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BitShares Block Explorer



1 25%
1 25%
1 25%
BTS6c6R1SHVGwHq5EkpQin1RNeCWqgiCRdzQBv1rAi4BwwRKcyV25 1 25%
Threshold 1 25%
4 44.4%
4 44.4%
BTS5C8ooq8MhKesNbKJdUWbBkbPJPGUzJLKzdQtB8hmNNmgXJxoLC 1 11.1%
Threshold 1 11.1%
Votes as
Voting weight1.205 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.34 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1.205
OCT 2.896
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
b8cd0ff8 sent 260 BTCPLUS to
ca7e558c cancel order
60a76a3d sent 6 BTS to
6c41de9a sent 20 BTCCORE to
809be72f update account/votes
ec67b369 sent 0.1 DEEX to
3d27903e sent 15 BTS to
057522ea sent 25 BTCCORE to
02d77deb sent 0.0298 OPEN.ETH to
67ac20f2 sent 0.0000145 OPEN.BTC to
a5a38bd9 sent 429 OCEANIA to
02f028ae sent 8,003,036 COMPUCEEDS to
37b41a88 sent 10 BTS to
47e5da76 wants 329 OCEANIA for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 329 OCEANIA
93b4e33e wants 19.85 BTS for 42.5 YOYOW
virtual paid 42.5 YOYOW for 19.85 BTS
a7231c90 wants 5,459,740 USD for 260 BTCPLUS
fe69152c sent 100 BTCPLUS to
ca26e7b7 paid 24 BTS for 400 BTCPLUS
b6caa188 wants 400 BTCPLUS for 24 BTS
f5de9c7a cancel order
71d3a450 wants 400 BTCPLUS for 24 BTS
491c838a paid 10 BTS for 7.7 BTCCORE
9c12b819 wants 7.7 BTCCORE for 10 BTS
ba7e95e4 paid 20 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
df991b09 wants 20 BTCCORE for 20 BTS
bc69d870 sent 15 BTS to
23e44a12 paid 0.0001778 OPEN.BTC for 6.29 BTS
aff5e2e5 paid 0.001766 OPEN.BTC for 62.5 BTS
8054bc1d paid 0.00000709 OPEN.BTC for 0.2513 BTS
9c969610 wants 69 BTS for 0.00195 OPEN.BTC
c702e3ec cancel order
81542788 paid 856 BADCOIN for 0.248 BTS
4f111612 paid 180.3 BADCOIN for 0.0523 BTS
5dd27a0f paid 856 BADCOIN for 0.248 BTS
c197b845 paid 676 BADCOIN for 0.196 BTS
8786f9b7 paid 239 BADCOIN for 0.0692 BTS
60163cce paid 7,194 BADCOIN for 2.086 BTS
7d9a8121 paid 16.5 BTS for 15 BTCCORE
2d2c8016 wants 15 BTCCORE for 16.5 BTS
fff442ce wants 2.9 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
06d5432c wants 16.6 BTS for 0.000472 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000472 OPEN.BTC for 16.6 BTS
c3ead256 wants 0.406 BTS for 406 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual paid 0.04 CRYPTOCEEDS for 0.00004 BTS
d55ac4a8 paid 13.63 BTS for 6 BTCCORE
a40f8952 wants 6 BTCCORE for 13.63 BTS
a56c931f paid 11 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
8a4237a9 wants 5 BTCCORE for 11 BTS
ff03a042 sent 4.5 BTCPLUS to
3ad3a939 cancel order
f0882f21 cancel order
d1ac6e9d wants 2 BTCCORE for 10 BTS
8d7b7b2a sent 100 BTCPLUS to
7f874f01 cancel order
eab77e54 sent 70 BTCPLUS to
468f30c2 cancel order
914834a4 wants 0.002307 OPEN.ETH for 12.46 CNY
virtual paid 12.46 CNY for 0.002307 OPEN.ETH
7b0554c2 paid 0.00003 YOYOW for 0.00001 BTS
0a5353a4 paid 6.9 YOYOW for 2.974 BTS
133e6bc0 wants 21.55 BTS for 50 YOYOW
4cd444a9 paid 21.55 YOYOW for 9.29 BTS
6948a0a2 paid 21.55 YOYOW for 9.29 BTS
1bdc0a97 cancel order
8994bbdc wants 30.3 BTS for 50 YOYOW
a0b3085d sent 5 BTS to
621f0138 sent 100 COMPUCEEDS to
8d57e378 sent 4 BTS to
ab4fcc70 sent 5 BTS to
89e458de wants 67,501 USD for 4.5 BTCPLUS
042e6cbd sent 5 BTCPLUS to
a7fb4e96 sent 10 BTS to
ca2f1893 sent 10 BTS to
8c9f9c0e sent 15 BTS to
a7e9799c sent 5 BTS to
5bb18e56 sent 3 BTS to
58ceb56e sent 5 BTS to
f72cdd8f sent 7 BTCPLUS to
f1584a34 wants 1,199,999 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
6c499896 wants 125 BTCPLUS for 29.26 BTS
virtual paid 29.26 BTS for 125 BTCPLUS
08a49b7c sent 5 BTCPLUS to
3ebc82fd wants 734,999 USD for 70 BTCPLUS
7b9f1616 sent 5 BTS to
072d4119 update account/votes
1c98e035 update account/votes
b0e5b809 cancel order
0ba08642 wants 829,496 USD for 79 BTCPLUS
4324a3a7 update account/votes
8e5f590e update account/votes
20666fc8 sent 2 BTS to