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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.95 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.333 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.95
DEEX 0.1
DUC 21.7
8f23b505 sent 0.1 DEEX to
c73e7daa sent 0.01 BTS to
2e0297e3 sent 1,011 DUC to
79341a00 wants 544 DUC for 49.5 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 12.3 WIN.WICC for 137.8 DUC
virtual paid 37.2 WIN.WICC for 409 DUC
d2e17265 cancel order
f585fb1b wants 43.6 WIN.WICC for 489 DUC
e354f8ea cancel order
56d6d081 wants 727 DUC for 49.5 WIN.WICC
44db9b12 wants 14.55 WIN.WICC for 203.7 DUC
virtual paid 203.7 DUC for 14.55 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 14.55 WIN.WICC for 203.7 DUC
virtual cancel order
2364c562 wants 35 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
virtual paid 490 DUC for 35 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 35 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
a4f235e8 wants 693 DUC for 49.5 WIN.WICC
074e1e52 wants 14.55 WIN.WICC for 203.7 DUC
virtual paid 203.7 DUC for 14.55 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 14.55 WIN.WICC for 203.7 DUC
virtual cancel order
a649f8ee wants 35 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
virtual paid 490 DUC for 35 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 35 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
c46d7be1 wants 694 DUC for 49.6 WIN.WICC
5a19812d cancel order
95afa5e3 wants 720 DUC for 49 WIN.WICC
3109f030 wants 15.76 WIN.WICC for 228.5 DUC
virtual paid 228.5 DUC for 15.76 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 15.76 WIN.WICC for 228.5 DUC
virtual cancel order
0f963049 wants 33.9 WIN.WICC for 491 DUC
virtual paid 491 DUC for 33.9 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 33.9 WIN.WICC for 491 DUC
9913b9fb wants 720 DUC for 49.6 WIN.WICC
6ec4d5e5 wants 15.2 WIN.WICC for 220.5 DUC
virtual paid 220.5 DUC for 15.2 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 15.2 WIN.WICC for 220.5 DUC
virtual cancel order
6280c58e wants 33.8 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
virtual paid 490 DUC for 33.8 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 33.8 WIN.WICC for 490 DUC
d4af01b6 wants 710 DUC for 49 WIN.WICC
848b0bfa wants 15.8 WIN.WICC for 229 DUC
virtual paid 229 DUC for 15.8 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 15.8 WIN.WICC for 229 DUC
virtual cancel order
b572ca19 wants 33.9 WIN.WICC for 492 DUC
virtual paid 492 DUC for 33.9 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 33.9 WIN.WICC for 492 DUC
virtual paid 0.492 DUC for 0.0339 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 0.0339 WIN.WICC for 0.492 DUC
fcf764ea wants 492 DUC for 33.9 WIN.WICC
26d1198b wants 33.9 WIN.WICC for 492 DUC
virtual paid 492 DUC for 33.9 WIN.WICC
virtual paid 33.9 WIN.WICC for 492 DUC
2c2783e0 wants 721 DUC for 49.8 WIN.WICC
8123616d cancel order
c2dcf57a wants 295.6 DUC for 20 WIN.WICC
c3f162e9 wants 1.176 BTS for 2 DUC
virtual paid 2 DUC for 1.176 BTS