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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid22.1 BTS
90aae9e8 sent 1,750 BTS to
cf04efab sent 10 BTS to
750852e3 cancel order
320d8009 paid 100 CNY for 175.4 BTS
0fc7eb9c wants 1,760 BTS for 1,004 CNY
virtual paid 199.4 CNY for 350 BTS
virtual paid 498 CNY for 873 BTS
259b51d5 paid 206.3 CNY for 362 BTS
1223233e wants 778 CNY for 11,714,758 BTSUCN
virtual paid 11,714,756 BTSUCN for 780 CNY
virtual cancel order
e8b42f28 cancel order
45841fb3 wants 785 CNY for 11,714,758 BTSUCN
d57ee698 cancel order
7883dd68 wants 1,003 CNY for 15,081,380 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,366,622 BTSUCN for 225.6 CNY
3cdcfebc sent 2,284 BTS to
d1341fa8 sent 20 BTS to
d19a1b23 wants 2,304 BTS for 1,163 CNY
virtual paid 505 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 658 CNY for 1,304 BTS
d5911ecb wants 1,162 CNY for 15,477,503 BTSUCN
virtual paid 168.5 BTSUCN for 0.0127 CNY
virtual paid 666,042 BTSUCN for 50.2 CNY
virtual paid 14,811,291 BTSUCN for 1,114 CNY
virtual cancel order
07421304 sent 37,440 BTS to
e9c4df4e wants 14,916 BTS for 1,865 CNY
virtual paid 1,001 CNY for 8,325 BTS
virtual paid 864 CNY for 7,189 BTS
eb936460 wants 1,800 CNY for 7,200,404 BTSUCN
virtual paid 791,406 BTSUCN for 209.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,132,075 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
virtual paid 1,153,846 BTSUCN for 300 CNY
virtual paid 1,002,558 BTSUCN for 258.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,006,459 BTSUCN for 258.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,010,391 BTSUCN for 258.7 CNY
virtual paid 1,103,668 BTSUCN for 281.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
11ea006d wants 1,998 BTS for 448 CNY
virtual paid 448 CNY for 1,998 BTS
cd40af31 wants 436 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 449 CNY
virtual cancel order
17ea1623 paid 1,125 CNY for 5,000 BTS
0d5ea3a2 paid 130.7 CNY for 581 BTS
76a08dfb wants 5,581 BTS for 1,256 CNY
9fb8abcf wants 426 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 426 CNY
virtual cancel order
87e1ba54 cancel order
28665ab3 wants 3,849 BTS for 830 CNY
ea83870e wants 831 CNY for 256,488 BTSUCN
virtual paid 256,488 BTSUCN for 831 CNY
virtual cancel order
86950c17 wants 3,620 BTS for 815 CNY
virtual paid 815 CNY for 3,620 BTS
7da14160 paid 256,488 BTSUCN for 816 CNY
b83481fe wants 816 CNY for 256,488 BTSUCN
0b88ca97 wants 1,761 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 397 CNY for 1,761 BTS
652cfbcb cancel order
479c6abd wants 1,842 BTS for 397 CNY
c2860a6a wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual cancel order
9c93566a paid 397 CNY for 1,759 BTS
a963c607 wants 1,759 BTS for 397 CNY
6b59e2d6 paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
46343e09 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
a5732a58 wants 7,163 BTS for 1,583 CNY
virtual paid 1,583 CNY for 7,197 BTS
0285b102 cancel order
0d0ce6ec wants 7,268 BTS for 1,583 CNY
2d1d05b4 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual cancel order
1c82373b paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 396 CNY
e1a6dbe9 wants 396 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
c8bcdc09 wants 396 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 396 CNY
virtual cancel order
4957f1c4 paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 396 CNY
3bd70a8a wants 396 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
d93a5f89 sent 14,150 BTS to
0030d63e sent 100 BTS to
bf2cc3be sent 100 BTS to
ae6d788a wants 14,347 BTS for 5,100 CNY
virtual paid 5,100 CNY for 14,367 BTS
57870932 wants 401 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 401 CNY
virtual cancel order
e4e409bf wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual cancel order
de469b12 wants 404 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 404 CNY
virtual cancel order
f4ec41f2 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual cancel order
66d20087 wants 395 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 395 CNY
virtual cancel order
