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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid15.2 BTS
feabf9a7 sent 89.8 BTS to
fe2c65ff wants 90.5 BTS for 43.9 CNY
ec8ab396 paid 43.9 CNY for 90.5 BTS
ffb1b523 cancel order
53d25a9c wants 99.2 BTS for 43.9 CNY
df38f684 cancel order
d83a7bee wants 99.4 BTS for 43.9 CNY
ebfd9ae1 wants 43.9 CNY for 593,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 593,203 BTSUCN for 43.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
56bb85d3 sent 53 BTS to
c41fd5fe paid 30.7 CNY for 54.5 BTS
462abf84 wants 54.5 BTS for 30.7 CNY
dfa79740 cancel order
09416e0b wants 55.3 BTS for 30.7 CNY
f4cd4720 cancel order
5ec22108 wants 58.5 BTS for 30.7 CNY
7d5a0433 sent 10 BTS to
8a1f4eb6 wants 31.6 CNY for 421,684 BTSUCN
virtual paid 421,684 BTSUCN for 31.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
e1fb6d92 sent 93 BTS to
dfb2f38d sent 2,200 BTS to
75e190fb wants 594 BTS for 90.2 CNY
virtual paid 90.2 CNY for 594 BTS
2797a25d wants 90.3 CNY for 31,236 BTSUCN
virtual paid 31,236 BTSUCN for 90.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
0e9d785f cancel order
f23b462a wants 93 CNY for 31,236 BTSUCN
03db6449 wants 882 BTS for 135.2 CNY
virtual paid 135.2 CNY for 885 BTS
061a0fef wants 21.74 CNY for 7,294 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,294 BTSUCN for 21.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
186e2d02 cancel order
f105d9dc wants 95.2 CNY for 31,235 BTSUCN
virtual paid 23,941 BTSUCN for 73 CNY
a9613720 wants 13.35 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 13.54 CNY
virtual cancel order
2939a8d4 cancel order
89e1101d wants 13.54 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
05964528 paid 7,808 BTSUCN for 27 CNY
d7e3b1f4 wants 27 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
7034603d wants 244 BTS for 54.2 CNY
virtual paid 54.2 CNY for 244 BTS
37f0c963 wants 26.8 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,808 BTSUCN for 28.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
cbdd83ea cancel order
08702764 wants 28.2 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
45d818ad wants 26.1 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 26.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
29bbb691 wants 116 BTS for 26.1 CNY
virtual paid 26.1 CNY for 116 BTS
53a2e524 wants 26.1 CNY for 7,808 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,808 BTSUCN for 26.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
6020333a paid 24.9 CNY for 109.6 BTS
335bf63d wants 109.6 BTS for 24.9 CNY
c543b766 wants 24.85 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 24.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
c44266e5 wants 53.8 BTS for 12.17 CNY
virtual paid 12.17 CNY for 53.8 BTS
c0babebe wants 12.1 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 12.18 CNY
virtual cancel order
f508f624 wants 160.4 BTS for 36.3 CNY
virtual paid 36.3 CNY for 160.4 BTS
922f2918 wants 36.1 CNY for 11,713 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,713 BTSUCN for 36.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
d35676b8 paid 24.07 CNY for 104.8 BTS
57155f0c wants 104.8 BTS for 24.07 CNY
304bac3c wants 24.1 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 24.1 CNY
virtual cancel order
13408100 wants 31.1 BTS for 12.03 CNY
virtual paid 12.03 CNY for 31.1 BTS
67a8a81c wants 12.04 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 12.04 CNY
virtual cancel order
62a155bd sent 180 BTS to
0c270407 wants 33.1 BTS for 12.38 CNY
virtual paid 12.38 CNY for 33.2 BTS
bb9e2138 cancel order
57042d68 wants 31.57 BTS for 11.73 CNY
virtual paid 11.73 CNY for 31.6 BTS
b6cc16ab wants 11.67 CNY for 3,787 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,787 BTSUCN for 11.74 CNY
virtual cancel order
0432038d cancel order
585ec48a wants 34.7 BTS for 12.38 CNY
7d2ff0b2 wants 11.74 CNY for 3,787 BTSUCN
b0885b32 wants 0.363 CNY for 117.2 BTSUCN
virtual paid 117.2 BTSUCN for 0.363 CNY
virtual cancel order
