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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight6.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid25.84 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 4.16
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01
6a195e9f sent 208 BRIDGE.TNET to
ca84e87d sent 0.743 BRIDGE.LTC to
d95a5972 wants 0.743 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00486 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.743 BRIDGE.LTC
e7b7b7b7 wants 0.0001033 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.46 BRIDGE.TNET
virtual paid 6.46 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0001033 BRIDGE.BTC
35958e2f sent 12,377,032 BRIDGE.SCP to
4b05bd06 wants 958,838 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.2213 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.2213 BRIDGE.LTC for 958,838 BRIDGE.SCP
8fe1b2be cancel order
d87b931a wants 1,778,798 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.411 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0306 BRIDGE.LTC for 132,605 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.38 BRIDGE.LTC for 1,646,193 BRIDGE.SCP
d414309e wants 4,399,323 BRIDGE.SCP for 1 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.76 BRIDGE.LTC for 3,342,047 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.01905 BRIDGE.LTC for 83,814 BRIDGE.SCP
e7e94cdc cancel order
93bc2341 wants 0.195 BRIDGE.LTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
5daf6828 cancel orders (13)
9c55d161 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.2 BRIDGE.SCP
f1b6c35d paid 0.00492 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,064,829 BRIDGE.SCP
fd4dedc9 paid 0.0002132 BRIDGE.BTC for 89,554 BRIDGE.SCP
578d1d95 paid 0.0000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,570 BRIDGE.SCP
cc6e8d76 paid 0.0000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,570 BRIDGE.SCP
25126f4a paid 0.0000085 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,570 BRIDGE.SCP
bb1a6b16 paid 0.00000951 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,994 BRIDGE.SCP
98f3baa7 paid 0.0000552 BRIDGE.BTC for 23,197 BRIDGE.SCP
5aba97a3 wants 0.00335 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.SCP
d35a15fd wants 2,192,288 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00522 BRIDGE.BTC
ceaef31b cancel order
9d037d53 cancel order
6aea8c3b wants 0.00461 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000,625 BRIDGE.SCP
0244aadf paid 0.000245 BRIDGE.BTC for 103,053 BRIDGE.SCP
eed61aa6 wants 4,300,324 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
7235f233 cancel order
90ec5749 wants 4,310,543 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
38f91c9e cancel order
c05804a2 wants 482,127 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.1738 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.1738 BRIDGE.LTC for 482,734 BRIDGE.SCP
c8eb8c80 wants 1,057 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00037 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.00037 BRIDGE.LTC for 1,057 BRIDGE.SCP
e551b942 wants 4,320,763 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
9f279a16 cancel order
733730ec wants 4,376,968 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
cb322fc2 cancel order
a9eb8ceb wants 4,388,217 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
e92ab0a5 cancel order
b47ce967 paid 0.000006 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,574 BRIDGE.SCP
2f76b77a wants 150,278 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0542 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0542 BRIDGE.LTC for 150,467 BRIDGE.SCP
88aab547 wants 0.159 BRIDGE.LTC for 300,000 BRIDGE.SCP
ba05fcc5 wants 0.348 BRIDGE.LTC for 600,000 BRIDGE.SCP
2c74e78f wants 4,389,768 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.01023 BRIDGE.BTC
cc45747f cancel order
7dcad177 wants 0.845 BRIDGE.LTC for 1,299,553 BRIDGE.SCP
22ec92f9 cancel order
917d6ec0 wants 1,120,159 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.403 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0956 BRIDGE.LTC for 265,688 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 0.0676 BRIDGE.LTC for 187,681 BRIDGE.SCP
75337ec1 paid 0.2197 BRIDGE.LTC for 610,314 BRIDGE.SCP
9e7c10df wants 231,500 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0817 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0817 BRIDGE.LTC for 231,500 BRIDGE.SCP
7018c574 wants 0.026 BRIDGE.LTC for 89,304 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 89,304 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.026 BRIDGE.LTC
6c3d1345 cancel order
75276396 wants 191,808 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0558 BRIDGE.LTC
d50edcf1 wants 180,666 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0558 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0558 BRIDGE.LTC for 180,666 BRIDGE.SCP
de02f87b wants 89,126 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0272 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.0272 BRIDGE.LTC for 89,126 BRIDGE.SCP
3755d120 wants 0.0002467 BRIDGE.BTC for 92,501 BRIDGE.SCP
virtual paid 92,498 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.0002467 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
289a5998 paid 0.2292 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000283 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.2204 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000283 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.212 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000283 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.233 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000324 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.224 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000324 BRIDGE.BTC