6e65868d paid 125,445 BTSUCN for 393 CNY
virtual paid 2,799 BTSUCN for 8.76 CNY
09b5101a wants 393 CNY for 125,445 BTSUCN
f6aa4116 wants 8.76 CNY for 2,799 BTSUCN
f4580631 paid 128,040 BTSUCN for 397 CNY
virtual paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
3ce8bffb wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
e2a89e6a paid 204.3 BTSUCN for 0.633 CNY
5c98a366 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
82d4e4fe paid 256,488 BTSUCN for 795 CNY
538c097e wants 795 CNY for 256,488 BTSUCN
3abe0ee6 paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
virtual paid 232,400 BTSUCN for 720 CNY
16c797e9 sent 65,290 BTS to
50a2a875 sent 500 BTS to
88c0ac8a sent 100 BTS to
7287b543 wants 276 BTS for 74.6 CNY
virtual paid 74.6 CNY for 278.3 BTS
c5e1ed84 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
56a2d99f wants 720 CNY for 232,400 BTSUCN
d608197d paid 24,088 BTSUCN for 74.7 CNY
428bf734 wants 5,551 BTS for 1,258 CNY
virtual paid 1,258 CNY for 5,551 BTS
ff11186a wants 74.7 CNY for 24,088 BTSUCN
6e814842 paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
8811f755 paid 277,924 BTSUCN for 862 CNY
virtual cancel order
5a92e929 paid 328 CNY for 1,448 BTS
5fdb9420 wants 1,448 BTS for 328 CNY
770fd713 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
afe775e3 paid 297 BTSUCN for 0.92 CNY
f23ab94a paid 327 BTSUCN for 1.012 CNY
2296b8a9 paid 363 BTSUCN for 1.125 CNY
f38f48f2 paid 103,222 BTSUCN for 320 CNY
2a2a5244 paid 387 BTSUCN for 1.2 CNY
4c97c285 paid 198.7 BTSUCN for 0.616 CNY
8a246bb2 paid 176 BTSUCN for 0.545 CNY
cdf1604f paid 967 BTSUCN for 2.997 CNY
509b807b wants 1,190 CNY for 383,860 BTSUCN
3fb7d8ef cancel order
ce864dd5 wants 1,762 BTS for 400 CNY
virtual paid 400 CNY for 1,762 BTS
11d07a16 paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
42c361c4 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
f1876059 paid 872 BTSUCN for 2.72 CNY
832c4b09 wants 798 CNY for 255,616 BTSUCN
ed3180f5 wants 2.72 CNY for 872 BTSUCN
e79e2b47 wants 1,697 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 397 CNY for 1,697 BTS
ec16f1c2 paid 107,989 BTSUCN for 335 CNY
virtual cancel order
b3a7e1f6 paid 361 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
5cd33ced paid 179 BTSUCN for 0.555 CNY
fb75b30a paid 432 BTSUCN for 1.338 CNY
6ca605dc paid 365 BTSUCN for 1.13 CNY
d5cbb44d paid 365 BTSUCN for 1.133 CNY
460d571d paid 355 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
f2dec8ca paid 18,065 BTSUCN for 56 CNY
191a5c6b paid 134 BTSUCN for 0.416 CNY
a73b9548 wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
e495af93 wants 1,759 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 397 CNY for 1,759 BTS
c050d56c paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 398 CNY
d24fb00d wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
3ead9c9c wants 1,744 BTS for 402 CNY
virtual paid 230.4 CNY for 998 BTS
virtual paid 172 CNY for 746 BTS
c131bd0c paid 128,244 BTSUCN for 403 CNY
6267d6e4 wants 403 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
6955b742 wants 1,602 BTS for 397 CNY
virtual paid 397 CNY for 1,602 BTS
1fcbcc32 paid 11,689 BTSUCN for 36.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
a5e2eef5 paid 116,131 BTSUCN for 360 CNY
fb005357 paid 424 BTSUCN for 1.316 CNY
50f18afc wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
a3b8fc42 paid 397 CNY for 1,621 BTS
d9e27503 wants 1,621 BTS for 397 CNY
7f6a80a7 paid 101,915 BTSUCN for 316 CNY
fd8249b2 paid 15,689 BTSUCN for 48.6 CNY
d1d1dc6c cancel order
2d84a4d5 wants 365 CNY for 117,604 BTSUCN
1277e29f wants 10,630 BTSUCN for 33 CNY
c668576e cancel order
d60d9f9d wants 365 CNY for 117,604 BTSUCN
fc00d2ac cancel order
4c876003 wants 9.7 CNY for 3,129 BTSUCN
5ece1a6b paid 355 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
aa5ce5de wants 1.1 CNY for 355 BTSUCN
22ae4be8 cancel order
f435ee8b paid 10,286 BTSUCN for 31.9 CNY
00ccc67c wants 398 CNY for 128,244 BTSUCN
87fdaf3e paid 769 CNY for 3,056 BTS
2f497ceb paid 2,300 CNY for 9,140 BTS
9130011a paid 2,012 CNY for 7,995 BTS
cefec48f wants 20,191 BTS for 5,080 CNY