 BTS
02c31ea0 paid 637 CNY for 4,343 BTS
1e42cce3 wants 22,335 BTS for 3,274 CNY
0ee95c09 paid 457 CNY for 3,120 BTS
4cba8558 paid 23.27 CNY for 158.8 BTS
3ca33df5 paid 77.6 CNY for 529 BTS
b5d6d0bd paid 155 CNY for 1,058 BTS
dea27d8d paid 1,091 CNY for 7,445 BTS
80c4fb34 paid 388 CNY for 2,646 BTS
cbd9584e paid 239.3 CNY for 1,632 BTS
6d74c243 paid 66.6 CNY for 455 BTS
71119686 paid 72.1 CNY for 492 BTS
ff26087f paid 21.63 CNY for 147.6 BTS
8d02ad18 paid 7.16 CNY for 48.9 BTS
5db4da40 paid 19.27 CNY for 131.4 BTS
e63c6177 paid 9.26 CNY for 63.2 BTS
523f7bc9 sent 2,950 BTS to
00bb7706 adjust collateral by -2,569 BTS, debt by -154 CNY
fef5ee13 sent 500 CNY to
6383f748 paid 4,827,035 BTSUCN for 1,931 CNY
virtual cancel order
21663571 paid 4,998,750 BTSUCN for 2,000 CNY
63730305 adjust collateral by -312 BTS, debt by -20 CNY
9e115ff7 wants 3,951 CNY for 9,875,792 BTSUCN
virtual paid 50,006 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
20b88532 cancel order
1c8d3417 adjust collateral by 930 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
71548d31 wants 29,924 CNY for 9,875,792 BTSUCN
b7f7a978 adjust collateral by -10.46 BTS, debt by -1.112 CNY
2017070d sent 740 BTS to
7c6668ff adjust collateral by -733 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
cb83a3ad adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -5 CNY
0031c8d7 adjust collateral by 76 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
5f9f1ec5 adjust collateral by 18.18 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
f63e9209 cancel order
a3fddd06 wants 286.6 CNY for 135,210 BTSUCN
c91b54cf cancel order
d09b54a7 cancel order
689fcec4 wants 383 CNY for 179,978 BTSUCN
da2fd20e sent 570 CNY to
689952fd sent 200 CNY to
96337e4c paid 401 BTSUCN for 1.23 CNY
6da224f3 paid 382 BTSUCN for 1.174 CNY
de77c25c wants 95.9 CNY for 31,233 BTSUCN
f8a2fc00 paid 62,466 BTSUCN for 191 CNY
0ac5997e wants 191 CNY for 62,466 BTSUCN
c5987ace paid 189,149 BTSUCN for 579 CNY
f41409e3 wants 579 CNY for 189,149 BTSUCN
cd423907 adjust collateral by 244 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
c25adc9f sent 185 CNY to
4b73ee9c wants 189 CNY for 61,165 BTSUCN
virtual paid 61,165 BTSUCN for 189.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
8bc3bd36 paid 32.9 CNY for 146.5 BTS
a0a81893 paid 4.91 CNY for 21.86 BTS
d62c19b8 paid 4.99 CNY for 22.23 BTS
52da5268 paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
8ad47dfa paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
1f6664b5 paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
c19ac734 paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
17c3ee4a paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
22d1e026 paid 2.87 CNY for 12.79 BTS
94a6f78d wants 267 BTS for 60 CNY
9ba4516f cancel order
ee633cac wants 278 BTS for 60 CNY
2e14cbf3 adjust collateral by 598 BTS, debt by 60 CNY
7effc682 wants 413 BTS for 92.9 CNY
virtual paid 92.9 CNY for 413 BTS
44dd4e91 wants 88.3 CNY for 28,109 BTSUCN
virtual paid 28,109 BTSUCN for 88.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
0599e599 sent 345 CNY to
c7b4dc07 wants 175.7 CNY for 56,219 BTSUCN
virtual paid 56,219 BTSUCN for 175.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
ee8d9ed0 sent 1 BTS to
5c3625af wants 173.4 CNY for 56,219 BTSUCN
virtual paid 56,219 BTSUCN for 173.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
e3f799a3 sent 1 BTS to
cb56d032 sent 305 CNY to
875fd846 wants 173.4 CNY for 56,219 BTSUCN
virtual paid 56,219 BTSUCN for 173.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
4d4f6626 wants 131 CNY for 42,424 BTSUCN
virtual paid 42,424 BTSUCN for 131.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
f0a16e68 paid 68.8 CNY for 240.3 BTS
