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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0231 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.344 0
CNY 0.0428 0.0566
DEEX 0.1 0
FAIRCOIN 0.017 0
COCOIN 0.02 0
APPLECOM 0.00001 0
NOBLE 0.0001 0
c8f17b85 paid 0.0566 CNY for 0.321 BTS
61ab9430 wants 0.321 BTS for 0.0566 CNY
d3d1a16f sent 0.0001 NOBLE to
c22b5ac7 sent 783 CNY to
650cab4c sent 100 CNY to
8fa54a10 sent 800 CNY to
46a65420 sent 293 CNY to
21d6969f paid 38.3 BTS for 29.13 CNY
0d371584 wants 29.13 CNY for 38.3 BTS
1c7e5a63 cancel order
e0eff2a8 wants 28.6 CNY for 38.3 BTS
2b3a1aa9 cancel order
05bb8e80 wants 54.2 CNY for 38.3 BTS
669e5c79 cancel order
c85b6bb6 wants 54.4 CNY for 38.3 BTS
8c379f22 wants 38.3 BTS for 52.4 CNY
virtual paid 52.4 CNY for 38.3 BTS
1a6ce689 paid 34.7 BTS for 52.4 CNY
29f5cf0b wants 52.4 CNY for 34.7 BTS
0cc82c08 paid 46.9 CNY for 34.7 BTS
a67f1811 wants 34.7 BTS for 46.9 CNY
0a32a7f2 cancel order
1ff3c510 wants 0.01512 GDEX.ETH for 46.9 CNY
f1c0ef94 cancel order
5796e59a wants 0.001057 GDEX.BTC for 46.9 CNY
a462062b cancel order
65f970f1 wants 0.0011 GDEX.BTC for 46.9 CNY
34ac4be5 paid 20.06 BTS for 25.5 CNY
948cfa15 wants 25.5 CNY for 20.06 BTS
70d3b70e cancel order
afcceeac wants 25.5 CNY for 20.06 BTS
312ea3da cancel order
534e97eb wants 25.5 CNY for 20.06 BTS
3eef98b1 wants 21.5 CNY for 1.28 GDEX.GXS
virtual paid 1.28 GDEX.GXS for 21.5 CNY
d1bf70c9 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00008 BTS
3f84da53 paid 12.32 CNY for 10.34 BTS
06b594df wants 10.34 BTS for 12.32 CNY
f4939320 wants 12.33 CNY for 0.528 GDEX.GXS
virtual paid 0.528 GDEX.GXS for 12.33 CNY
107c4a79 paid 0.846 CNY for 0.636 BTS
db6f2f94 wants 0.636 BTS for 0.846 CNY
7d2d5077 wants 0.847 CNY for 0.0353 GDEX.GXS
virtual paid 0.0353 GDEX.GXS for 0.847 CNY
0111f3c0 wants 8.97 BTS for 11.83 CNY
virtual paid 11.83 CNY for 8.98 BTS
3d685bc7 wants 11.85 CNY for 0.553 GDEX.GXS
virtual paid 0.553 GDEX.GXS for 11.85 CNY
3f22894c cancel order
5225b892 wants 11.13 CNY for 0.553 GDEX.GXS
2447ad15 wants 0.171 BTS for 0.143 CNY
4fa0cf0f paid 0.143 CNY for 0.171 BTS
f278339b wants 0.138 CNY for 0.06 TRONTRX
virtual paid 0.06 TRONTRX for 0.138 CNY
1b11e3ea sent 2,446 CNY to
6a393a4d paid 353 BTS for 519 CNY
8fcabf7a wants 519 CNY for 353 BTS
c7bd28c4 paid 200 BTS for 294 CNY
1482257f paid 214.2 BTS for 315 CNY
01cc6916 paid 204 BTS for 300 CNY
f5241a15 adjust collateral by -353 BTS, debt by -248 CNY
fce83e88 paid 43.8 BTS for 64.4 CNY
66eb0f7d wants 315 CNY for 214.2 BTS
7ff317a1 cancel order
5c0417f1 paid 15.58 BTS for 22.9 CNY
62a8e462 paid 579 BTS for 850 CNY
63581517 paid 148 BTS for 217.6 CNY
1def62ec paid 74.5 BTS for 109.5 CNY
