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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight27.84 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.04 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 27.83
ESCODEX.XBI 0.0000585
ESCODEX.SINS 0.00001234
8db90dc1 cancel order
7bd87ebe wants 277,431 ESCODEX.SINS for 27.8 BTS
d29b65d1 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
832ca994 sent 0.0379 ESCODEX.BTC to
a178b9ad cancel order
e97f9b67 wants 0.000862 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.236 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 1.236 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000862 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
204baf9d cancel order
58b7fe6d wants 0.0002195 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.315 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.315 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0002195 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
76d7d28e paid 1.094 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0004 ESCODEX.BTC
785b2d19 wants 112 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0365 ESCODEX.BTC
c4dcf2dc cancel order
fac2388d cancel order
968254cd wants 0.3145 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0001572 ESCODEX.BTC
26090b5b wants 0.0001575 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.315 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.315 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0001575 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 0.0001575 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.315 ESCODEX.SINS
d69a73ac wants 73 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0365 ESCODEX.BTC
5bd1dd1c cancel order
47041d68 sent 48.4 ESCODEX.LGS to
f6df844d paid 0.01596 ESCODEX.BTC for 48.5 ESCODEX.LGS
836dabdb wants 114 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0365 ESCODEX.BTC
bd36c5ec cancel order
df148116 wants 48.5 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01596 ESCODEX.BTC
e49d0a90 wants 0.0004 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.094 ESCODEX.LGS
3cb1370d cancel order
12254a01 wants 49.8 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01596 ESCODEX.BTC
4b2f8991 cancel order
718a55e5 cancel order
912ea909 wants 44.2 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0158 ESCODEX.BTC
d5249780 cancel order
43687f24 wants 0.474 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.000173 ESCODEX.BTC
95c75281 wants 0.0001735 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.3154 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.3154 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0001735 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 0.0001735 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.3154 ESCODEX.SINS
6093f59f wants 66.6 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0366 ESCODEX.BTC
ec21c5d9 wants 44.2 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0162 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0004 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.096 ESCODEX.LGS
565923c9 paid 0.1467 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00011 ESCODEX.BTC
eb0ef8c5 paid 0.000196 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.316 ESCODEX.SINS
62a55cd9 wants 0.316 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000196 ESCODEX.BTC
d4542f7e wants 0.001037 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.383 ESCODEX.SINS
8a17e282 paid 0.00074 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.384 ESCODEX.SINS
49044f9a wants 0.0000687 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.0953 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.0953 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0000687 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
8487e949 paid 0.000051 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.0954 ESCODEX.SINS
8e83406e paid 0.213 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0001277 ESCODEX.BTC
6fd9a653 wants 1.48 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000791 ESCODEX.BTC
57f137a9 paid 1.32 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.000792 ESCODEX.BTC
388cc0cb wants 0.00092 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.534 ESCODEX.SINS
ba9a0b15 cancel order
ab6cb172 wants 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.534 ESCODEX.SINS
9fee1339 sent 16.42 ESCODEX.LGS to
6a9c32b9 cancel order
6ddcb9c6 wants 1.535 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC for 1.535 ESCODEX.SINS
8d66ba85 cancel order
73c0d150 wants 1.778 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC
b43b9e6e cancel order
b03df476 wants 1.91 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC
d65276eb cancel order
90b0e04c wants 0.01004 ESCODEX.BTC for 16.42 ESCODEX.LGS
c2b723b7 cancel order
7d94b9d5 wants 0.00907 ESCODEX.BTC for 12 ESCODEX.SINS
ca005ec6 cancel order
900b4d54 wants 3.8 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00095 ESCODEX.BTC
caac21db sent 85.5 ESCODEX.LPC to
5c02876c wants 28.44 BTS for 0.000434 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.000434 ESCODEX.BTC for 28.44 BTS
b9dae6c6 wants 0.00907 ESCODEX.BTC for 12 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 0.0000529 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00000004 ESCODEX.BTC
39121d91 cancel order
f6520936 wants 0.00983 ESCODEX.BTC for 99.5 ESCODEX.LPC
virtual paid 14.03 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.001387 ESCODEX.BTC
2cc05609 cancel order
1bd539b0 paid 0.0091 ESCODEX.BTC for 16.45 ESCODEX.LGS
e007eb1d wants 0.01012 ESCODEX.BTC for 99.5 ESCODEX.LPC
149a52ce wants 16.45 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0091 ESCODEX.BTC
697bfe3a cancel order
44e47c3e wants 15.3 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0091 ESCODEX.BTC
565cb893 cancel order
c0e60c3c cancel order
a76c7817 wants 12.63 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0085 ESCODEX.BTC
92be744f wants 0.00852 ESCODEX.BTC for 12.18 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 12.18 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00852 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
