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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid30.44 BTS
ea880183 sent 1.59 BTS to
52b66beb sent 2,892 BTS to
0e5647d1 paid 455 CNY for 992 BTS
ff4f8667 paid 39.1 CNY for 85.1 BTS
c2b7543c paid 74.5 CNY for 162.3 BTS
5faf5c86 paid 39.1 CNY for 85.1 BTS
63f7ff92 paid 459 CNY for 1,001 BTS
c3548aff paid 34.3 CNY for 74.8 BTS
14a8247a wants 2,886 BTS for 1,324 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 21.8 BTS
2273ea25 paid 213 CNY for 464 BTS
0af42d0c cancel order
33f9f784 wants 3,203 BTS for 1,324 CNY
b4ab79e0 wants 1,294 CNY for 19,742,478 BTSUCN
virtual paid 19,296,525 BTSUCN for 1,295 CNY
virtual paid 445,952 BTSUCN for 29.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
18e40231 wants 0.424 CNY for 6,524 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,524 BTSUCN for 0.438 CNY
virtual cancel order
223e4265 sent 60 BTS to
4c029ff5 wants 71.4 BTS for 37.9 CNY
virtual paid 37.9 CNY for 71.4 BTS
d46273a6 wants 37.8 CNY for 506,579 BTSUCN
virtual paid 506,578 BTSUCN for 37.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
3f1fc818 wants 0.0184 CNY for 248.5 BTSUCN
virtual paid 248 BTSUCN for 0.0184 CNY
virtual cancel order
d9fffa96 sent 2,489 BTS to
e904eb39 wants 1,342 BTS for 517 CNY
virtual paid 517 CNY for 1,346 BTS
e637c31b cancel order
899573c2 cancel order
ce9319c4 wants 2,395 BTS for 920 CNY
virtual paid 343 CNY for 892 BTS
virtual paid 95.6 CNY for 249 BTS
60b03ef9 wants 910 CNY for 12,543,015 BTSUCN
virtual paid 12,543,014 BTSUCN for 920 CNY
virtual cancel order
7394e8d4 cancel order
d0494798 cancel order
dd9fab0e cancel order
d470f12f cancel order
27556eb3 cancel order
76c650df wants 12.77 CNY for 106,321 BTSUCN
090f7ae6 sent 3,243 BTS to
02459d50 paid 245 CNY for 1,706 BTS
cf2d9b7a wants 269 BTS for 35.7 CNY
1245294d paid 127,455 BTSUCN for 35.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
40ba3294 paid 75.7 BTSUCN for 0.0212 CNY
7b7f3203 paid 244 CNY for 1,540 BTS
414a8579 wants 1,540 BTS for 244 CNY
cac5bb8e paid 872,470 BTSUCN for 244.3 CNY
4116a1a6 wants 1,706 BTS for 245 CNY
bb3b4adc wants 280 CNY for 1,000,000 BTSUCN
f3cea5e3 paid 980,865 BTSUCN for 245 CNY
7dcbea44 wants 245 CNY for 980,865 BTSUCN
a00cc9c6 sent 664 BTS to
7eff5405 wants 89 CNY for 56,314 BTSUCN
959e16ba cancel order
1906a9b4 wants 89 CNY for 56,314 BTSUCN
8a9bb39a wants 664 BTS for 77.7 CNY
virtual paid 77.7 CNY for 664 BTS
f25b9f3e wants 77.8 CNY for 55,533 BTSUCN
virtual paid 55,533 BTSUCN for 77.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
a4bd829d cancel order
5c393cb9 sent 2,642 BTS to
1c8a80e1 wants 674 BTS for 78.8 CNY
virtual paid 78.8 CNY for 674 BTS
5ebffae2 cancel order
14c1f31a wants 680 BTS for 78.8 CNY
ef8b2cdd wants 78.6 CNY for 56,099 BTSUCN
virtual paid 56,099 BTSUCN for 78.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
1b598867 wants 0.3014 CNY for 215 BTSUCN
virtual paid 215 BTSUCN for 0.3014 CNY
virtual cancel order
9f1cac9b wants 273 CNY for 167,380 BTSUCN
b625bde8 wants 116 CNY for 55,533 BTSUCN
dff6d21c paid 1.381 CNY for 11.86 BTS
640d3eb1 wants 11.86 BTS for 1.381 CNY
25709da1 paid 665 BTSUCN for 1.383 CNY
f97c6d87 paid 228 CNY for 1,962 BTS
4f0f7c2b wants 1,962 BTS for 228 CNY
5ac821c5 wants 1.383 CNY for 665 BTSUCN
6255a2ae cancel order
39ae295d wants 228 CNY for 109,656 BTSUCN
virtual paid 109,656 BTSUCN for 228 CNY
virtual cancel order
ab22b317 wants 1.383 CNY for 665 BTSUCN
afc963b8 sent 8,260 BTS to
8094c0e7 paid 1.608 CNY for 13.64 BTS
d71fd8c4 wants 13.64 BTS for 1.608 CNY
e922972f wants 1.61 CNY for 746 BTSUCN
virtual paid 746 BTSUCN for 1.61 CNY
virtual cancel order
fab9ca5f wants 273 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
52591692 paid 401 CNY for 3,039 BTS
52cb21fe wants 3,039 BTS for 401 CNY