32ad0961 wants 1,859 CNY for 1,265 BTS
0ccaf586 adjust collateral by -1,265 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
7318c0f4 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -887 CNY
cd13773f paid 50.4 BTS for 74.1 CNY
5a8c1802 paid 340 BTS for 500 CNY
92a103aa wants 1,201 CNY for 817 BTS
virtual paid 212 BTS for 312 CNY
6a0b5f47 cancel order
86dc9b2a paid 0.241 BTS for 0.357 CNY
8812dd06 paid 0.314 BTS for 0.465 CNY
495c8926 paid 0.408 BTS for 0.604 CNY
be2cc8f0 wants 1,210 CNY for 817 BTS
5e819b81 adjust collateral by -817 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
53bfce0c adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -665 CNY
083b1c35 paid 292 BTS for 432 CNY
f7611021 paid 102.6 BTS for 152 CNY
a43963f1 paid 54.6 BTS for 80.8 CNY
589691e8 wants 665 CNY for 449 BTS
a2421290 adjust collateral by -449 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
ef59d436 adjust collateral by 471 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
35df899d paid 175 CNY for 122.4 BTS
13acbc46 paid 332 CNY for 232.5 BTS
3b427c7c wants 355 BTS for 507 CNY
db58d239 wants 116 BTS for 169 CNY
virtual paid 169 CNY for 116 BTS
3240a8aa adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by 300 CNY
a8e0d68e adjust collateral by 290 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
bd63799e paid 500 CNY for 290.4 BTS
c77f7060 wants 290.4 BTS for 500 CNY
af49f6c0 cancel order
99e5cea1 wants 291 BTS for 500 CNY
27135509 adjust collateral by 582 BTS, debt by 500 CNY
487205e3 cancel order
b10e0eb1 wants 1,003 CNY for 582 BTS
a8844e5a paid 1,000 CNY for 581 BTS
53426ac3 wants 581 BTS for 1,000 CNY
736f7caa adjust collateral by 1,541 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
a06f1f0d paid 326 CNY for 189.7 BTS
3310385b wants 189.7 BTS for 326 CNY
a5de1bbb sent 275 CNY to
c2ce79b2 wants 500 BTS for 862 CNY
virtual paid 862 CNY for 500 BTS
14f93e5d paid 862 CNY for 500 BTS
879c76d5 wants 500 BTS for 862 CNY
1e18f9bd paid 172.6 CNY for 100 BTS
38015e4c wants 100 BTS for 172.6 CNY
5d80ba4a wants 151 BTS for 260.3 CNY
virtual paid 260.3 CNY for 151.4 BTS
f2a8b853 wants 100 BTS for 172.6 CNY
virtual paid 172.6 CNY for 100.3 BTS
9daee67d paid 0.768 CNY for 0.492 BTS
0bae73b8 wants 0.00468 BTS for 0.0074 CNY
virtual paid 0.0074 CNY for 0.00468 BTS
5d228299 cancel order
bf4494a0 wants 0.492 BTS for 0.768 CNY
1487195b sent 4,334 CNY to
cc50b222 wants 0.0012 CNY for 0.00074 BTS
4b840ea8 paid 845 SEER for 56.6 CNY
c37c6b88 wants 56.6 CNY for 845 SEER
6915bf68 cancel order
6c0a5ab5 wants 55 CNY for 845 SEER
0de973cd cancel order
16e950d2 wants 46.1 CNY for 53.2 GDEX.BTO
virtual paid 53.2 GDEX.BTO for 46.1 CNY
f913cdb5 wants 55 CNY for 845 SEER
6c12153f paid 492 BTS for 774 CNY