37684a13 sent 182 ESCODEX.LPC to
bcb9cab2 wants 5.84 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.000593 ESCODEX.BTC
6ca0815a wants 129.7 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.01382 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00754 ESCODEX.BTC for 72 ESCODEX.LPC
virtual paid 0.00628 ESCODEX.BTC for 58.9 ESCODEX.LPC
30095e96 wants 0.01433 ESCODEX.BTC for 20.5 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 20.06 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.01403 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.438 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0003064 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
a6c80ede cancel order
963b2613 cancel order
89c0edf0 paid 0.00524 ESCODEX.BTC for 51.5 ESCODEX.LPC
a4de5781 wants 52.6 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.00535 ESCODEX.BTC
53440572 cancel order
d3e325ed wants 57.1 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.00535 ESCODEX.BTC
3d125dc9 cancel order
7b28dfc0 wants 0.016 ESCODEX.BTC for 20.5 ESCODEX.SINS
b2cc7025 cancel order
593cded6 wants 0.016 ESCODEX.BTC for 20.5 ESCODEX.SINS
6dcf7d4b wants 9 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.00535 ESCODEX.BTC
ac1e0ba6 paid 8.83 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00536 ESCODEX.BTC
23762200 wants 0.00536 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.83 ESCODEX.LGS
b0b23d58 paid 0.00511 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.84 ESCODEX.LGS
ced45397 sent 59.5 ESCODEX.LPC to
85c664be wants 8.84 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00511 ESCODEX.BTC
0155ac8c wants 59.6 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.00577 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00577 ESCODEX.BTC for 59.6 ESCODEX.LPC
96622bba cancel order
b44d9247 wants 177.6 ESCODEX.XBI for 0.01088 ESCODEX.BTC
52a25edd cancel order
550d539b sent 114.4 ESCODEX.LPC to
a94a90a2 wants 114.7 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.01136 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.01136 ESCODEX.BTC for 114.7 ESCODEX.LPC
8457fade wants 19.16 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01088 ESCODEX.BTC
45ffd9b5 sent 7.99 ESCODEX.OUR to
c461310b wants 8 ESCODEX.OUR for 0.0000808 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000808 ESCODEX.BTC for 8 ESCODEX.OUR
4c47533f cancel order
dad1d9d3 wants 38.2 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0223 ESCODEX.BTC
91644590 cancel order
301a9a1b wants 43.7 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0223 ESCODEX.BTC
a8e86d37 cancel order
486e8d30 cancel order
932fdfd0 sent 23.96 ESCODEX.LGS to
4dbb4ec7 wants 6.02 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.003 ESCODEX.BTC
ad91dad4 cancel order
791096c7 wants 24 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01268 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.01268 ESCODEX.BTC for 24 ESCODEX.LGS
18d04ebc cancel order
b3d3f54f wants 28.54 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0193 ESCODEX.BTC
ef574e4f wants 28 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0133 ESCODEX.BTC
af10b983 wants 5 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.002377 ESCODEX.BTC
fd88fa59 cancel order
20b7869e wants 31.7 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.02147 ESCODEX.BTC
9691b7d9 cancel order
63f16d7f wants 73.1 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.035 ESCODEX.BTC
7542ab0f sent 31.3 ESCODEX.LGS to
b4ab4c64 wants 31.35 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC for 31.35 ESCODEX.LGS
83363e4f cancel order
3962a327 wants 31.3 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
902b6982 cancel order
691e37c9 wants 2,409 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
7bbf1a49 cancel order
bc859da5 wants 2,334 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
3f191646 cancel order
4bdb02c0 wants 31 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
01a06c3a cancel order
47bc7033 wants 31.36 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01482 ESCODEX.BTC
59bfacff wants 0.01485 ESCODEX.BTC for 22.36 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 22.36 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.01485 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
5da78493 sent 31.3 ESCODEX.LGS to
6fc1a9f6 wants 31.4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01524 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.01524 ESCODEX.BTC for 31.4 ESCODEX.LGS
6945ae70 wants 0.0106 ESCODEX.BTC for 15.95 ESCODEX.SINS
virtual paid 15.95 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.0106 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
6e224f33 cancel order
65983f88 cancel order
45992c20 cancel order
07c86788 wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.0000585 ESCODEX.XBI
70b24393 cancel order
b8f3d3f0 wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.0000585 ESCODEX.XBI
9f6364c6 cancel order
59ebadf7 wants 0.00000001 ESCODEX.BTC for 0.0000585 ESCODEX.XBI
026ee652 wants 115.6 ESCODEX.XBI for 0.00466 ESCODEX.BTC
00b5863b cancel order
3570c96e wants 0.01276 ESCODEX.BTC for 15.95 ESCODEX.SINS
20513d26 wants 733 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.00466 ESCODEX.BTC
1fee7bce cancel order
13843370 wants 155 ESCODEX.XBI for 0.00466 ESCODEX.BTC
9449b5f3 cancel order
5279a5f2 paid 0.002068 ESCODEX.BTC for 312.4 ESCODEX.RVN
7dd55401 wants 312.4 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.002068 ESCODEX.BTC
f30ae13e paid 106.2 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.000684 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
0387edff wants 0.00207 ESCODEX.BTC for 322 ESCODEX.RVN
virtual paid 215.5 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.001388 ESCODEX.BTC
55cabab3 wants 322 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.00204 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00204 ESCODEX.BTC for 322 ESCODEX.RVN
53ffb45c cancel order
4b52268e paid 0.01977 ESCODEX.BTC for 42.1 ESCODEX.LGS
2fce49d7 wants 46.4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0218 ESCODEX.BTC
9fe4ef97 cancel order