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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid42.9 BTS
c2dd09dc sent 405 BTS to
69eb08ae wants 398 BTS for 195 CNY
virtual paid 23.2 CNY for 48.2 BTS
virtual paid 15.4 CNY for 32 BTS
virtual paid 156.3 CNY for 324 BTS
cdbfafdb wants 195 CNY for 2,632,883 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,632,882 BTSUCN for 195 CNY
virtual cancel order
c647541b sent 2,475,771 BTSUCN to
97095805 sent 157,111 BTSUCN to
f56b848e sent 135 BTS to
00f081f4 wants 91.6 BTS for 38.9 CNY
virtual paid 38.9 CNY for 93 BTS
8916b9a3 wants 38.6 CNY for 529,124 BTSUCN
virtual paid 529,123 BTSUCN for 38.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
a6d909de wants 0.358 CNY for 5,052 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,052 BTSUCN for 0.369 CNY
virtual cancel order
c75cfaf3 wants 32 BTS for 5.68 CNY
virtual paid 5.68 CNY for 32.1 BTS
86ae58a1 wants 2.042 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15,711 BTSUCN for 2.357 CNY
virtual cancel order
b2c1fde7 cancel order
c24fb85a wants 2.357 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
8ccd541b sent 800 BTS to
9a86f731 wants 3.32 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15,711 BTSUCN for 3.33 CNY
virtual cancel order
d728323c wants 89 BTS for 13.43 CNY
virtual paid 13.43 CNY for 89.3 BTS
4d07b3fe wants 13.39 CNY for 62,844 BTSUCN
virtual paid 62,844 BTSUCN for 13.45 CNY
virtual cancel order
e3ebc0bc wants 562 BTS for 80.9 CNY
virtual paid 80.9 CNY for 577 BTS
c40537f3 wants 81 CNY for 367,933 BTSUCN
virtual paid 367,933 BTSUCN for 81 CNY
virtual cancel order
2129b9d4 wants 46.1 BTS for 7.28 CNY
virtual paid 7.28 CNY for 46.1 BTS
2c55a914 wants 7.12 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
virtual paid 31,422 BTSUCN for 7.12 CNY
virtual cancel order
28f010a8 cancel order
74147074 wants 108 BTS for 17.04 CNY
cadceec8 paid 17.04 CNY for 108 BTS
a15f7075 wants 7.23 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
e965de10 cancel order
9a08d3c1 wants 7.86 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
8309f1be cancel order
bf4be84d wants 7.86 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
d93730e1 paid 106.9 BTS for 17.23 CNY
992c0164 wants 17.23 CNY for 106.9 BTS
e02d2141 sent 20 BTS to
1b76c0bc sent 2,000,000 BTSUCN to
a30d37ae cancel order
403b0c21 wants 500 CNY for 2,000,000 BTSUCN
53a138da wants 105.7 BTS for 16.9 CNY
virtual paid 16.9 CNY for 105.8 BTS
b9126fe2 wants 16.53 CNY for 75,129 BTSUCN
virtual paid 75,129 BTSUCN for 16.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
53aa55f4 sent 3,700 BTS to
993a560a wants 1,662 BTS for 267 CNY
4fbf2c81 paid 160.7 CNY for 1,001 BTS
e44737d1 paid 106.1 CNY for 661 BTS
e06a20c2 cancel order
56bafaa6 wants 3,668 BTS for 587 CNY
virtual paid 320 CNY for 2,000 BTS
0048a204 cancel order
e558fd35 wants 3,691 BTS for 587 CNY
b34d3dc9 cancel order
732fd2b7 wants 3,691 BTS for 587 CNY
1e900213 wants 588 CNY for 2,500,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,500,000 BTSUCN for 588 CNY
d1cfdd00 sent 3,800 BTS to
f4ef1ecd wants 68.5 BTS for 11.07 CNY
861f25be paid 11.07 CNY for 68.5 BTS
240d7ceb paid 1,192 BTSUCN for 0.28 CNY
a11d309e paid 45,941 BTSUCN for 10.8 CNY
3a1497b4 paid 158.6 CNY for 1,001 BTS
40e60b8b paid 158.6 CNY for 1,001 BTS
c9c08016 paid 158.6 CNY for 1,001 BTS
23df1488 paid 111.1 CNY for 701 BTS
d4b23f0e wants 3,704 BTS for 587 CNY
4b5eb0d4 cancel order
a43cce11 wants 3,733 BTS for 587 CNY
33c3582a cancel order
f8a97fef wants 11.08 CNY for 47,133 BTSUCN
094e742a wants 3,733 BTS for 587 CNY
d5c6683e cancel order
4cf45751 wants 588 CNY for 2,500,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,500,000 BTSUCN for 588 CNY
a218558f wants 11.79 CNY for 47,133 BTSUCN
f0e7a2ac wants 68.6 BTS for 11.77 CNY
virtual paid 11.77 CNY for 68.9 BTS
