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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.862 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.14 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.862
b8f3c1ed sent 23 BTS to
0c9770fd sent 93,391 ACRLL to
27f78e2f sent 10 ACRLL to
7ab7a6d1 wants 93,410 ACRLL for 51,170 CNY
virtual paid 1,120 CNY for 2,045 ACRLL
virtual paid 50,050 CNY for 91,366 ACRLL
32939631 sent 525 CNY to
66028a01 wants 51,747 CNY for 94,550 ACRLL
virtual paid 19,040 ACRLL for 10,421 CNY
virtual paid 75,509 ACRLL for 41,326 CNY
3a45fa4d paid 50,003 CNY for 94,559 ACRLL
416df42d wants 94,559 ACRLL for 50,003 CNY
b632ca4a sent 2 CNY to
9511c0bf sent 21,520 CNY to
da2c8edd sent 252 CNY to
a63d0ae2 wants 21,799 CNY for 46,889 ACRLL
virtual paid 46,889 ACRLL for 21,799 CNY
virtual cancel order
794c8d6c paid 20,961 CNY for 46,894 ACRLL
4cb0a514 wants 46,894 ACRLL for 20,961 CNY
551e0990 sent 300 CNY to
06363ad2 sent 249 CNY to
212df2d6 wants 21,532 CNY for 48,256 ACRLL
virtual paid 37,789 ACRLL for 16,861 CNY
virtual paid 10,468 ACRLL for 4,671 CNY
d8080980 paid 2,872 CNY for 6,694 ACRLL
c12f462c wants 48,261 ACRLL for 20,709 CNY
virtual paid 17,836 CNY for 41,567 ACRLL
c5e03264 sent 200 CNY to
ef1afc43 sent 20,000 CNY to
8f433df9 sent 499 CNY to
169f32e2 sent 1 CNY to
1660e14f wants 20,717 CNY for 48,371 ACRLL
virtual paid 48,371 ACRLL for 20,717 CNY
virtual cancel order
5eba6523 paid 20,100 CNY for 48,375 ACRLL
1bba9596 wants 48,375 ACRLL for 20,100 CNY