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Elevate The Name & The Game ELEVATE (UIA) - This user issued asset represents the investment and support of creative and original content soley produced by the content creator and social media personality, Wallace Carranza (aka @mrwang) specifically for and limited to within any and all cryptocurrency projects and communities.
ELEVATE token holders will receive share drops and dividends from the rewards generated on cryptocurrency based content developed exclusively and solely by Wallace Carranza (@mrwang) and excludes any income or rewards earned from endorsements, partnerships, affiliated projects and collaborations unless otherwise stated before, during or after aformentioned projects.
The hashtag #wally will be used for SEO purposes and a tool to help token holders keep track and share content created. It does not mean the token holder will receive rewards from the hashtagged content. This is not legally binding.

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
ELEVATE : USD 1,000 USD $1,000 0 ELEVATE $0

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No orders to show.
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Supply1,500 ELEVATE
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.2947
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0%
Max market fee0 ELEVATE
Max supply2,500 ELEVATE
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted
Charge market fee Override authority

Fee Pool

Accumulated1,262 ELEVATE
Pool Balance13.71 BTS
Exchange Rate225 ELEVATE/BTS

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 108 12
2 75 -
3 5 -
4 5 -
5 5 -
6 3 -
7 3 -
8 1 -
9 1 -
10 1 -
11 1 -
12 1 -
13 1 -
14 1 -
15 1 -
16 1 -
17 1 -
18 1 -
19 1 -
20 0.6 -
21 0.2716 -
22 0.2505 -
23 0.0025 -
24 0.001 -
25 0.001 -
26 0.0008 0.0002
27 0.001 -
28 0.0005 -
29 0.0005 -
30 0.0005 -
31 0.0005 -
32 0.0005 -
33 0.0005 -
34 0.0005 -
35 0.0005 -
36 0.0005 -
37 0.0005 -
38 0.0005 -
39 0.0005 -
40 0.0005 -
41 0.0005 -
42 0.0005 -
43 0.0005 -
44 0.0005 -
45 0.0005 -
46 0.0005 -
47 0.0005 -
48 0.0005 -
49 0.0005 -
50 0.0005 -
51 0.0005 -
52 0.0005 -
53 0.0005 -
54 0.0005 -
55 0.0005 -
56 0.0005 -
57 0.0005 -
58 0.0005 -
59 0.0005 -
60 0.0005 -
61 0.0005 -
62 0.0005 -
63 0.0005 -
64 0.0001 -
65 0.0001 -
66 0.0001 -
67 0.0001 -
68 0.0001 -
69 0.0001 -
70 0.0001 -
71 0.0001 -
72 0.0001 -
73 0.0001 -
74 0.0001 -
75 0.0001 -
76 0.0001 -
77 0.0001 -
78 0.0001 -
79 0.0001 -