dde23bc5 wants 12.03 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 12.03 CNY
virtual cancel order
f99b1bea paid 12.29 CNY for 35 BTS
9bd6fb6d wants 35 BTS for 12.29 CNY
0353ce67 wants 12.07 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 12.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
85c436ed wants 35.4 BTS for 12.05 CNY
virtual paid 12.05 CNY for 35.4 BTS
6d6b1cd6 wants 12.03 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 12.06 CNY
virtual cancel order
64f27d64 cancel order
bcf85536 wants 12.06 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
f5448608 wants 43.1 BTS for 11.96 CNY
virtual paid 11.96 CNY for 43.1 BTS
320ff4da wants 11.97 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.97 CNY
virtual cancel order
46825765 sent 2,000 BTS to
ce9583f1 wants 34.8 BTS for 11.94 CNY
virtual paid 11.94 CNY for 34.8 BTS
58f6bd31 wants 11.95 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.95 CNY
virtual cancel order
c21d54dc wants 34.1 BTS for 11.87 CNY
virtual paid 11.87 CNY for 34.1 BTS
410b3d68 wants 11.88 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.88 CNY
virtual cancel order
1174682b wants 40.6 BTS for 11.9 CNY
virtual paid 11.9 CNY for 40.8 BTS
4f7aa732 cancel order
96697075 wants 40.2 BTS for 11.9 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 33.7 BTS
virtual paid 1.907 CNY for 6.43 BTS
df8907bc wants 11.92 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.92 CNY
virtual cancel order
223a0d49 wants 45.7 BTS for 11.9 CNY
386155ce paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.92 CNY
6b07a8de paid 23.8 CNY for 104.8 BTS
bcd243fa wants 11.92 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
98c97c98 wants 104.8 BTS for 23.8 CNY
844836e8 paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 23.84 CNY
de16f294 wants 23.84 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
5f051b79 wants 160 BTS for 36.3 CNY
virtual paid 36.3 CNY for 160.4 BTS
7462f194 paid 11,713 BTSUCN for 36.3 CNY
bed72b99 wants 36.3 CNY for 11,713 BTSUCN
9cad16f3 paid 23.9 CNY for 105.5 BTS
f75d5207 wants 105.5 BTS for 23.9 CNY
1d4aa464 paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 23.9 CNY
d3db2dc7 wants 23.9 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
5bf18acd wants 52.5 BTS for 11.93 CNY
virtual paid 11.93 CNY for 52.5 BTS
de86d686 cancel order
859c61ce wants 54.8 BTS for 11.93 CNY
544be32c paid 3,904 BTSUCN for 11.95 CNY
1fb0b91d wants 11.95 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
98083e9d wants 157 BTS for 35.9 CNY
76e4d025 paid 35.9 CNY for 157 BTS
62d1b0e1 wants 36 CNY for 11,713 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,713 BTSUCN for 36 CNY
virtual cancel order
76c4623e wants 103.6 BTS for 23.9 CNY
virtual paid 0.497 CNY for 2.155 BTS
virtual paid 23.26 CNY for 100.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.1555 CNY for 0.674 BTS
3677d680 wants 23.94 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 23.94 CNY
virtual cancel order
ac501c30 wants 96.4 BTS for 23.87 CNY
virtual paid 23.87 CNY for 96.4 BTS
16f4d8b4 paid 7,801 BTSUCN for 23.87 CNY
virtual paid 8 BTSUCN for 0.0245 CNY
99559f8f wants 23.87 CNY for 7,801 BTSUCN
06535b88 wants 0.0245 CNY for 8 BTSUCN
daac40f2 paid 11.87 CNY for 47.6 BTS
53874fc9 wants 47.7 BTS for 11.9 CNY
virtual paid 0.0298 CNY for 0.1196 BTS
fe7bca7b cancel order
7ff532f8 wants 48.6 BTS for 11.9 CNY
fae10938 paid 625 BTSUCN for 1.907 CNY
91e4e84c paid 3,279 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
a9218c46 wants 11.9 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
3af2ec89 cancel order
12ad755f wants 12.73 CNY for 3,904 BTSUCN
6590846a paid 23.82 CNY for 99.2 BTS
aa9a7fb9 wants 99.2 BTS for 23.82 CNY
90bba38b cancel order
3c29f5e8 wants 107.4 BTS for 23.82 CNY
11d7e1fa wants 23.8 CNY for 7,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,809 BTSUCN for 23.85 CNY
virtual cancel order
51df929d wants 106 BTS for 23.84 CNY
virtual paid 23.84 CNY for 106 BTS
622365e9 paid 6,986 BTSUCN for 21.35 CNY
virtual cancel order