e2a4b496 paid 0.258 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00002827 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.248 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00002827 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.2384 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00002827 BRIDGE.BTC
f293d76b cancel order
04d978e0 wants 0.00758 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.TNET
61ca45a3 cancel order
94851af0 wants 0.00282 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.TNET
23ebc55b paid 0.273 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00002457 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.279 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00002825 BRIDGE.BTC
ef70c63b paid 0.319 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000245 BRIDGE.BTC
b3ed7058 paid 0.2616 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00001782 BRIDGE.BTC
b485d2d0 paid 0.2074 BRIDGE.LTC for 768,305 BRIDGE.SCP
06985a82 cancel order
607108f2 cancel order
51785ab5 cancel order
932bb52c cancel order
2fb8120c cancel order
7434e3cf cancel order
101cf957 cancel order
944e713b cancel order
e8a5bc56 cancel order
c24ba1fd cancel order
59972681 cancel order
97038a98 cancel order
f06cbfa1 cancel order
582891b5 cancel order
790ece5b cancel order
37f1d1d7 paid 0.196 BRIDGE.LTC for 612,559 BRIDGE.SCP
bab52f2b paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
ecf2cddc paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
e55f8360 paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
307566c1 paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
f6a07a39 paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
69b0f635 paid 0.00665 BRIDGE.LTC for 20,774 BRIDGE.SCP
5a7c5ca4 cancel order
c40d4c87 cancel order
2b45cbb6 cancel order
959276ee cancel order
eeef13d0 cancel order
fa37e6b0 cancel order
8c597d3f cancel order
bcc2cc77 cancel order
1d544489 cancel order
9956830f cancel order
913236c2 cancel order
706ff07e cancel order
fcd6418f cancel order
424438cc cancel order
5c5e8e1b cancel order
7f833387 cancel order
fd5ef645 cancel order
57c95578 cancel order
5f338e73 cancel order
65d0aafc cancel order
f4e30597 cancel order
98d864a8 cancel order
f7a7ec09 cancel order
8dba1f4a cancel order
79817603 cancel order
3e3e2dea cancel order
462a0fa4 cancel order
bdecafb0 cancel order
f12dc2b5 cancel order
9a4272c1 cancel order
4106a61d cancel order
d4d947f0 paid 0.0327 BRIDGE.LTC for 102,204 BRIDGE.SCP
c2001056 paid 0.00995 BRIDGE.LTC for 31,079 BRIDGE.SCP
8bf5b00f paid 0.00468 BRIDGE.LTC for 14,633 BRIDGE.SCP
8fd98467 paid 0.0001155 BRIDGE.BTC for 49,999 BRIDGE.SCP
505b2dab wants 781,250 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.25 BRIDGE.LTC
7a19dd6a wants 768,305 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.2074 BRIDGE.LTC
6f47aa05 wants 4,151,890 BRIDGE.SCP for 0.00959 BRIDGE.BTC
37f17577 cancel order
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80ff7d9b wants 0.00000466 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1013 BRIDGE.TNET
171ba99e paid 0.00000383 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0934 BRIDGE.TNET
37d7e1a5 cancel order
37d7e1a5 wants 0.0000155 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2464 BRIDGE.TNET
37d7e1a5 cancel order
37d7e1a5 wants 0.00001476 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2745 BRIDGE.TNET
37d7e1a5 cancel order
37d7e1a5 wants 0.00001476 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2855 BRIDGE.TNET
37d7e1a5 cancel order
37d7e1a5 wants 0.00001477 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.297 BRIDGE.TNET
37d7e1a5 cancel order
37d7e1a5 wants 0.00001477 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.309 BRIDGE.TNET
5a08fe1b wants 0.0934 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000383 BRIDGE.BTC
5a08fe1b cancel order
5a08fe1b wants 0.0000107 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2235 BRIDGE.TNET
79677b00 wants 0.0000107 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2235 BRIDGE.TNET
814dfd9e paid 0.077 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000368 BRIDGE.BTC
c2e6997e cancel order
c2e6997e wants 0.00001238 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.249 BRIDGE.TNET
69e786ed paid 0.00000478 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1123 BRIDGE.TNET
virtual paid 0.0000106 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.259 BRIDGE.TNET
441e6e99 paid 0.0000022 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0517 BRIDGE.TNET
ffcb5e3b paid 0.001005 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000005 BRIDGE.BTC
5997c311 paid 0.00000163 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0383 BRIDGE.TNET
db667cd2 paid 0.00000241 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0566 BRIDGE.TNET
8f147aaa paid 0.000402 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC
afe441aa cancel order
afe441aa wants 0.271 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000606 BRIDGE.BTC
afe441aa cancel order
afe441aa wants 0.2714 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000063 BRIDGE.BTC
afe441aa cancel order
afe441aa wants 0.271 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000655 BRIDGE.BTC
afe441aa cancel order
afe441aa wants 0.2723 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.0000068 BRIDGE.BTC
afe441aa cancel order
afe441aa wants 0.274 BRIDGE.TNET for 0.00000707 BRIDGE.BTC