c0c57d04 paid 136,932 BTSUCN for 333 CNY
e5ae3058 paid 28,105 BTSUCN for 68.3 CNY
9f924165 wants 401 CNY for 165,037 BTSUCN
25cab7c8 paid 685 CNY for 5,209 BTS
65369ccf wants 5,209 BTS for 685 CNY
fe536d40 paid 54,752 BTSUCN for 135.8 CNY
e8864b51 sent 20,715 BTS to
e3199001 wants 135.8 CNY for 54,752 BTSUCN
861b7698 cancel order
5799cb0f wants 3,578 BTS for 550 CNY
53aff99f paid 106,317 BTSUCN for 276.4 CNY
27f14e62 paid 109,504 BTSUCN for 274 CNY
250e1e5e wants 274 CNY for 109,504 BTSUCN
640b3760 paid 8.28 CNY for 56.3 BTS
8405d765 paid 3,058 CNY for 20,661 BTS
5eb532b1 wants 20,661 BTS for 3,058 CNY
cc61ad6e cancel order
51663c35 wants 20,988 BTS for 3,058 CNY
aa4e7ab1 cancel order
af811867 wants 56.3 BTS for 8.28 CNY
0bcb9a73 paid 3,187 BTSUCN for 8.29 CNY
abcb1ba1 wants 284.7 CNY for 109,504 BTSUCN
d514eedb sent 10,190 BTS to
f0b2cd59 wants 20,988 BTS for 3,058 CNY
62637518 wants 1,360 CNY for 565,930 BTSUCN
virtual paid 565,930 BTSUCN for 1,360 CNY
virtual cancel order
355e1f17 wants 1,200 CNY for 393,417 BTSUCN
f2ca810b cancel order
72b5c2c2 cancel order
e34382a8 wants 11,582 BTS for 1,699 CNY
f4b0dc02 paid 329,560 BTSUCN for 1,018 CNY
6cf7d92c wants 1,018 CNY for 329,560 BTSUCN
f6f9d931 paid 514 BTSUCN for 1.564 CNY
3bf00a1a wants 1.564 CNY for 514 BTSUCN
4bc7ea58 paid 680 CNY for 4,502 BTS
e8a101ef paid 222,132 BTSUCN for 680 CNY
2a9db23a wants 680 CNY for 222,132 BTSUCN
a66ca553 wants 4,502 BTS for 680 CNY
11d9fe0c paid 3,614 BTSUCN for 11.1 CNY
a957a3ec paid 218,518 BTSUCN for 670 CNY
c943ba72 wants 670 CNY for 218,518 BTSUCN
03978b1d wants 11.1 CNY for 3,614 BTSUCN
3489da78 paid 1,035 CNY for 5,685 BTS
f817ec65 wants 5,685 BTS for 1,035 CNY
6e2cf564 wants 1,037 CNY for 333,198 BTSUCN
virtual paid 333,198 BTSUCN for 1,037 CNY
virtual cancel order
f2940125 sent 17,270 BTS to
6fce62af paid 386 CNY for 1,812 BTS
5811497a wants 3,532 BTS for 770 CNY
virtual paid 770 CNY for 3,532 BTS
72d2b2aa wants 770 CNY for 222,132 BTSUCN
virtual paid 222,132 BTSUCN for 770 CNY
virtual cancel order
3008c037 wants 1,812 BTS for 386 CNY
125c98c8 paid 111,066 BTSUCN for 387 CNY
cc9a2444 wants 387 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
d6e497c5 wants 6,216 BTS for 1,380 CNY
virtual paid 1,380 CNY for 6,219 BTS
cf759584 wants 411 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
e9bbfe6c paid 222,132 BTSUCN for 764 CNY
0c35936f wants 764 CNY for 222,132 BTSUCN
078b11da cancel order
440b5407 paid 195 CNY for 904 BTS
610d2f6b wants 922 CNY for 222,132 BTSUCN
e315f2f9 paid 168,161 BTSUCN for 617 CNY
4f204a26 wants 617 CNY for 168,161 BTSUCN
4a98f457 wants 904 BTS for 195 CNY
549593b0 paid 53,971 BTSUCN for 195 CNY
cb645372 wants 195 CNY for 53,971 BTSUCN
24f3c3d3 paid 1,075 CNY for 4,791 BTS
d1f95d50 wants 4,791 BTS for 1,075 CNY
7d0072cf cancel order
6d0d6554 wants 702 CNY for 222,132 BTSUCN
virtual paid 222,132 BTSUCN for 720 CNY
virtual cancel order
8729a1e7 cancel order
693311a6 cancel order
7b20cc5c wants 367 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
45aa5a37 wants 364 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
2740afc2 wants 1,592 BTS for 356 CNY
12d1ca21 paid 111,066 BTSUCN for 357 CNY
37e3fe63 wants 357 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
f959c70f sent 4,600 BTS to
359b6b44 wants 4,618 BTS for 1,041 CNY
virtual paid 1,041 CNY for 4,618 BTS
8a354f20 cancel order
953b3d83 wants 4,826 BTS for 1,041 CNY
86f4ed6b wants 350 CNY for 111,066 BTSUCN
virtual paid 111,066 BTSUCN for 350 CNY
7da986e1 paid 69,880 BTSUCN for 216.7 CNY
ea0a8d8b wants 216.7 CNY for 69,880 BTSUCN
700e0012 wants 127.7 CNY for 41,187 BTSUCN
virtual paid 41,186 BTSUCN for 127.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
1385479e paid 111,066 BTSUCN for 348 CNY
virtual cancel order