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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1.977 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.41 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.977
USD 0.0846
OPEN.USDT 0.000001
DEEX 0.1
8911598b update account/votes
ceeaa481 sent 0.1 DEEX to
e0cb06d2 update account/votes
78c9de70 update account/votes
7b8d3a75 update account/votes
98053c66 update account/votes
50204f36 update account/votes
d1589cfd sent 2 BTS to
fc334cae sent 1,000 USD to
df7a428e sent 1,000 USD to
3ca78238 sent 6.02 BTS to
faeed41b sent 35.1 USD to
52720e52 wants 1.88 BTS for 185 STRANGE
virtual paid 185 STRANGE for 1.88 BTS
e7348b03 wants 5.82 USD for 0.000308 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000308 OPEN.BTC for 5.82 USD
ae0d55d9 wants 8.23 USD for 49 QORA
virtual paid 12 QORA for 2.04 USD
virtual paid 37 QORA for 6.21 USD
c4c5216c wants 7.85 USD for 5 OBITS
virtual paid 0.0001 OBITS for 0.0002 USD
virtual paid 5 OBITS for 7.85 USD
fcf9b788 wants 9.45 USD for 1.256 ICOO
virtual paid 0.0001 ICOO for 0.0012 USD
virtual paid 1.256 ICOO for 9.44 USD
1428707e wants 1 USD for 1.014 OPEN.USDT
virtual paid 1.014 OPEN.USDT for 1 USD
35f3e191 sent 1,163 OPEN.STEEM to
dda1071c sent 8.86 OPEN.STEEM to
ca4393b4 sent 0.1124 OPEN.BTC to
5f299f8a wants 0.0818 OPEN.BTC for 273 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 112.3 OPEN.STEEM for 0.0349 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 160.5 OPEN.STEEM for 0.0482 OPEN.BTC
7d85fd98 wants 0.0214 OPEN.BTC for 68.8 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 68.8 OPEN.STEEM for 0.0214 OPEN.BTC
62a268e3 cancel order
2a36bb84 wants 19.38 BTS for 0.000416 OPEN.BTC
1e355d50 sent 656 OBITS to
5ed70ae5 sent 80 ICOO to
905a7841 sent 5 BTS to
ea288ab9 paid 1 USD for 1.016 OPEN.USDT
e854c25b wants 1.016 OPEN.USDT for 1 USD
806e414f sent 6,600 BTS to
01229051 sent 20,000 BTS to
69eb5982 sent 250 BTS to
virtual paid 1 USD for 11.18 BTS
79b6913b settle 1 USD
007701ae wants 250 OBITS for 3,750 BTS
virtual paid 3,750 BTS for 250 OBITS
7143db41 paid 10.62 BTS for 0.0531 ICOO
virtual paid 32.8 BTS for 0.164 ICOO
8f3bf751 paid 1,196 BTS for 5.98 ICOO
e81941df paid 321 BTS for 1.606 ICOO
90ed5045 paid 450 BTS for 2.25 ICOO
165195f9 wants 201.5 OBITS for 2,694 BTS
virtual paid 2,694 BTS for 201.5 OBITS
virtual cancel order
3a8f07b6 paid 20 BTS for 0.1 ICOO
3840a47a wants 50 ICOO for 10,450 BTS
virtual paid 10,450 BTS for 50 ICOO
7676ab7f wants 10 ICOO for 2,000 BTS
021bf89a wants 10 ICOO for 2,050 BTS
virtual paid 2,050 BTS for 10 ICOO
854d869e wants 11.5 ICOO for 2,300 BTS
virtual paid 2,269 BTS for 11.35 ICOO
f096eedd paid 1,420 BTS for 103.6 OBITS
7fb024a0 wants 204.4 OBITS for 2,800 BTS
virtual paid 270.5 BTS for 19.93 OBITS
virtual paid 800 BTS for 58.4 OBITS
53c81e6e paid 309.4 BTS for 22.6 OBITS
0333ee3c wants 6.62 OBITS for 90 BTS
virtual paid 43.5 BTS for 3.21 OBITS
virtual paid 46.5 BTS for 3.43 OBITS
5b0dfd3e cancel order
7ff01ca9 wants 6.64 OBITS for 90 BTS