0674b261 paid 390 BTS for 614 CNY
b4a8f035 wants 417 CNY for 444 YOYOW
virtual paid 444 YOYOW for 417 CNY
cbf8ae89 wants 78.1 CNY for 1,944 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 1,944 OPEN.DOGE for 78.1 CNY
d5703d0b paid 1,493 BTS for 2,348 CNY
ce626b89 wants 3,737 CNY for 2,376 BTS
e3d9ddd7 paid 13.27 CNY for 8.54 BTS
0fe9e1ad wants 8.54 BTS for 13.27 CNY
b0e6b14a cancel order
ebd2e25a wants 8.56 BTS for 13.27 CNY
f8150638 cancel order
29834165 wants 8.56 BTS for 13.27 CNY
595ae807 cancel order
e19662cf wants 8.58 BTS for 13.27 CNY
08cf27b8 adjust collateral by -2,367 BTS, debt by -1,000 CNY
cc75d74d wants 1,013 CNY for 654 BTS
virtual paid 654 BTS for 1,013 CNY
59216b09 adjust collateral by -617 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
33e8f199 wants 0.793 BTS for 1.156 CNY
virtual paid 1.156 CNY for 0.793 BTS
69746b18 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -1,000 CNY
92187a51 wants 1,000 CNY for 684 BTS
virtual paid 684 BTS for 1,001 CNY
2d31a020 paid 1,000 CNY for 720 BTS
fcf86350 wants 720 BTS for 1,000 CNY
633a76e2 adjust collateral by 653 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
2479812f paid 0.244 CNY for 0.17 BTS
06b4a311 wants 0.17 BTS for 0.244 CNY
de5a18ad cancel order
4c3b5b82 wants 0.244 CNY for 0.033 MACHAIN
virtual paid 0.033 MACHAIN for 0.244 CNY
e60673dc wants 1,000 CNY for 641 BTS
8b42f51b cancel order
52126f7f wants 1,020 CNY for 654 BTS
06c735f9 wants 653 BTS for 1,000 CNY
virtual paid 1,000 CNY for 654 BTS
b5efc8df cancel order
f2436c88 adjust collateral by 9.86 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
e1f6e0d0 wants 655 BTS for 1,000 CNY
559e8603 paid 653 BTS for 1,000 CNY
b20c433e wants 1,000 CNY for 653 BTS
f0e09ef9 cancel order
afa6db06 wants 1,034 CNY for 663 BTS
53fe69c2 paid 451 CNY for 298.3 BTS
78ced4af paid 549 CNY for 364 BTS
68eeacee wants 662 BTS for 1,000 CNY
69bf7a7a adjust collateral by 2,321 BTS, debt by 1,000 CNY
a33a3b6e paid 14.35 CNY for 9.48 BTS
4c9fc131 wants 9.48 BTS for 14.35 CNY
a461e360 adjust collateral by -2,312 BTS, debt by -1,695 CNY
00502cfd paid 1,134 BTS for 1,709 CNY
735fd398 wants 1,709 CNY for 1,134 BTS
3c795c2b cancel order
96b072ba wants 1,701 CNY for 1,134 BTS
1d295269 adjust collateral by -1,134 BTS, debt by 0 CNY
799b6635 adjust collateral by 0 BTS, debt by -305 CNY
434fe085 paid 0.00015 BTS for 0.0002 CNY
6c52728c wants 305.4 CNY for 204.4 BTS
996f1d28 paid 156.3 BTS for 233.5 CNY
ab531f45 paid 31.7 BTS for 47.4 CNY
3f326dd1 paid 16.38 BTS for 24.5 CNY
f917f70d cancel order
11e1b4a8 wants 306.5 CNY for 204.4 BTS
ddb5447c cancel order
c82c0ad8 wants 306.5 CNY for 204.4 BTS
12fc56f8 cancel order
b7fe80b8 wants 306.5 CNY for 204.4 BTS