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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1605 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.32 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1605
CNY 0.2926
ed33ad58 sent 26 BTS to
c3d8a21a sent 12,312 CNY to
5a2323dc wants 12,325 CNY for 17,803 ACRLL
virtual paid 17,803 ACRLL for 12,325 CNY
043c657a paid 11,890 CNY for 17,804 ACRLL
88e8c3f2 wants 17,804 ACRLL for 11,890 CNY
9f5a7d14 sent 172 CNY to
ee0333b9 paid 14,950 ACRLL for 9,960 CNY
d92f65f9 paid 3,174 ACRLL for 2,114 CNY
96acb316 wants 12,074 CNY for 18,123 ACRLL
6c84ca46 wants 18,125 ACRLL for 11,502 CNY
virtual paid 11,502 CNY for 18,125 ACRLL
165bb240 sent 50,000 CNY to
0666f749 sent 30 CNY to
7d60aff6 sent 5 CNY to
88d4c439 sent 828 CNY to
70682dc7 wants 53,649 CNY for 84,420 ACRLL
virtual paid 55,030 ACRLL for 34,972 CNY
virtual paid 29,390 ACRLL for 18,677 CNY
virtual cancel order
6460ee41 paid 25,863 CNY for 42,906 ACRLL
ee055846 paid 25,030 CNY for 41,523 ACRLL
e4d3abf5 wants 84,428 ACRLL for 50,893 CNY
e35175d1 sent 398 CNY to
94748210 wants 51,343 CNY for 85,089 ACRLL
virtual paid 82,880 ACRLL for 50,010 CNY
virtual paid 2,209 ACRLL for 1,333 CNY
67653a01 paid 50,020 CNY for 85,098 ACRLL
87cee955 wants 85,098 ACRLL for 50,020 CNY
41e50ee1 sent 30 CNY to
df2b44e4 paid 9.54 CNY for 30 BTS
67b3e18a wants 30 BTS for 9.54 CNY