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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.006 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19.03 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.1415 0
COMPUCEEDS 1,113 1,113
BTCPLUS 10.93 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BTCGOLD 0.2075 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
fb3a82ba sent 1 XBTSX.COF to
dc951672 paid 117.5 COMPUCEEDS for 0.1038 BTCPLUS
823f6842 paid 11,760 COMPUCEEDS for 10.39 BTCPLUS
c74da3c4 paid 1,176 COMPUCEEDS for 1.039 BTCPLUS
e057a2f6 sent 0.1 DEEX to
aa449ffe wants 0.2075 BTCGOLD for 0.02153 BTS
virtual paid 0.02153 BTS for 0.2075 BTCGOLD
b0bac114 cancel order
9a8f99ae sent 2 BTCPLUS to
9a569cdf cancel order
986e838c sent 100 BTCPLUS to
6263dce7 cancel order
f9a4e867 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
ab49d42a cancel order
410ec220 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
b459b4d6 cancel order
ba23b0d1 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
9e5338ea cancel order
b957e5dd wants 8,268 USD for 0.551 BTCPLUS
6744edd8 wants 11.54 BTCPLUS for 13,066 COMPUCEEDS
cd98f051 sent 0.45 BTS to
093d337f sent 0.4 BTS to
60cbea87 sent 0.4 BTS to
15f8b7bf sent 0.6 BTS to
a8639de8 sent 0.6 BTS to
512171b4 wants 8,999 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
44e61c41 wants 44,997 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
1ad080da wants 44,997 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
211402fd wants 44,997 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
42cca26c wants 449,970 USD for 100 BTCPLUS
9d66b51d sent 1 BTCPLUS to
df80888f cancel order
c9bcf3ca wants 147.3 BTCPLUS for 24 BTS
virtual paid 24 BTS for 147.3 BTCPLUS
d8789276 sent 8 BTS to
dd380b41 sent 42,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
936780a9 wants 19,899,971 COMPUCEEDS for 160 BTS
virtual paid 160 BTS for 19,899,971 COMPUCEEDS
765a1bef wants 160.6 BTS for 894 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 894 BTCPLUS for 160.6 BTS
962397b1 wants 2,988 USD for 1 BTCPLUS
20ef6f64 cancel order
18e5bab6 sent 1 BTCPLUS to
bd539030 sent 0.4 BTS to
88447438 sent 0.3 BTS to
5763c299 sent 1 BTCPLUS to
b67ada17 sent 0.6 BTS to
57af29f9 sent 5 BTCPLUS to
54af3b5d sent 1 BTS to
a23a8498 sent 5 BTCPLUS to
a44f946b sent 1 BTS to
b31b4c1f sent 5 BTCPLUS to
38d4db64 sent 1 BTS to
db77044e sent 10 BTCPLUS to
92f2e16e sent 1.5 BTS to
6a9505d6 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
6f0f67c5 wants 1,978 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
fbdedac2 wants 19,780 BTS for 1,000 COMPUCEEDS
cd6e800b sent 0.155 BTS to
6f07eed1 paid 0.001103 BTCPLUS for 0.00015 BTS
4e0a28b6 sent 150 BTCPLUS to
56e27ed3 wants 15 BTS for 110.3 BTCPLUS
a4b8b513 paid 110.3 BTCPLUS for 15 BTS
71ea68ee wants 910,581 USD for 310 BTCPLUS
1089f2a2 wants 1,292 BTCPLUS for 438 BTS
virtual paid 438 BTS for 1,292 BTCPLUS
5980c1fb update account/votes
4b51effc wants 345 BTS for 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
virtual paid 0.0737 CRYPTOCEEDS for 7 BTS
virtual paid 0.0843 CRYPTOCEEDS for 8 BTS
virtual paid 0.0527 CRYPTOCEEDS for 5 BTS
virtual paid 3.83 CRYPTOCEEDS for 327 BTS
af9da230 wants 2,694,957 COMPUCEEDS for 405 BTS
virtual paid 405 BTS for 2,700,735 COMPUCEEDS
e8cafb7a wants 2,694,957 COMPUCEEDS for 405 BTS
virtual paid 405 BTS for 2,700,735 COMPUCEEDS
e432a7e0 cancel order
47b94597 cancel order
db18ff10 wants 7,797,355 COMPUCEEDS for 805 BTS
2c81513f wants 466 BTS for 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
8f653fe7 cancel order
aeaf869c wants 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS for 384 BTS
a3dcf783 cancel order
c81c851b cancel order
59cde1e3 wants 6,868,378 COMPUCEEDS for 732 BTS
virtual paid 732 BTS for 7,239,953 COMPUCEEDS
17f2ec8d wants 6,868,378 COMPUCEEDS for 732 BTS
virtual paid 732 BTS for 7,239,953 COMPUCEEDS
5474c737 wants 2,232,821 COMPUCEEDS for 221.7 BTS
virtual paid 221.7 BTS for 2,232,821 COMPUCEEDS
ecf221e7 wants 6,093,929 COMPUCEEDS for 532 BTS
6a432d8e wants 1,212 BTS for 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
dd9ad43e cancel order
6730ac89 cancel order
f78b0208 wants 1,563 BTS for 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
d795ef07 paid 1,070 BTS for 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS
f3ded628 wants 8,925 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
f0c248cf wants 4.04 CRYPTOCEEDS for 1,070 BTS
7c5e296d paid 16,218,966 COMPUCEEDS for 1,018 BTS
ab4a9e06 wants 1,018 BTS for 16,218,966 COMPUCEEDS
37561393 cancel order
504e345c sent 6 BTS to
36879137 paid 600 BTS for 16,216,216 COMPUCEEDS
a0f6b15e wants 16,216,216 COMPUCEEDS for 600 BTS
dd45cbbc wants 11,100 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
db6a9c61 cancel order
10811b8b wants 9,000 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
bb03d12d paid 7,475 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
8b8ae700 wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 7,475 BTS
05c405fe sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
3e8356bd sent 100 BTS to
c684dd5a update account/votes