5948f0e2 wants 279.3 BTS for 80 CNY
virtual paid 11.2 CNY for 39.1 BTS
7e873d75 adjust collateral by 1,118 BTS, debt by 80 CNY
14302460 wants 588 BTS for 168 CNY
virtual paid 168 CNY for 588 BTS
f4580631 paid 54,657 BTSUCN for 169 CNY
4cfd57c1 wants 169 CNY for 54,657 BTSUCN
b08c74b4 paid 85 CNY for 252.5 BTS
5023f3f9 wants 252.5 BTS for 85 CNY
e32e5712 paid 98 CNY for 278.4 BTS
698cb39e wants 83.6 CNY for 27,328 BTSUCN
virtual paid 27,328 BTSUCN for 83.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
e044e089 wants 278.4 BTS for 98 CNY
be47e764 cancel order
eae81226 wants 283.6 BTS for 99.8 CNY
afad3056 paid 31,753 BTSUCN for 99.4 CNY
1c73a9b8 wants 99.4 CNY for 31,753 BTSUCN
6bec0209 sent 480,000 BTSUCN to
8daf6e6e update account/votes
a1faf164 update account/votes
5ac5b82a sent 330 BTS to
b7bbb540 wants 329 BTS for 75 CNY
virtual paid 75 CNY for 329 BTS
67d7bae9 paid 24,281 BTSUCN for 74.1 CNY
ab884977 wants 74.1 CNY for 24,281 BTSUCN
af5b93db sent 315 BTS to
643ef174 paid 72 CNY for 317 BTS
2bd65c1b wants 317 BTS for 72 CNY
7776e46c wants 72 CNY for 23,599 BTSUCN
virtual paid 23,599 BTSUCN for 72 CNY
110d0dbd sent 78,000 BTSUCN to
5ea7ee88 paid 50 CNY for 16,393 BTSUCN
virtual paid 45 CNY for 14,754 BTSUCN
6feab968 sent 200,000 BTSUCN to
3b75601f wants 16,393 BTSUCN for 50 CNY
a451f3ec wants 14,754 BTSUCN for 45 CNY
ca3485a4 sent 590 BTS to
59b6fd08 wants 564 BTS for 128 CNY
virtual paid 128 CNY for 564 BTS
bf0e1511 paid 42,164 BTSUCN for 128.6 CNY
d462c3d7 wants 128.6 CNY for 42,164 BTSUCN
028c98cb sent 65 CNY to
35b89df1 wants 64.5 CNY for 21,082 BTSUCN
virtual paid 21,082 BTSUCN for 64.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
081757dd sent 68 CNY to
2e306347 paid 21,082 BTSUCN for 64.7 CNY
2bdc8460 wants 64.7 CNY for 21,082 BTSUCN
67d9795d sent 65 CNY to
e0d88e96 paid 20,187 BTSUCN for 62 CNY
f61d5782 paid 977 BTSUCN for 3 CNY
6cddc783 wants 65 CNY for 21,164 BTSUCN
4585f379 sent 65 CNY to
21857de3 sent 21,000 BTSUCN to
636e04b7 sent 850 BTS to
c140e34c paid 208.3 CNY for 881 BTS
30063f2c wants 881 BTS for 208.3 CNY
416e68ea wants 108.8 CNY for 35,514 BTSUCN
virtual paid 35,514 BTSUCN for 108.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
2298df61 sent 200 CNY to
d8133b52 sent 800 CNY to
bd1c2e9f sent 1,280,000 BTSUCN to
28d95624 cancel order
c131bd0c wants 1,614,136 BTSUCN for 5,070 CNY
virtual paid 816 CNY for 259,860 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,801 CNY for 892,063 BTSUCN
virtual paid 403 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
ea5b235e cancel order
3079c4e5 wants 1,617,834 BTSUCN for 5,080 CNY
virtual paid 6.3 CNY for 2,032 BTSUCN
18e108e0 cancel order
c0ca526b wants 1,696,604 BTSUCN for 5,195 CNY
bd4da21c cancel order
0bee488e wants 1,696,604 BTSUCN for 5,195 CNY
a41f83e0 sent 33 CNY to
55cac156 paid 10,931 BTSUCN for 33.5 CNY
f278ee67 wants 33.5 CNY for 10,931 BTSUCN
af22c695 sent 34 CNY to
4b411bbc wants 33.7 CNY for 11,063 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,063 BTSUCN for 33.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
44dfde16 sent 90 CNY to
e8740f2e cancel order
25239738 sent 400,000 BTSUCN to
97f12799 wants 30,164 BTSUCN for 92 CNY
fbe2d4e0 cancel order
2cb80e60 wants 30,688 BTSUCN for 93.6 CNY
4d3e4ef4 wants 400,001 BTSUCN for 1,220 CNY
virtual paid 1,220 CNY for 400,132 BTSUCN
998fc6a9 cancel order
67ed2081 sent 105 BTS to
1b0f83dc wants 430,820 BTSUCN for 1,314 CNY
0d5cf301 adjust collateral by -46 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
6e1be703 paid 15 CNY for 59.6 BTS
6d519734 wants 59.6 BTS for 15 CNY
810662be adjust collateral by 286 BTS, debt by 15 CNY
c8c4afbe paid 47.4 CNY for 188.3 BTS
a0a09ebd paid 25 CNY for 99.2 BTS