ab6279fd wants 11.78 CNY for 47,133 BTSUCN
virtual paid 47,133 BTSUCN for 11.78 CNY
virtual cancel order
d4598103 sent 5,000 BTS to
deae9646 wants 3,435 BTS for 554 CNY
virtual paid 141.3 CNY for 900 BTS
virtual paid 412 CNY for 2,612 BTS
1fefb734 cancel order
e25bb22c wants 3,712 BTS for 554 CNY
0ce72566 cancel order
0ce3db95 wants 3,683 BTS for 554 CNY
f44ecc5a cancel order
fd4cd4bc wants 5,039 BTS for 758 CNY
15bd7975 paid 204 CNY for 1,356 BTS
3ccc200e cancel order
eda0c492 wants 5,110 BTS for 758 CNY
d5decfe6 wants 62.2 CNY for 248,738 BTSUCN
virtual paid 248,738 BTSUCN for 62.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
9ba8fc25 cancel order
0f3c74a1 wants 750 CNY for 3,000,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,751,263 BTSUCN for 688 CNY
e937c2e2 wants 7.86 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
virtual paid 31,422 BTSUCN for 7.86 CNY
virtual cancel order
5b8e624b paid 15.75 CNY for 129.6 BTS
ee109410 sent 400 BTS to
95fee6f0 wants 129.6 BTS for 15.75 CNY
17ac31e0 wants 15.7 CNY for 62,844 BTSUCN
virtual paid 62,844 BTSUCN for 15.77 CNY
virtual cancel order
d0ac9ef8 wants 222.4 BTS for 27.46 CNY
virtual paid 27.46 CNY for 222.6 BTS
68a4cb85 wants 25.9 CNY for 78,555 BTSUCN
virtual paid 78,555 BTSUCN for 27.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
c365fec1 sent 700 BTS to
c0199e6a wants 147.8 BTS for 18.83 CNY
virtual paid 18.83 CNY for 147.8 BTS
e82b33ad wants 18.85 CNY for 47,133 BTSUCN
virtual paid 47,133 BTSUCN for 18.85 CNY
virtual cancel order
f71dfae5 paid 76.9 CNY for 695 BTS
89c3bb8f wants 695 BTS for 76.9 CNY
11003b5c wants 71.5 CNY for 109,977 BTSUCN
virtual paid 109,977 BTSUCN for 77 CNY
virtual cancel order
592c2d25 sent 5,500 BTS to
2ba42786 wants 5,463 BTS for 692 CNY
virtual paid 75.6 CNY for 614 BTS
virtual paid 617 CNY for 4,937 BTS
717ab030 cancel order
85ab290c wants 2.405 CNY for 19.5 BTS
48fd8f98 cancel order
8cad222b wants 5,582 BTS for 692 CNY
5a118a84 cancel order
a791b8f2 wants 5,664 BTS for 692 CNY
554e5b79 cancel order
7d625c9f wants 5,663 BTS for 692 CNY
4de07ce3 wants 690 CNY for 296,176 BTSUCN
virtual paid 296,176 BTSUCN for 693 CNY
virtual cancel order
2bc78bb4 cancel order
2f3bc1b0 wants 697 CNY for 296,176 BTSUCN
d5206b68 cancel order
f832f77c cancel order
a6537e38 wants 620 CNY for 249,043 BTSUCN
7d8d25fa wants 217,006 BTSUCN for 538 CNY
virtual paid 538 CNY for 217,621 BTSUCN
9785baf7 wants 537 CNY for 4,272 BTS
virtual paid 4,272 BTS for 538 CNY
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 552 CNY for 4,263 BTS
0d525037 wants 117.8 CNY for 47,133 BTSUCN
f9a4a18f wants 4,263 BTS for 552 CNY
34632d8d paid 219,954 BTSUCN for 552 CNY
0bb70809 wants 552 CNY for 219,954 BTSUCN
0bd67141 cancel order
f8379dba wants 258 CNY for 100,477 BTSUCN
75498025 sent 290 CNY to
b8e61de0 wants 95.9 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
virtual paid 31,422 BTSUCN for 95.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
25771d6e wants 50.4 CNY for 333 BTS
virtual paid 333 BTS for 50.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
38f71259 wants 96.2 CNY for 31,422 BTSUCN
virtual paid 31,422 BTSUCN for 96.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
11d9fe0c paid 15,711 BTSUCN for 48.2 CNY
93136ad4 wants 48.2 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
f9ee1bdb cancel order
210bc860 wants 48.2 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
0d93c2dd paid 48.6 CNY for 315.6 BTS
db5f560a wants 315.6 BTS for 48.6 CNY
c317e8c7 wants 48.7 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
virtual paid 15,711 BTSUCN for 48.7 CNY
2b9df329 sent 78,555 BTSUCN to
eca07a3e sent 2,100 BTS to
eb52f978 wants 2,121 BTS for 462 CNY
virtual paid 462 CNY for 2,121 BTS
440e87c9 paid 15,711 BTSUCN for 54.5 CNY
a0cf8dcd wants 54.5 CNY for 15,711 BTSUCN
68335bdd cancel order