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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight228,801 BTS
Lifetime fees paid62.8 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 59.2
BTSUCN 1.174
1d290b78 sent 4,000 BTS to
aa76bc00 wants 3,971 BTS for 2,017 CNY
virtual paid 2,017 CNY for 3,971 BTS
d2449aad paid 25,335,013 BTSUCN for 1,691 CNY
virtual cancel order
f358878b wants 1,778 CNY for 26,643,189 BTSUCN
virtual paid 550,598 BTSUCN for 36.8 CNY
virtual paid 757,576 BTSUCN for 50.6 CNY
066c42ea cancel order
f3abc72f wants 1,785 CNY for 26,646,485 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,297 BTSUCN for 0.221 CNY
83b3d9c7 wants 151 CNY for 2,009,839 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,009,838 BTSUCN for 160.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
7fb8c0c5 wants 33.9 CNY for 463,809 BTSUCN
virtual paid 463,808 BTSUCN for 33.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
cb9c5dc0 paid 618,412 BTSUCN for 45.4 CNY
3237eaf2 wants 45.4 CNY for 618,412 BTSUCN
d990283e wants 85.1 BTS for 33.9 CNY
virtual paid 33.9 CNY for 85.1 BTS
d25c6294 wants 33.9 CNY for 463,808 BTSUCN
virtual paid 462,997 BTSUCN for 33.8 CNY
virtual paid 810 BTSUCN for 0.0592 CNY
virtual cancel order
2f74ce66 sent 230 BTS to
f6ac1715 wants 234.4 BTS for 87.4 CNY
virtual paid 87.4 CNY for 234.5 BTS
97343e87 wants 87.5 CNY for 1,198,562 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,198,562 BTSUCN for 87.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
851d38b8 sent 460 BTS to
49d84f75 wants 463 BTS for 134 CNY
virtual paid 134 CNY for 463 BTS
fe0cde02 paid 87,517 BTSUCN for 6.13 CNY
virtual cancel order
a9102824 paid 285,714 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
d125bff2 paid 285,714 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
6dcec9e3 paid 285,714 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
8f1989ea wants 133 CNY for 1,899,832 BTSUCN
virtual paid 955,172 BTSUCN for 67.9 CNY
137c8251 cancel order
0a0df65c wants 135 CNY for 1,899,832 BTSUCN
772f9373 sent 70 BTS to
9b0360ff sent 600 BTS to
7ba188b7 wants 591 BTS for 114 CNY
virtual paid 114 CNY for 591 BTS
d56be47f cancel order
59e8a8ce wants 743 BTS for 114 CNY
60c2de36 wants 114 CNY for 1,391,420 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,391,420 BTSUCN for 114 CNY
virtual cancel order
3da8bb0c sent 1,200 BTS to
ca262b84 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00049 BTS
e32e726d wants 1,258 BTS for 254 CNY
virtual paid 181.7 CNY for 900 BTS
613af1a7 paid 72.2 CNY for 358 BTS
1479ed31 cancel order
9a6311f8 wants 1,502 BTS for 254 CNY
86ba7710 paid 48,685 BTSUCN for 5.36 CNY
virtual cancel order
b8e7a458 paid 908,183 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
8bc778f6 paid 908,183 BTSUCN for 100 CNY
e24d8471 wants 205.4 CNY for 1,865,050 BTSUCN
e17b871e paid 8,373 BTSUCN for 1.767 CNY
4114f629 paid 222,749 BTSUCN for 47 CNY
574b261c wants 48.8 CNY for 231,122 BTSUCN
b9deba58 sent 1,100 BTS to
a80456f9 paid 79.4 CNY for 535 BTS
1c06d85a wants 1,118 BTS for 166 CNY
b45bc702 paid 37.2 CNY for 250.3 BTS
84cb978f paid 49.4 CNY for 333 BTS
a7b7bfff wants 166.2 CNY for 773,012 BTSUCN
virtual paid 773,012 BTSUCN for 166.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
27ba0f0c sent 1,700 BTS to
c99813c2 wants 1,695 BTS for 240 CNY
virtual paid 240 CNY for 1,695 BTS
4b2eaabe wants 136 CNY for 618,409 BTSUCN
virtual paid 618,409 BTSUCN for 136 CNY
virtual cancel order
d67faaf3 paid 19,362 BTSUCN for 4.36 CNY
virtual cancel order
fd873bb0 paid 88,889 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
4e0eaf87 paid 88,889 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
f4a5d927 paid 88,889 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
3c2a027c paid 88,889 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
2fbe3000 paid 88,889 BTSUCN for 20 CNY
37697ae1 wants 104.4 CNY for 463,806 BTSUCN
3ddfb283 sent 3,000 BTS to
795c317f wants 1,120 BTS for 178.4 CNY
virtual paid 178.4 CNY for 1,139 BTS
