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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.101 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.217 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0528
CNY 0.0525
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
CROKS 0.019
c8a35849 sent 426 CNY to
fa6013de wants 32.2 CNY for 0.996 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 0.996 GDEX.EOS for 32.2 CNY
981be073 paid 1,283 BTS for 395 CNY
4bc155af wants 395 CNY for 1,283 BTS
784605b8 paid 245.3 CNY for 491 BTS
f478d0b5 wants 491 BTS for 245.3 CNY
c6785e2c cancel order
bc2a82e4 wants 409 BTS for 245.3 CNY
2e1decc6 paid 300 BTS for 245 CNY
dc88f581 wants 245 CNY for 300 BTS
204b5748 wants 318 BTS for 202 CNY
virtual paid 202 CNY for 318 BTS
d2729648 cancel order
09bf8bc9 paid 0.999 USD for 7.03 CNY
1fab0c08 wants 7.03 CNY for 0.999 USD
c84a320e wants 0.1182 GDEX.ETH for 195 CNY
1f385507 cancel order
70661366 wants 1 BTS for 0.8 CNY
469e9611 cancel order
d90d4b73 wants 100 BTS for 80 CNY
325938a2 wants 1 USD for 6.35 CNY
virtual paid 6.35 CNY for 1 USD
bccee679 cancel order
4bc699d2 wants 1 USD for 6.35 CNY
42228bc7 cancel order
737772a4 paid 2.635 CNY for 0.02395 GDEX.EOS
1ede7be3 paid 5.66 CNY for 0.0514 GDEX.EOS
5f116dc3 paid 11.1 CNY for 0.1008 GDEX.EOS
56170645 wants 1 GDEX.EOS for 110 CNY
0bed74c3 paid 90.3 CNY for 0.82 GDEX.EOS
72a04b50 cancel order
815c48c1 wants 1 BTS for 1 CNY
97070ca1 cancel order
2229bef0 wants 300 BTS for 150 CNY
4ded6119 paid 500 CNY for 500 BTS
virtual paid 200 CNY for 200 BTS
25e2c062 paid 30 CNY for 30 BTS
ea7b3f50 wants 200 BTS for 200 CNY
cf5c7725 wants 500 BTS for 500 CNY
7f972b2d sent 100 CNY to
a7d189d8 sent 100 CNY to
258af638 sent 100 CNY to
50e36919 sent 100 CNY to
e7a3a6db sent 100 CNY to
d6ab83ef sent 100 CNY to
8a3f8ccd sent 100 CNY to
49404619 sent 100 CNY to
23add69c sent 100 CNY to
5803dcc2 sent 100 CNY to
56f7fd07 paid 30 CNY for 20 BTS
0f0b8b30 wants 30 BTS for 30 CNY
02eb3f5e wants 20 BTS for 30 CNY
5687d084 paid 30 CNY for 10 BTS
9fcfdb08 wants 10 BTS for 30 CNY
b3f447b5 paid 35 CNY for 10 BTS
9190c8b3 wants 5 BTS for 21.94 CNY
virtual paid 21.94 CNY for 5 BTS
278f08dc paid 0.575 BTS for 2.625 CNY
b3e46e44 paid 0.423 BTS for 1.93 CNY
7ad62bcc wants 4.56 CNY for 0.998 BTS
dbb5ac1e cancel order
0ee63872 wants 4.59 CNY for 0.998 BTS
92d9c2f7 cancel order
b745e24a wants 4.6 CNY for 0.998 BTS
972e1600 wants 10 BTS for 35 CNY
09baaf40 cancel order
e2174279 wants 5 BTS for 17.5 CNY
68b23e37 paid 4.29 CNY for 1 BTS
9bea7e24 wants 1 BTS for 4.29 CNY