58984f6e wants 69.6 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 69.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
a11d309e paid 134,480 BTSUCN for 31.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
ad15eb2f paid 72,901 BTSUCN for 17.13 CNY
80084a58 paid 72,901 BTSUCN for 17.13 CNY
267a0f2f paid 72,901 BTSUCN for 17.13 CNY
5c417c52 paid 110,622 BTSUCN for 26 CNY
3e3c8e1e wants 109 CNY for 463,806 BTSUCN
06394ff5 wants 711 BTS for 108.9 CNY
e389352e paid 108.9 CNY for 711 BTS
738999bc wants 109 CNY for 463,806 BTSUCN
virtual paid 463,806 BTSUCN for 109 CNY
virtual cancel order
b99f7a19 paid 116 CNY for 696 BTS
9506c0e6 wants 696 BTS for 116 CNY
721d8d23 wants 77.3 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 77.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
4738c4e5 wants 38.8 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
virtual paid 154,602 BTSUCN for 38.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
4d73d5ad wants 309 BTS for 38.6 CNY
virtual paid 38.6 CNY for 312.3 BTS
2832e9fb wants 38.7 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
virtual paid 154,602 BTSUCN for 38.7 CNY
virtual cancel order
ddf5add4 sent 2,000 BTS to
7f9e3871 wants 2,116 BTS for 258.4 CNY
virtual paid 258.4 CNY for 2,119 BTS
5c54722a cancel order
758e5504 wants 2,119 BTS for 258.4 CNY
36b67df4 wants 77.3 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 77.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
6bea2945 cancel order
958735fb paid 192,862 BTSUCN for 49.2 CNY
2a4ee337 wants 49.2 CNY for 192,862 BTSUCN
d6c1dc1f cancel order
7f2c7453 wants 49.2 CNY for 192,862 BTSUCN
e3e9aa83 wants 1,140 BTS for 132 CNY
5e9e9cb5 wants 132.2 CNY for 463,807 BTSUCN
virtual paid 463,807 BTSUCN for 132.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
04412462 sent 3,500 BTS to
e3172379 wants 3,523 BTS for 447 CNY
virtual paid 447 CNY for 3,523 BTS
ab6f15e5 cancel order
0571d4cd wants 111.3 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 111.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
387563d0 wants 2,901 BTS for 336 CNY
07538731 cancel order
284ea4bf wants 2,658 BTS for 336 CNY
8128a3b9 cancel order
a1e0a7ac cancel order
dc611734 wants 1,732 BTS for 200.6 CNY
3057adb7 wants 201 CNY for 502,066 BTSUCN
virtual paid 502,066 BTSUCN for 201 CNY
virtual cancel order
d9542ba5 wants 1,169 BTS for 135.3 CNY
8f428651 wants 135.5 CNY for 270,944 BTSUCN
virtual paid 270,944 BTSUCN for 135.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
3050e1f8 sent 5,300 BTS to
359dc44f paid 185.3 CNY for 1,516 BTS
299b09be wants 1,516 BTS for 185.3 CNY
363e4076 cancel order
aa40b8e5 wants 1,490 BTS for 185.3 CNY
9fc4bbef cancel order
6862d3e6 wants 1,469 BTS for 185.3 CNY
8b68ac30 wants 185.5 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 185.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
05f5ec7f wants 3,786 BTS for 432 CNY
virtual paid 432 CNY for 3,786 BTS
a337e09d wants 433 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 433 CNY
virtual cancel order
47361e48 sent 9,700 BTS to
f38e4a67 wants 9,644 BTS for 1,161 CNY
virtual paid 1,161 CNY for 9,644 BTS
7e1d9cdc wants 519 CNY for 309,204 BTSUCN
virtual paid 309,204 BTSUCN for 519 CNY
virtual cancel order
5c15a656 paid 123,837 BTSUCN for 267.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
3ea1ab2e paid 519 BTSUCN for 1.12 CNY
01f52139 wants 334 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
virtual paid 30,246 BTSUCN for 65.3 CNY
47ca9070 paid 138,364 BTSUCN for 277 CNY
virtual cancel order
a415f0fc paid 550 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
06a75a19 wants 309 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15,688 BTSUCN for 31.4 CNY
005e73a4 sent 5,700 BTS to
83c822a4 paid 700 CNY for 5,730 BTS
67363fdc sent 5,500 BTS to
fbd03324 wants 5,730 BTS for 700 CNY
5a40e42e wants 360 CNY for 161,409 BTSUCN
virtual paid 161,409 BTSUCN for 362 CNY
virtual cancel order
fdb4f9a4 cancel order
1837b973 wants 355 CNY for 154,602 BTSUCN
virtual paid 147,795 BTSUCN for 340 CNY
ac8eddc9 wants 2,665 BTS for 364 CNY
virtual paid 364 CNY for 2,711 BTS